Restaurant: | Silk. (Jade Centre) |
Offer: |
Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant ! Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Restaurant: | Silk. (Jade Centre) |
Offer: | Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
每次係中環搭緊電梯上去嘅時候都會經過呢間絲茶❗️仲成日都大排長龍😮💨😮💨今次終於有機會可以試下手搖店啦❗️入到去發現原來奶蓋可以30分鐘內無限添加,雖然好似唔需要加本身都已經有好多奶蓋了,咁岩仲有Za bank付款買一送一優惠❗️所以我地直接就買兩杯貴嘅試試佢!店鋪出面仲有幾個打卡位可以比大家坐係到一路飲一路影靚相添🥰----------------------------**金芒芝蓋、粉紅芝蓋 少甜少冰 $48奶蓋味好濃好飲,金芒芝蓋飲落似係芒果茶,所以叫完少糖之後甜度都岩岩好,唔會太甜仲有少少酸味🫶🏻而粉紅芝蓋飲落就似係士多啤梨牛奶味,少甜都仲有少少甜,下次再叫我會再減啲甜度~呢個價錢嚟講確實係有少少貴🙂↔️不過因為我有買一送一優惠所以係抵飲嘅🥰如果下次再嚟會飲佢地奶蓋嘅茶飲,比較便宜而且可以有無限奶蓋添加~更加抵玩❗️
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見成日排長龍就試下杯人氣「黑鑽茶皇」,貪佢多嘢咬。大約十分鐘有,算快。但是,茶味去左邊?我order 微甜但都甜到.....好難飲。唔通,個個排隊都為了打卡同抽獎?
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絲茶@central🌟茉香奶蓋:價錢不太貴,而且份量大大杯,飲落去第一啖充滿茉莉花茶嘅香味,而且加上餐廳新鮮做嘅奶蓋,成個口感同埋味道上都非常特別,夏天飲非常適合,價錢嚟講就40幾蚊,中規中矩唔算特別平,不過質素就幾高,覺得鍾意飲奶蓋嘅朋友會愛上。好飲程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟抵飲程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟位置 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟服務態度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟衞生程度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟
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落雨天去幫襯呢間飲品店,叫咗一杯檸檬愛玉茉莉茶,走冰半糖。第一啖飲嘅時候,覺得檸檬味好重,再飲多幾啖先發覺中咗伏,越飲越苦,最終飲咗幾啖就揼咗。非常難飲😡😡明明叫咗半糖,但係一啲甜味都冇,只有苦澀味,飲到最後係苦到不得了。雖然好口渴,但係我飲唔落,最終都係選擇揼抌咗佢。之前我都有返過飲品店,整珍珠奶茶、水果茶檸檬愛玉….. 諗住叫檸檬愛玉茉莉茶,應該唔會中伏,點知伏到爆。估唔到檸檬愛玉茉莉茶都可以整到咁差,真係好無奈🥲🥲第一次幫襯覺得杯嘢飲,太難飲!👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻之後都絕對唔會再幫襯!😡😡😡
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Silk is new to the bubble milk tea scene in Hong Kong. I noticed it first in Central and now they have several other branches. The Central branch seems to always be very popular so we gave it a try.Menu is in English and Chinese. No 10% service charge as this place is takeaway only. Though there are a few seats outside their shop.They also have this offer: free flow cheese foam for 30 minutes. I didn't see anyone doing this and we didn't try it.They also have prizes to be won.Apparently on every lid there is a sticker to peel back what you win.We only had a discount for next time.I ordered a Smooth Black ($28) as it was listed as their most popular drink. It had grass jelly, black sugar boba and black crystals in a charcoal roasted oolong milk tea. The tea was ok. Not too strong but at list not too weak. Not too sweet as well. Even the boba wasn't too sweet. There was some crunchy things which I assume is the black crystals.The drink was ok. But expect a long wait for your drink. They have way too many delivery orders which they do first. I think that is probably why there is always a line whenever I walk by.
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