From the hot and spicy flavors of authentic Sichuan dishes to the fresh, natural tastes of Cantonese cuisine, the specialty restaurant duo in Hong Kong’s hottest luxury shopping mall of IFC features two of china’s star cuisines, each presented in a fresh new style. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:30
19:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fry fried white perch from Chile Crab claws Lumiere Appetizer Braised abalone from south africa with Mushroom
Review (26)
Level2 2009-06-18
本來打電話去book brunch ga,點知佢話取消,而家冇做brunch la,因為亮明居7月1號裝修,裝修完轉法國菜,而家只可睇menu叫,不過連 set lunch 都冇,真可惜,但係佢同我講可以叫國金軒個 set lunch,都好ah好個冇,不過我都唔知食評應該寫亮明居or國金軒好,坐就坐係亮明居,叫就叫國金軒個set lunch,是但la乳豬叉燒拼盆....乳豬脆皮,叉燒半肥廋人參雞湯魚翅....有好多魚翅,雞湯鮮甜可自選三款小菜,我選 欖菜蜜豆龍脷柳.........龍脷柳煎得剛好唔會鞋口 鮮百合炒蝦球........蝦球爽口彈牙 帶子螺片.........帶子,螺片鮮甜沙爹豚肉炆米........沙爹味好香,豚肉又滑,米粉炆得入味甜品..........芒果卷,奶皇飽每位$399 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-03-30
十二月二十八‧寒冷 七時許,還沒收工,約了老朋友,最好的是找處地方喝一杯。際此鼠年將未,也找一處好一點的地方。原來去Blue Bar也好,但星期五是jazz night,我們也好靜,就來了這裡。 選了埋邊的高檯,檯面寬敞,高椅舒適,對著偌大的吧檯,180度維港景致,環境一流。先來點喝的,朋友要了virgin mogito,我則想喝威士忌,就隨手選了Macallen 12年。朋友的沒酒精mogito大大棵薄荷葉,很「綠色」,而我的麥高倫口感圓混,沉香深陳,也非常好。大家碰杯,希望鼠年不快事快過去,牛年一切順利。 有喝的也要有吃的,先在小吃餐牌選來怪味鱔。將上了糖的脆鱔放在挖空了的黃瓜兜子上,賣相精緻,非常的討好。鱔是即炸的,吃起來熱辣脆口,配上青爽的黃瓜,無論在味道及口感的配合也恰到好處。一客六件,份量剛好,值得一吃; 拿餐牌來研究,發現幾款前菜也頗吸引,就要了個廚師前菜併盤來試一試。這個併盤有三味前菜,分別是香酥鵝肝、手撕龍蝦及燈影牛。是二人份量的,一客兩件,在長碟子上,擺放得也很美觀。依照侍者的意見,先吃手撕龍蝦。幾奇怪,單吃上面的龍蝦絲是有點腥味,但配合下面的切粒泰式雜菜同吃,酸辣的味道又剛好中和了蝦的微腥味,還帶出鮮甜,不錯;再吃香酥鵝肝,是一片紅莓慕絲夾上一片鵝肝醬,紅莓慕絲的甜酸味也恰好的平衡了鵝肝的濃膩感,兩片薄薄的,作為下酒小吃,剛剛好;最後吃燈影牛,這裡的燈影牛是「乾脆版」,吃起來沒有乾牛肉的質感,卻換來了香脆口感,味道甜中帶辣,跟我的12年麥高倫出奇的搭檔,美味; 吃完最後一塊牛肉,公司連環致電,要回工作崗位了。 侍者服務很好,埋單三百八,計及環境及食物水準,絕對是合理價錢。總覺得這裡的食物還可以再好,但來喝杯東西,吃點小吃,是很不錯的。 祝 牛年好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2009-03-25
Last week we went for dinner to celebrate our anniversary... A lady greeting us at the reception very professional checking our booking and bring us to the table.While arrived, there were no waiter came to our table ASAP to serve us.. We need to rising our hands to let them know.During ordering , we ordered dan dan noodle , chilli oil fish and chilli chicken as the starter.Very food taste from those food, but lack of service during 2230 while we want to have some dessert.Price is value on money and we will come again , but service need more improve. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
