7-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
07:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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作為一名健身教練,滴住汗飲沙冰先最正話說今日落堂一出到街d汗就流過不停,飲水已經不能夠我消暑解渴! 情急之下買了一杯石板街沙冰,店員問我要唔要cream,我二話不說就話要,唉…還掂都係做運動,飲得好d啦…嘩!! 係戶外34度高溫無雲底下飲呢杯石板街沙冰,第一啖入口既時候,就好似人生第一次高潮咁! 咁有快感。第二啖入口就好似第一次考試零分咁! 由個心入面寒出黎。總括黎講,夏天飲真係一個非常好既選擇! 唔算太甜又係時間做運動喇!拜拜!
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Came in here on a weekday morning and found this place quite spacious with plenty of seats. The staff was friendly and helpful. I ordered a Mixed Mushroom Fusilli with Porcini Sauce and a match latte with my own tumbler. The fusilli was very tasty even if its ready-made and was reheated. The matcha latte was just as good, not too sweet. I often appreciate the effort made by the Pacific coffee company in promoting a green environment, where this time I could enjoy an 15% off of the drink since I came in with my own tumbler.
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I frequent this one fairly often and to be honest, there's not much to complain about. The coffee is consistently good and even better than Starbucks in my opinion. The banana bread is quite nice, but a little dry and sweet and the selection of food is not that wide, but comparable to its American counterpart. The tables are sometimes pretty sticky, so I might suggest a bit more of a frequent wipe down.
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有時有啲嘢真喺興之所至,路經擺花街分店嘅Pacific Coffee,就隨心走入去,純粹想歇息吓飲杯咖啡迤一迤,不過,見啲甜點賣相幾好,就索性飲啖啡、食啖餅,輕鬆一下。其實中環有好幾家Pacific Coffee,但以呢間環境比較大啲、闊落啲,而且,相對上無咁近寫字樓,客人少啲,感覺就寧靜啲,坐晌度讓人更感悠閒。本來例點心水嘅鮮奶咖啡,埋到櫃位時,見佢哋推廣一款植物做嘅Oatly「燕麥奶」,以代替牛奶,問問職員喺咪咩咖啡都可以用,基本上喺,而且,佢仲話上個月為了響應世界環境日仲特別將6月份訂爲環保月,有唔少推廣,更有啲買一送一嘅優惠,可惜錯過咗。甜點方面,放晒晌餅櫃下層,眼見都有唔少選擇,好幾款都啱心水,但想醒神啲,揀咗檸檬撻。燕麥奶咖啡 $38Pacific Coffee啲咖啡本身喺唔錯,改用咗燕麥奶,飲落跟平常飲到嘅,又唔會話有咩太大差別喎,入口依然醇香,口感柔滑,唯一喺需要額外付出多$4,支持吓環保都要啦。清新檸檬撻 $24賣相清新簡單,只以半片燒過嘅檸檬片做裝飾。撻殼幾鬆化脆口,而撻心嘅檸檬軟漿好軟滑,入口頗有檸檬清香,少甜而感覺清新,不過,如果酸多少少就更有個性。一杯咖啡,一件甜點,一個悠閒環境,確喺可以為勞累嘅身軀加點力氣。
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