Restaurant: TANGO Argentinian Steakhouse
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
5-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: TANGO Argentinian Steakhouse
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (26)
Level4 2024-07-02
今日嚟蘭桂坊試下阿根廷牛扒,朋友話呢間<TANGO-Agentinian Steak House>環境舒服,食物質素同份量都非常唔錯🥰 趁有三日假期梗係去試下,Chill返日😎餐廳環境真係唔錯,如果鍾意有少少陽光,可以坐窗口位,非常舒服😎 餐廳首先會上咗餐包,味道都唔錯👍 今日主要嚟食個Brunch, 包括Appetizer + Main Course + Side + Drink,都係二百幾蚊起,非常抵食🫶🏻🌟Appetizer🌟蕃茄柑橘汁醃蝦配辣椒芫茜呢個前菜嘅設計真係好,有少少泰式生蝦嘅感覺,佢配咗個蕃茄柑橘汁好開胃,有少少辣,必點🫶🏻🌟傳統阿根廷餡餅配番茄莎莎醬去阿根廷餐廳一定會叫嘅,不過平時只有牛肉,呢度竟然有豬肉,雞肉或者芝子選擇,配嗰個莎莎醬啱啱中和咗佢個鹹味,一絕🤩🌟雜菜沙律份量唔少嘅side dish,菜新鮮,沙律汁好好味🤤🌟幼薯條新鮮炸嘅薯條份量十足,上面仲有少少炒過嘅蒜蓉,新鮮嘅薯條味道真係唔同,配牛扒一流😎🌟脆皮油封鴨腿配燉紫甘藍及橙汁估唔到咁好味喎,個皮又脆,鴨肉配埋甘藍同埋橙汁,好醒胃🤩🤩🌟肉眼牛扒(300g)配自選醬料主角出場,鐵板上,我叫咗medium,因為朋友想食熟少少,牛肉質素好好,仲有六種醬料俾你揀包括芥辣,阿根廷青醬,莎莎醬等等。 質量好,medium都相當唔錯😌其實可以加五十幾蚊就有甜品,但係因為份量太多喇,所以唯有下次再試🫢 <TANGO-Agentinian Steak House>有個開放式廚房,一煮完就會送去你面前,非常新鮮😎 而且味道真係非常好👍 加埋呢個環境,真係Chill一個下晝都唔出奇,大家一定要bookmark,真心推介🫶🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-29
Weekend去拍拖梗係要揀間靚靚餐廳食個lunch Tango主打dry-aged阿根廷牛扒 環境簡約優雅 充滿復古味道Set lunch 好多選擇 份量豐富 🤩Starters🥓 Argentinian Chorizo Bombón 煙肉包阿根廷香腸香腸味道非常濃郁 加上醃辣椒同烤胡椒 令味道更有層次🥟Traditional Argentinian Empanada 傅統阿根廷牛肉餡餅好大隻餃子 入面嘅牛肉加咗唔同調味 味道濃郁加上蕃茄莎莎醬味道清新開胃Side Dishes🥔 奶油薯蓉 入口非常幼滑 🥗 雜菜沙律 加咗柚子汁味道清新開胃Porteno🥩Lomito Steak Sandwich封門牛柳扒三文治 封門牛柳扒份量好多 肉質粉嫩 餡料有阿根廷青醬同醃辣椒 帶少許辛辣 味道濃郁豐富🥩Ribeye 肉眼牛扒 (300g) 牛扒鐵板上 可以保持住牛扒嘅溫度肉眼扒牛味香濃 肉質粉嫩 好多肉汁 散發豐富油脂香氣加上6款自選醬汁更加惹味 燒烤醬、蒜味忌廉醬、芥末醬、阿根廷青醬、莎莎醬同辣醬 各有特色最後仲加咗一份甜品💗Churros 玉桂味好香 表面鋪滿糖入口香甜 口感香脆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
人均$250起|中環|扒房|Tango Argentinian Steak House在中環蘭桂坊一帶,花個兩三百塊錢就可以吃上好吃的牛排午餐,裏面還包括前菜以及飲料,優質的用餐環境,這個物價放在香港來講真的是絕了!他們家中午的套餐是包含了前菜、主菜以及配菜和飲料的部分。價錢則由208 到568 不等,就視乎你的選擇了。我們先點了前菜洋蔥焦糖三重芝士餡餅🥙香脆的酥皮裡頭,充滿了起司🧀再蘸上起司醬,真的好好吃喔挪威🇳🇴三文魚魚生配洋蔥,芫荽、新鮮辣椒、柚子汁、脆粟米及香草🌿加上了橄欖油的三文魚,配搭切碎了的洋蔥,加上脆粟米🌽,無論是口感和風味也是一流的!Creamed Spinach (v) 奶油菠菜巨好吃!像是薩X亞的奶油菠菜可是奶油味會更香濃,每口都可以掛汁Mixed Green Salad (v) 雜菜沙拉🥗吃了這麽多肉肉,來點沙拉中和一下吧。