2-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Critically acclaimed chef, restaurateur, award-winning author and television personality, Mario Batali is one of the most recognised and respected chefs working in America today. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Ricotta cheese balls with sweet fennel sausage 其名菜包括萵苣菜核桃配Pecorino芝士沙律 dates with Mascarpone cheese 香煎脆鴨伴婆羅門參及濃葡萄醬
Review (55)
Level2 2016-05-21
had a Semi lunch buffet with a friend! Reservation process is smooth. great value in terms of food when paying 400 in Central for a semi buffet. variety of food including Oster, Shrimp, Cold Cut etc are comparble to any lunch buffet offered in 6 stars hotel. main course. we ordered Carbonara and Four cheese Pizza! both taste greatfood are fresh and solid tasting!  unfortunately, service is far away from upto standard- we ordered two omelett and it never comes after half an hour so we checked out with one of the waiters. end up they said they have already delivered but 'we' rejected so they threw everything on garbage! I am like huh??? we never get anything and no one at all following up our main courses at all- not withstanding all the mistakes made, at the time of paying bills, the waiter still 'emphasize' that there is a tips section on the credit bill for waiter. 😵just improve the service will make the whole package much much better. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-05-17
昨晚吃飯, 先進室內用餐, 食物飲品服務都不錯. 飯後轉了出去室外座位, 喝酒聊天, 環境都不錯. 結帳時, 問題出現了! 因為想省時, 我把信用卡交給侍應. 單來了, 我隨便看一看, 發現他們多收了一杯啤酒錢. 我即時提出, 侍應拿著單轉身而去. 轉身時, 他把我的信用卡個單都弄跌了在地上, 並沒有即時拾起, 便走了去改單. 直到他回來時, 他從地上拾起我的卡, 再拿去轆. 全程一句多謝一句唔好意思都冇, 仲要好粗暴的把我的信用卡暴屍地上最少五分鐘. 難以想像在中環一家這種級數的餐廳會有這種服務. 我大慨不會再去了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The interior design and atmosphere is attractively done, to convey the feeling of an Italian building with a chunky timbered ceilings, there is also a very attractive outdoor gallery area which would be nice for drinks. The service was efficient friendly and impeccable. The buffet lunch is very nice with a good spread of Italian dishes both meat, fish and vegetarian so plenty of options for all diners. Sadly the main courses were not up to scratch for expensive restaurant, the chicken was over cooked and dry. The fish was OK however the vegetables with it were bitter. The desert buffet was nice with nice selection of typical dishes including Tiramisu. Lunch was followed with a cappuccino which was at first bitter but was smoother as it was drunk, however in these days gourmet coffees the barista could have either put a pattern or made a tidier top the coffee, it gave one the impression it had bee rushed. Overall a great buffet with great deserts, but skip the main course which was underwhelming to say the least given the price! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Lupa, with Chef Mario Batali's name behind it, has long been a restaurant I've wanted to try. Imagine my excitement when I found out it was on the list of establishments for Super Monday!We visited the establishment twice. I had the Tonnarelli Al Granchio (spicy crab) pasta the first time, and the wild boar pasta the second time. The texture of the pasta somehow felt a bit like Chinese noodles to me. I somewhat prefer more egg in my pasta. Out of the two dishes, I definitely prefer the former. The wild boar pasta was a bit too acidic for my liking.My partner had the Linguine All'Astice (lobster) both times. But I did not like the dish. The sauce was too fishy for me, it reminded me of one of those steamed fish dishes you can get a Chinese banquet restaurant.Taste preferences aside, even if I picked my favorite dish of all I had sampled at Lupa, I would say that there’s really nothing special about this restaurant, apart from a big name backing it up. There are lots of Italian restaurants that serve better pasta, such as Cecconi or my all-time favourite, Pirata, just to name a few.Considering we were there for Super Monday, and the entrees were one-for-one, I'll say the portions were passable. But I'll definitely have something to complain about if I had to pay full-price (238HKD++) for four tiny pieces of lobster or a mere sprinkling of crab meat.Last but not least, I found service at Lupa to be subpar at best. Everyone from the hostesses to the servers to the manager, seemed cold and unfriendly. If I’m being brutally honest, the service was reminiscent of a local Hong Kong cafe… You know what I mean, everyone is here to just do their job, take your order, serve you your meal. Making you feel welcome is not part of their job description. Only difference is that the staff here are just dressed fancier.Overall, after giving Lupa two chances, I’d much rather spend my time and money elsewhe continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Lupa 位於中環黃金地段由地鉄站行過去吾使三分鐘。但系呢三分鐘內亦同時感覺繁忙的街道上,人人衝衝忙忙。到底我們上一次放慢腳步是何時?十一月份是小妹生日月份,今晚的地點由好朋友精心安排。網上翻查得知Lupa乃意大利餐廳。但陳列較像美式扒房。有格調得來也不致於高不可攀。好友一早訂了window seats位於角落的位置,有種自成一角的感覺,加上燈光昏黃,絕對是偷情位。不得不承認整個氣氛浪漫得令人溶化。美食當然配美酒, 以粉紅色Rosé襯托當晚的情調確是一流。麵包籃內有三款麵包而且三款口感也不同, 小妹較喜歡Stick Bread, 蘸一點麵包醬真是非常好味,而且一點也不濟口。另外餐廳會每人附送一款餐前小食, 大約是芝士類的物體, 口感各黏黏的, 不太懂得欣賞。我們跳過頭盤, 直接點了兩款主菜。Spigola A1 Cartoccio將羅勒、車尼茄、原條海爐魚以石紙包起來烤熟。魚肉可以保存幼滑嫩口,海爐的油份較小,勃開薄薄的魚皮後那雪白的魚肉呈現眼前。由於爐魚並非魚香澎湃的魚類, 所以要靠車尼茄和羅勒獨特芳香, 得以將鮮味提升。而味道平均得宜,還可以吃到真正的魚香和油潤魚肉。吃過魚後繼續食海鮮Lobster Linguine由於我們是 share,所以上枱時店員巳先為我們分好一人一份, 非常貼心 , 無疑是加分位。Home made Linguine 煙靱有至,龍蝦汁掛麵但味道也不會太搶, 麵條滲出淡淡的蛋香。龍蝦彈牙鮮甜,配上車尼茄的JUICY, 份量亦恰到好處,每口也吃出Ai dente 口感。令人十分滿足。Warm chocolate Cake當員會托著當點著蠟燭的甜品出來,唱著生日歌加上誠懇的祝福。的確令小妹萬分感動。此時上此刻吃任何食物也應該會甜入心。何況是小妹至愛的流心朱古力蛋糕。暖暖的朱古力溶岩緩緩地流出來時,小妹的心亦被那甜品溶化了。回憶著我們由相識到今天,雖然只有短短三數年間。但友誼是每天地累積起來。他是我的伯樂也是我的好友。順道借此平台再一次説一偏, 我是衷心感謝他。謝謝你~我的男神。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)