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Review (8)
是日的 happy hour 是在橫風橫雨的前夕,幸好地點是在中環擺花街的潮 Bar 「Hyde」,只是在辦公室附近,才不至於變「落湯雞」。室內裝潢很潮,是朋友聚會的好地方。一杯 welcome drink,一杯要自費的白酒。白酒的味道是清酸怡人,帶很重的果香,算飲得過。就這樣渡過了一個愉快的晚上! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-07-24
First time trying out this reataurant, most impressed by the cozy ambience and esp the snooker table as decor. Tried 2 lunch set with friend, started by all-you-can-eat salad with more than 10 toppings & 3 choices of dressing. We didn't choose the soup of the day coz "beetroot potato soup" doesn't sounds really luring to us. Salad buffet: suggest to provide more kinds of topping, the freshness of ingredients score most, e.g. salami, cheese, beaconMain course - Sirloin : appreciate the techniques in cooking the side-dish, e.g. baked tomato & pumpkin. The vinegar + honey sauce accompanying the potato are impressive. However, the sirloin is a bit overcooked, making it less than juicyMain course - Burger + fries: stunned by the size of burger full of different kinds of ingredients, e.g. beacon, egg, chicken breast, veggie, avocado+tomato, very nice! Suggest to make it more hot before dishing out , and try using chicken leg meats instead of breast meat to make it more juicy dessert: not-too-special one, the cream is too sugary >< continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-05-07
I was surprised that friend booked her for lunch as I always regard this place as a bar. It is actually, but 3F is opened lunch hr provising semi- buffet set lunch including: self-served soup and salad bar: mushroom soup is just soso, a bit too sticky and heavy. Salad bar got around 10 selection just plain cabbrage, cucumber, tomato, sausage, etc. nothing specialmain course vary from 78-108 on set lunch price. I picked grilled salmon served with potato. Though portion wise not that generous, the salmon is fresh and well grilled, sauce a bit too salty. dessert just very small chocolate brownie again flavor is just plain. coffee was strong. environment is casual and table setting is spacious and sparse. but most high table so not good for ladies in dress. service needs to be improved. Overall OK selection for set lunch in central given the cheap price. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-03-14
雖然我自己也在寫blog,可是其他食家的blog我很少看,因為沒時間,有時候心血來潮就會一口氣看完他們幾個月的entry,只是有什麼新推介都已經過氣了。還好這個世界有fb,每天都會check facebook的我就是看到某個食家post了一條blog link才知道這裡,過了幾天我就忍不住訂了星期五晚的檯。 我不喝酒的,所以很少去酒吧,一開始還擔心這裡會不會很吵,沒想到這裡給我的感覺很舒服,檯與檯之間不會太擠,有足夠的空間讓你跟朋友們談天,也不需要拉高嗓子大喊才聽到對方說什麼。我們坐在裡面的位置,前面有三張桌球檯供客人玩的,我也很久沒有玩過了,不過肚子餓,還是先吃東西。不知道今天供應是那幾款tapas,不過我們一安頓好侍應就說不如先來一round tapas吧。這樣也好,反正先全部試一試,有那款好吃的就再點。Croquetas炸火腿薯餅。裡面有混合了芝士、火腿等的薯蓉,再炸成薯餅。外層炸得香脆,一點也不油膩,連一向對煎炸食物避之則吉的鬆弛也大讚,另外配搭的黑松露蜜糖醬,香甜的味道令薯餅的好吃增加,之後我們還用餘下的醬醮薯條來吃呢。可惜一客只有兩件,再追加都已經沽清了,可想而知有多好吃。Albóndigas,在西班牙語裡即是肉丸,不過我其實不肯定是什麼肉,第一round的丸子很羶,我和鬆弛都覺得是羊肉,肉質鬆軟多汁,配上以蕃茄為主的開胃醬汁和帶點墨西哥風味的香草醬,一口一顆,非常滿足。可是第二round的肉就沒有羶味,比較像豬肉,有點可惜的是肉質變實變乾,沒第一round般好吃。炒雜菇。是比較沒什麼特色,但也不是不好吃的了,不過不明白為何裡面要加入多士,如果放在旁邊想客人配雜菇同吃還可以理解,就這樣混在雜菇堆中就較為奇怪。脆豬腩肉條。不要被相片誤導以為豬腩肉很乾,其實是相當的脆,肥瘦均勻,配上有點像泰式炸蝦餅會醮的甜醬,雖然鬆弛就覺得皮的部份有點過硬,不過整體來說是很不錯呢。 辣汁檸檬雞肉。雞肉是雞胸肉,不是嫰滑的,不過也不算鞋。不要看上面有一條小辣椒就以為很辣,其實一點也不辣,帶少少酸,有點印度風味。吃到最後我連下面的菜葉也清掉, 可見我真的很喜歡這個醬汁。雖然只是普通的薯條,不過新鮮炸好,上面又灑了少許黑松露, 連有點喉嚨痛的我也忍不住吃了一盤。橄欖油蕃茄多士。雖然是很簡單的一道小吃,不過大部份的tapas都較濃味,所以吃一塊味道清爽的蕃茄多士,可以中和一下,繼續大吃特吃。九點前還是happy hour時段,所以我們就點了兩杯mocktail,特價了也只是四十多元,而且清新果味很好喝。就這樣兩個人喝著吃著,過了一個愉快的晚上,真沒想到在酒吧裡會吃到水準如此不錯的tapas。我和鬆弛都極愛吃tapas,先不談質素,在中環能以每位$88+10%的價錢任食實在是非常抵,普通單點一款也要四五十元吧,現在每天有八款,每款吃一次也有賺了。不知道是不是因為是星期五的關係,我們七點半到達,有其中一款蟹肉釀青瓜的已經沽清,而第1輪吃到的炸火腿薯餅也沒法吃到第2輪了。是次吃得實在很滿意,急不及待問一侍應每天款式供應的情況,她說供應時間為星期一至五的下午三點至晚上九點,基本上除了薯條之外,每天供應的tapas都不同,所以下一次我只要不是星期五來的話,就可以試到別的咯!!(暫時不能確定是不是真的,因為食家的blog裡只寫有21款,如果每天都有薯條的話,即另有七款是不一樣的,計起上來應該有35款才對呢~)不過也沒所謂,因為環境、價錢和食物質素已足夠讓我再來了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-01-28
I orderd a lunch set inc salada, soup, main dish, dessert and a drink. Everything was very nice and had a good service from the waiters. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)