成立於1951年的Pierce Chicken,標榜不含反式脂肪,雞的不同部位及不同炸漿,配合出多種變化的炸雞款式。
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (20)
I went there on a weekday lunch hr in Central. Weird, the two of us filled up the table. Anywaz, we had their signature chicken and nuggets. The staff immediately made our meal and served us with a hot dish. The chicken was so-so. It claimed healthy if I was not mistaken, yet once saying fried chicken, I already regarded them as junk food that I always welcome... so the chicken, I believe using fresh oil, so it really seemed less oily; whereas not that juicy and small in quantity compare to K-Chicken. I think the chicken nuggets was better, I believe this can be like an afternoon snack with just one bite one nugget *fat* After the meal, our overall comment is we prefer the more junky, oily chicken from K-chain, wahahahaha.
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15-10-20080係羅便臣道 The Garden 行出來, 同朋友不約而同想食炸物, 0黎到 SoHo 呢間炸雞店試試. 叫了 "Senior" (一客 6 件) Maple Chipotle Glazed WingSations ($40) 及 "Senior" (一客 8 件) Chicken Ring Things ($40) share 食, 另加 Golden Honey Mustard ($6) 用0黎蘸雞食.睇住女店員放 d 雞入 autofry 爐炸完拎出來, 但 d 炸雞係攤了一段時間先 serve 的, 0黎到見到 Chicken Ring Things 又乾又殘及 d 雞翼黑口黑面的衰樣, 心涼了一截... Chicken Rings 內涵同佢賣相一樣乾, breaded 皮帶點香草味, 雞肉就極0鞋口, 味道十足超市的急凍貨, 難吃. 唯有蘸少少 honey mustard, 味道係不錯的, 不過既然係現成的包裝貨, 味道應該好難會太差吧?Maple Chipotle Glazed Wingsations 就仲大鑊... 無乜油係真的, 但(火農)口(火農)面, 亦無肉汁又無味道 -- 莫講係楓糖味, 就連普通蜜糖甜味亦欠奉! $40 一小籃, 形同搶劫.垃圾成咁的食物, 都好耐無遇過了, 今日真係黑仔. 唔會再幫襯!忽然發覺, 原來 KFC 係一 d 都唔差的.
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Went to try this restaurant with my fellow locust friend this evening. Expectations were sky high before entering the shop -- since both the decor and the photos on the posters seemed promising. So was the price. At over $40 per 6 pieces of chicken wings (and those wings are tiny), it is by no means cheap.Problems began when a group of three entered the shop (yes we were the only customers before that) when the girl in the counter was preparing our chicken. She was definitely unable to deal with customers and prepare our chicken at the same time. To be fair to her, with only one staff, this shop is seriously undermanned. Despite her best efforts... our chicken ring things lie unattended, cooling, for quite a long time.When our food was finally ready, we were already quite disappointed by the look of it alone (as could be seen from the photos). My complaints are as follows:1) The Chicken Ring Things were cool (literally)... what's the point of preparing them upon order if it's left in a tray for minutes before serving?2) The Maple Chipotle Glazed WingSations were just a variation of BBQ chicken wings with honey -- only less sweet. What's the point of calling it "Maple Chipotle Glazed" when it merely taste like BBQ chicken wings?3) The WingSations were partially-carbonized (i.e. 局部變炭). Yes the oven is a high-tech, high-temperature oven with digital timer. That doesn't change the fact that it ruined my chicken wings.4) The Wings are TINY!!! Most pieces are only as long as my index finger. If anybody is planning to eat at this shop, my advice would be ORDER MORE! Otherwise there's a fat chance that you'll end up starving...5) Even the Golden Honey Mustard was problematic -- if we order some dippings, we expect some sauce in a container which we could dip our chicken / chicken ring in. Not so. The mustard came in a pack (those you see at supermarkets) and there wasn't anything which we could squeeze it out and dip stuff in!6) Oh and most importantly, neither the wings nor the rings were juicy. The rings were as dry as it could possibly get (imagine frozen chicken nuggets, those you can buy in supermarkets... that's how it tasted like). For crying out loud, even McNuggets could be occasionally juicy! So were the Wings... after so much heating and carbonisation, it was a miracle that it was still marginally juicy.To conclude, the tastiest bit of this dinner at Pierce Chicken was the Golden Honey Mustard, which isn't made by the shop, came in a pack and without any containers to use it as a dip. I'd say I would be better off spending my money at KFC instead. For such quality and portion, it's definitely not worth the $40+ per head we've spent at the shop!