A birthday dinner gathering with 6 people at Lumiere IFC last sat been told it offers a Fusion/Sichuan . A very first time for me, and I like the decor and ambiance of the restaurant and it's also a pleasure to be seated by the window over looking the Victoria HarbourA complementary welcome cocktail, a Water-melon/Vodka with Cocoa Powder taste funny for sure not eveyone's cup of tea, but a really nice touch from the restaurantWe had 3 appertizers a chicken roll with special sauce, fried vegetable roll and a deep fried taro ball with pork...all tasty though not superb ,with very nice presentation. And the server also recommanded an australian white wine which taste very floral.We also ordered a couple of very basic dishes like Ma Po Tofu(麻婆豆腐), Fish fillet in chiili(水煮魚), Stir fried chicken with chilli paste(醬爆雞),Pork in chilli sauce(魚香肉絲) which went well with steam rice, Dan Dan Noodle(擔擔麵) came in a lovely bowl ,and the taste was satisfactory. And the Pan -fried dumpling( 煎餃子) presented upside down which looked like a fan.We had our birthday cake with the complementary Chilli Ice-cream(辣椒味雪糕), which is actually a Vanila Ice-cream with chilli taste however you won't taste the sensation until you swallow the ice-cream which is very interesting.....Overall quite an enjoyable dinner. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-12-17
來過兩遍,第一次是晚膳,第二次則是午餐這次寫的則是午餐.剛坐下,侍應問我要不要果汁(refill-able),那日的果汁是芒果汁+石榴汁. 我不清楚石榴的味道,但我覺得芒果味較重,像是一杯芒果汁而已.午餐以set lunch 為主,百多元一個3 courses meal. 不算得特別貴.但我對着menu卻久久想不出要點什麼. Starter 的選擇有湯,中式點心和日式天婦羅. 我和另一位同事要了天婦羅,外藉同事則要了點心. 點心以傳統的小籠呈上,賣相不俗,能討外藉人士歡心. 但我們這些土生土長人士,吃多了點心,反而想吃別的,況且,我總認為這裏的點心不會太正宗.日式天婦羅分別有兩隻蝦,茄子,賣相不討好,炸粉很厚,很實. 而蝦亦談不上鮮甜. 用來蘸天婦羅的醬汁亦不是日式,而是泰式的酸辣醬,整個感覺,較似吃泰式炸蝦餅.主菜有三種選擇,我點的是半邊龍蝦伴猫耳粉. 半邊龍被開邊,淡而無味,可幸肉質不差,尚算夾口. 醬汁則是黃色忌廉汁,很淡,沒任何味道可言. 猫耳粉形態特別,但由於醬汁淡口,有點可惜. 醬汁內還有些薯仔粒,很飽滯.另外兩位同事要了煎牛肉卷併意粉 - 賣相不討好,且聽聞牛肉很嚡.甜品分別有泰式芒果糯米飯,美式芝士餅和水果拼盤.女孩子都要了美式芝士餅,整個午餐最好的就是這個了. 芝士餅味道正常,還有士多啤梨伴碟.水果拼盤似水果沙律.對上一次來是晚膳. 坐於窗邊,能飽覽維港夜景,景色怡人.那次要了一道煎石斑魚柳,魚柳很嫩滑,味道很好. 甜品則要了朱古力雲吞,sauce則是芒果汁,驚喜很大. 比起這次午餐好很多倍,難道set meal 真的質素較差嗎?兩次飯聚都是跟同事前往,說真,要是只有我跟朋友,不會來這地方,這種fusion菜,恕我未懂欣賞. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)