8-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
Additional Information
kitchen closes at 22:45
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (53)
Level4 2024-06-24
不枉爬到上PMQ隔離食飯 樣樣都好食 行咁耐係值得嘅食物種類唔算太多 所以每枱基本上都係嗌嗰啲嘢食TRUFFLE BEEF TARTARE $298(wagyu beef, egg yolk, Australian black truffle) 好香嘅牛肉他他 一上枱已經聞到濃濃嘅truffle而且仲有好香嘅麻油味口感同味道都好可以HOMEMADE CHIPS $48(sweet potatoes, taro, honey garlic butter) 好脆嘅蕃薯片同芋頭 加埋甜甜的醬汁啪完一塊又一塊MOYO BOSSAM (half-size) $178(braised pork, spicy radish, pickled onions)omg 好好食第一啖就好有驚喜耶 五花肉燒得好香帶陣煙燻味 再加埋啲油香 真係不得了🥹而且一啲油膩嘅感覺都無啲配菜就咁食就偏辣 夾埋塊肉肉食就奸奸巧今次係我睇少咗自己 half size真係完全唔夠喉🥲下次要嗌full size🦦難怪每枱都會嗌KOREAN FRIED CHICKEN (half-size) $148(boneless fried chicken and dipping sauces)熱辣辣嘅炸雞 外皮好脆 而且ho juicy 係好食嘅雞雞但相對於其他幾款 就無話好驚艷🫡配咗4款調味料 我最鍾意甜豉油 甜甜哋咁 同炸雞好夾SEA URCHIN RICE $298(marinated rice with pickled radish and sea urchin) 海膽份量好澎湃 仲好鮮甜紫菜同蟹籽撈飯 依個本身就無得輸啦 再加埋海膽 好食cocktail就比較普通滿足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
MOYO——中環SOHO區一間高質韓式fusion菜,餐廳屬於一間別緻小店,環境唔算好闊落,但由於食物質素相當唔錯,吸引左好多食客特登慕名而來🥢 餐廳上包括左幾款熱門必點菜式;MOYO Bossam 五花腩,肥瘦均勻,燒得焦香帶少少煙燻味道,再配上酸微微既泡菜、洋蔥絲,中和左一定既油膩感,非常開胃~ 而另一款海膽飯亦係必點之選,海膽味道豐富鮮甜,而且份量充裕,食落相當滿足😋 難怪咁多韓國人都會專程到訪! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-05
This subtle Korean restaurant in Soho is the perfect spot for a casual dinner with friends. Every dish we got was so yummy, and the portions were perfect! The ingredients they used were very high quality, especially the beef in the beef tartare which was one of the highlights of the night. The rice cakes were cooked very well and had a soft and chewy texture that complemented the carbonara sauce. The bossam has two types of kimchi to pair it with and this classic dish was done very well. Lastly the bibimbap was served very hot and the rice on the bottom was crispy, which I loved! They also give you soju shots at the end of your meal which is super cute. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
中環SOHO區的韓國fusion料理餐廳,鋪面運用了全黑色,十分有格調,與餐廳全白的室內空間形成對比,餐廳內以黃燈為主,頗有氣氛。餐牌上大多數都是以韓國料理為主的創意料理,食物賣相十分精緻。牛肉他他使用了生和牛肉,與香蔥、芝麻油、韓國雪梨條,和蛋黃攪拌一起,配上脆片一同食用,口感豐富,調味亦恰到好處。另外也嘗試了招牌韓式烤豬五花肉,烤豬五花肉的調味鹹鹹甜甜,配上泡菜,都是不錯。整體而言,食物味道和賣相都是中上的水平,唯獨是食物份量少而價格有點兒高,可以自行考慮食物的CP值~-🔘 Korean Beef Yukhae Tartare | hkd$198🔘 MOYO Bossam | hkd$288-🍽️ 食物 | Food: 4.2/5🌅 環境 | Environment: 4/5💆🏻‍♂️ 服務 | Service: 4/5💰 價錢 | Price: 3.5/5📝 總結 | CP Value: 3.9/5-A foodie documentation of dining experience in restaurants based in Hong Kong 🇭🇰. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-19
呢次餐廳有啲難搵,不過聽講好好食就黎跟朋友再食多次。今次我地叫左五個菜,每道菜嘅詳情可以睇返相片,整體服務都唔錯嘅, 上菜都幾快,如果唔識英文嘅朋友仔,我諗準備定翻譯機啦 😂 因為店員都係外國人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)