2544 4445
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (46)
Level4 2012-03-22
As soon as I saw this place, I knew I had to try it.I love pizza of all sorts. Some reviewers commented that this isn't NY-style pizza, and that's true. But I'm a pizza pluralist, and I like pizza so long as it's good.This stuff... well, it's OK. It reminded me, in both texture and flavor, of DiGiorno frozen pizzas (which I believe are called Delissio in Canada). The sauce was on the sweet side and the crust was dense and chewy and crispy only at the extreme edges. I got a slice of pepperoni. You only need one slice, because they're huge. They didn't re-heat it in the oven, but it was piping hot when I got it, so I can't complain. For all the cheese that's on it, it's surprisingly not oily, so I'll have to give them credit for that. I will say that even though the slice is huge, there were only six or seven small pepperonis scattered across it. They're a little bit stingy with the toppings.All in all, the price is good and the pizza is OK. 6/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
12月28日, 之前聽聞西貢有間特大pizza專賣店已經十分想試! 奈何路途遙遠, 難得山長水遠入到西貢又會想食下其他特式野… 結果一直同佢緣慳一面. 及後得知佢喺灣仔開咗分店, 但又成日大排長龍食唔到… 早排難得見到有推出團購, 雖然最方便我地嘅灣仔店已經賣晒, 就算要去到中環食我地都下定決心點都要試一次! ::: Hawaiian + Coke ::: $23本來想食d特別d嘅口味, 不過因為去到d pizza已經賣得七七八八又未有新野出…所以就叫咗個普通d已經夏威夷人. Hawaiian餡料主要都係菠籮、火腿同芝士咁~ 話就話d材料配搭普通, 但其實pizza本身個size已經非常特別! 一大塊pizza連隻紙碟都裝唔晒~ pizza芝士味夠濃香, 加上佢地homemade pizza sauce茄味清新自然~ 餅底雖然唔夠脆, 但煙韌口感同麵粉香搭救~ 好味!::: The God Father + Sprite ::: $23呢個都算佢佢咁多款pizza裏面比較貴嘅. 當然係因為佢用料啦~ 有蘑菇、火腿、辣肉腸、洋蔥絲咁, 其實鐘意食肉嘅就一定鐘意~ 芝士味濃, 蕃茄味清甜, 餅底烘得亦夠香口, 大大件真係好抵食~因為每個特大pizza都係由廚房原個新鮮焗起再切件, 所以基本上你只可以喺餅櫃入面見到邊款合眼緣就點邊款. 如果你想要嘅口味賣晒就一係等運到, 一係揀過隻~ 不過可以話, 佢d薄餅都幾足料, 而且都係新鮮出爐~ 除非你有特別偏好或者偏唔好, 咁樣嘅薄餅真係好難唔好食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-01-21
見這店的Pizza好評如潮,於是在團購買了一張優惠券($23享用一塊12" 特大pizza連汽水),今天中午特來試試。因為一向不喜歡火腿和香腸類的東西,於是選了素食之選。Vegetarian Pizza (原價$40):薄餅長度有12吋,長過一隻大紙碟。批底非常脆,麵包是煙韌得來不失軟熟。番茄及芝士味香濃,惟菠菜味較少。黑橄欖、洋葱、青椒得配料很多,很香很野味。非常好味的薄餅!Light Coke (原價$10)吃罷一件巨型薄餅,剛剛好夠飽。$23一個餐,抵吃。日後有機會,要試試其他口味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
越來越感覺到、並且越來越慶幸,我和MP在吃方面都是同一類人,對米飯的渴求不大。小妹是可以數個月不沾米飯的,給我麵包、pasta, pizza就好了! 是晚在看電影前,二人各自從地鐵站走到這裡,吃pizza是其中一個原因,另一同樣重要的原因是要把團購券用掉! 當然不過是6時多,店內外都排滿了人,在一個天寒地凍的晚上,原來也有很多人要來kill coupon的門面雖然不大,幸好有"樓下雅座"。是self-serve的形式,食客們大部分都非香港人,大部分都習慣clean your own mess, 所以地方也很整潔。雖然以外賣客為主,但店方都有不少跟意大利有關油畫作為裝飾。對! 這就是小妹印象中的意大利,一個在街頭的石樓梯上都有人捧住pizza吃得津津有味的國家、一個治安雖不太好但美食甲天下的國家。還是別再遊花園,直接說說薄餅更實際! Margherita 是經典薄餅,餡料不過是芝士、salami、蕃茄醬、basil,加上一個薄而脆的crust, 完全演繹了"簡單就是美"這個道理!! 把熱呼呼的薄餅送到咀,方才發現凍冰冰的天氣其實不一定是打邊爐的日子,吃著新鮮即做的正宗意式薄餅也是一種驅寒的方法! Paisano's 是這款black olive最顯眼的薄餅!! 主要配料是洋蔥、salami, black olive, mushroom. 相比之下,平凡的margherita反而更勝一籌! 這款薄餅味道沒有前一塊那麼濃,而黑橄欖正好平衡一下油膩感,其實是不錯的! 每人一塊pizza的威力就是,小妹在寫食評這一刻(凌晨1時多),仍然感覺到它的存在! 很誇張嗎 或許是,不過趁年輕就好多吃一點,反正傳統智慧都說"食得是福"嘛! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-12-19
一早知道有呢一間pizza店的存在,專賣巨型pizza,而且口碑唔錯!期待左好耐,見有團購$23有一件pizza+一罐汽水,平左好多,於是買左1張!呢日同個朋友黎左,一齊share一件pizza,揀左最貴的paisano ($45/slice)哈哈幾大件!見到就勁想食,而且係熱辣辣的食時口感好好,因為有好多蘑菇,豬柳(唔sure,類似漢堡扒),番茄肉醬,腸,黑olive由於餡料好豐富,咬落口就有種啖啖肉的感覺,好正餅底厚度適中,我唔鐘意太薄,呢個岩岩好!呢個pizza都唔會好漏!岩晒d唔鐘意好濃芝士味既人!其實個pizza真係好食過pizza hut!但由於我好鐘意食芝心批所以pizza邊邊位我就鐘意pizza hut多點!但整體黎講,呢個係我食過最好食既pizza!very good!呢個係唔知咩pizza 果度最平既$25一件,好似係plain cheese最貴就$45,即係我食果個paisano我會再返來試的,不過價錢都唔算平,希望佢多d做團購啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)