Exit C, Central MTR Station, Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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It has a 30-year-old wagyu specialty restaurant in Tokyo and was selected as one of the 10 best pork restaurants in Tokyo Timeout magazine. The restaurant uses Japanese chilled A5 Kuroge Wagyu, and the sauce is also sent directly from Japan. The shop offers different parts of the wagyu, such as Shin-shin, Tomosankaku, and Rump. A variety of wagyu dishes are also available.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
*last order: 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
今日與朋友一同去食lunch set. 在菜單上,見咖喱吉列牛扒餐有兩碟前菜又有温泉蛋,很吸引我,我本身愛食温泉蛋。一上菜發現找不到那温泉蛋,問侍應。他回覆:圖片只供參考。我無言以對。環境 食物質素唔錯
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happy Friday lunchtime同同事嚟食燒肉,lunch set性價比高,有好多款餐可以揀,見到menu有個全新嘅雞白湯拉麵就叫咗嚟試下。同出面其他拉麵店嘅奶白色湯底唔同,呢間嘅雞白湯湯底顏色好金黃,飲落去一啲都唔油,味道超級濃厚!麵條彈牙,雞肉亦夠嫩,必試!同事叫咗個$238黑毛和牛牛小排餐,都話牛肉質素好好環境亦算闊落,坐得舒服,而且抽氣唔錯,聞唔到油煙味,食完lunch都唔會成陣味返office。
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睇左yt 介紹特登過嚟試吓,冇諗過比預期更好,首先座位非常舒服,相當闊落,值得一讚,仲要無限時,可以同朋友慢慢坐低飲酒🍻咁我哋就叫咗個最貴嘅套餐,入邊有七款廚師每日精選嘅日本A5和牛,仲要包埋舖頭嘅招牌野原燒,真係性價比好高,份量都好大。店員非常之親切,態度10分好,上菜之前都會好細心咁同我哋講解吓每個部位嘅特性,教我哋點樣燒嘅次序,野原燒仲會主動幫我哋燒,點埋個燒肉蛋汁,真係非常之出色,係入口即溶嘅感覺!臨尾再加咗一人一件和牛壽司作結,真係超滿意👍🏻一定會再幫襯
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早幾日去開中環,同事介紹我地食Yakiniku Jumbo ,話係東京燒肉名店,主打以A5和牛嘅刁鑽部位,咁放工就一齊去試試。野原燒 Noharayaki係佢嘅經典原創皇牌菜式,帶焦香及牛脂油香,超出色!必試埋超巨型黑毛和牛壽司,店員會席前幫你燒埋,體驗很好!咁仲食左d燒肉套餐share ,原來食高級燒肉,價錢冇想像中咁貴。最後仲食咗個超級正嘅雞白湯拉麵,用新鮮三黃雞殼熬製而成,金黃色好香濃,聽講每日限量15碗,有機會嚟食一定要試吓!
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I was a regular customer to Jumbo since 2022-2023. Today I booked and went again of 12 months apart, a lot has changed, food quality has downgraded but maybe 10-20%. The rice is not as nice anymore. But it was the staff attitude was really bad now. All the staff seemed to have changed compare to 12 months ago. I ordered a lunch set with my client and wasn't requesting much. Order, eat, pay. But their attitude was just RUDE.I got a feeling this is no longer managed by the same Jumbo brand in Japan anymore, or some Chain had taken over and changed out everything.
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