這份沙拉放在菜比肉貴的香港,絕對是血賺了👀阿根廷起司炸肉排蕃茄薄餅🍕這一份酥脆的炸豬排,真的不能小看呢!裡面的起司🧀可以有一戰你看這個拉絲的長度不要怕這個會很肥膩,加上了酸酸的番茄🍅,這個炸肉餅也是很開胃的Hanger Steak 300g 牛扒重頭戲在這裡!300克的牛排🥩真的巨讚❤️我們要了medium well,肉質鮮嫩而多汁,牛味非常濃郁,沾上特製的醬料如鹽巴和芥末,讓人不禁一口接一口喔!這樣吃,人均都只是兩百五,趕快來bookmark起來吧!——————為食分界線——————📍 TANGO Argentinian Steakhouse (中環)中環蘭桂坊15-16號協興大廈2樓人均消費: $250 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-13
Share this to your friends for your next brunch date👭🏻☀️I might have just discovered the best brunch deal in Central😮$218 up for a brunch with a starter, main, side & drink🥤You may also add extra money for desserts and some other mains👍🏼Perfect place for celebration as well🥳Love this marinated shrimp ceviche, the sauce is slightly sour and refreshing, dipping with shrimps make a perfect start to the meal.Of course you have to order empanada at an Argentinian restaurant, the crust is flakey and the beef filling is really flavourful!Here comes to the duck leg confit, it was served piping hot which is very important to the taste of a dish. The skin is really crispy while the meat is so tender. As a fan for duck leg confit, I give it a A😍Got churro as dessert to end the meal, it was okay, nothing surprising but still worth ordering to feel like a proper three course meal😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-14
星期六想chill chill地食個brunch,見OpenRice呢間幾多好評,諗住嚟試吓Argentinan steak,點知伏到爆!究竟OpenRice上面嗰啲好評係點得嚟㗎?我哋嗌咗個貴少少嘅二人brunch set ,食物質素差,服務更加差!唔怪得佢咁大個場得三四張枱。每次食之前都要有洗腎嘅心理準備,食一啖要飲成杯水,成餐飯飲水多過食嘢前菜我哋揀咗茄汁蝦,成個brunch最正常係呢樣,但嗰兩塊香蕉片難食到一個點Side揀咗餡餅,一拮就碎,好乾好乾,要靠隔離個蕃茄水去吊味沙律同薯蓉都正正常常,最恐怖嗰樣係主菜,入面有油封鴨髀,血腸,德國腸,封門牛柳同各式pickles。封門牛柳我哋叫咗三成熟,上到枱係well done到唔well done,又乾又韌又鞋又鹹,主打牛,但做得比出面茶餐廳嘅牛扒仲差!啲腸又係好鹹,血腸仲要好多麵粉喺入面咁,好難食,好難食,真係好難食!全部嘢都有乾又鹹,完全唔想放落口,冇諗過咁難食咁差,真係茶餐廳都好食過佢呢個血腸麵粉多過肉,一坺嘢咁,極難食!不得不提佢嘅服務質素,個Waitress過嚟幫我哋加水嘅時候,佢個肚腩將塊包撥開咗,佢當冇事發生走開。到另一個Waitress過嚟加水時,佢倒埋啲水落我friend隻手度,又係當冇事咁樣行開咗,連埋單都可以將隔籬枱四個人嘅單俾我哋埋。成班人行行企企見到你舉手都唔行過嚟幫你執嘢同換水,唔知喺度做乜嘢!真係試過一次已經好後悔,比咁嘅價錢食啲咁難食嘅嘢,仲要服務質素咁差,真係冇下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)