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七月十九‧晴時常經過,那股油溢味也令我卻步,所以一直都未試過。是晚有乳豬大局,想吃得簡單一點,就來這裡試試吧。記得這裡新張時是幾多人的,是日下午來到,是完全沒有客人,也好,可以靜靜的慢慢吃。在「Master Piece」的餐單中選了炸雞胸肉三文治,還要了combo,小吃選了炸雞圈,飲品當然是解渴巨星。 多士即叫即烘,雞胸及炸雞圈也是即叫即炸,收幾十蚊一個combo的,都叫做有點誠意。三文治大大份,麵包熱脆,溶了的片裝芝士在內的,幾香口。主角的炸雞胸薄薄的,也硬硬實實的,很柴皮,不知有何特色,夾起生菜及蕃茄也毫不濟事,完全不好吃。 炸雞圈更不濟,只是一團「炸雜肉」,醬汁也只是普通到不能再普通的支裝茄汁,絕對是垃圾食物中的垃圾食物。 終於覺得,原來用幾十蚊吃個柴皮牛肉漢堡也不算太差,至少也是牛肉漢堡,而不是這般疑似雞肉的柴皮貨色。 食物非常不濟,但店員的服務態度不錯。吃不完的半份三文治及炸雞圈,是幫我包得好好的拿走。 埋單78蚊,價錢當然不便宜,食物質數也很一般。隨著年紀漸大,值得對自己好一點,這裡的東西,真的是吃一次也嫌多!
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繼數月前成班夜鬼大鬧蘇豪炸雞店後, 今晚大家再次黎到呢度, 希望重溫返上次果種"感覺蘇豪", 點知..........撞正打風前夕, 天氣翳焗, 諗住入到 Pierce Chicken 後可以先過一過冷河, 然後先慢慢黎幾個 round 雞翼..... 點知一入到去, 成間鋪頭既溫度竟然比街外更熱, 彷如入左一個焗爐入面, 晌蘇豪開呢個 mini party 既興致即時大減, 但又不想令上次無參與既朋友失望, 所以唯有叫一個 round 小試牛刀。WingDings (唔辣既雞翼)WingZings (辣既雞翼) - 同 WingDing 一樣好味, 唯一分別係多左辣味手指小食拼盤 - 六款小食包括- 雞圈 (Chicken Ring Things)- 金手指 (Gold Fingers)- 雞胸天婦羅 (Tempura Blattered Chicken Breast)- 雞柳條 (Chicken Fries)- 麥 x 雞強化版 (Chicken Smackers)- 火熱雞球 (Ball O' Fire)兩款雞翼都係第一次食, 乾身兼入味, 咬落去有肉汁溢出, 口感一流~ 小食拼盤係我地 Encore 之作, 上次食完已經回味無窮, 可惜今次竟然無左最好味既 Ball O' Fire, 經理解釋話係因為太受歡迎, 唯有以剩餘五款中最好味既 Chicken Smackers 代替.... 食物質素黎講, 絕對俾笑面有餘, 好可惜, 失敗既空調加上缺貨既 Ball O' Fire, 實在嚴重影響我地既享受美食既興緻...... 最後我地食左呢一個 round 後就過左斜對面 Daddyos 食下場.... 心有不甘, 唯有等多幾個月待天氣轉涼後先再黎 "感覺蘇豪", 到時先俾返個笑面你~
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