Offering 6 different yogurt flavours everyday and over 50 types of toppings. It's self-served so customers can make their own favourite yoggurt. There is comfortable sofa and chairs in the store, and free megazines for customers.
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Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
11:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
I have been visiting Yoppi for their yogurt quite frequently in the past as they have many diffrent flavours. However, the quality of their yogurt and toppings had been decreasing for a few months already. The new price is now $5 for 1 oz! I was using a Groupon of $40. My cup of yogurt weighted 8 oz.I had the original and Mango tart flavour, the orginal was still ok, but the mango one was too icy, it's not frozen yogurt at all ....... There were not too many attractive toppings, as NO fresg fruits were avaible! This is not acceptable. There were only canned peach, canned Lychee and they were too sweet with those sugar water in it. In the end, I have to select Aloe and some sort to cereal to make my cup of yogurt less sweet.I hope Yoppi can put back some fresh fruits. Probably the cost is too expensive?They used to have strawberries, blue berries, mango, Kiwi , etc ..........
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買了團購劵要買四十元乳酪, 先要自己拿個兜, 然後自助拉把手出乳酪, 最後磅重比錢. 最難是如何裝到剛好四十元, 不會蝕比佢, 又不用點補錢的重量呢?味道有原味, 熱情果, 綠茶, 朱古力, 法國呍呢拿覺得乳酪不夠傑, 很冰的感覺, 而且出門口就開始溶, 麻麻地, 但買左都要食埋
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七月十八日 (星期三)時間過得飛快,對上一次吃Yoppi就是2011年的美食博覽寫文期間,發覺原來再過一個星期又是新一屆的美食博覽還記得上次是Yoppi與Hello Kitty Crossover,那精美的膠羹定必成為粉絲的收藏品呢!是日抵擋不住炎夏,走到了Yoppi吃乳酪消消暑這裡行自助形式,多款味道供應份量多少可按自己的胃口如何當日有六款口味,我們選了其中的兩款,分別是雲呢拿和較特別的Tiramisu配料也是自助加入的,沒有什麼限制到配料區選出自己喜歡的,然後按重量計算雲呢拿奶味重,質感香滑實在,但沒有乳酪本身應有的乳酸味道,感覺像吃雪糕Tiramisu味道則較淡,失望,但這卻吃到乳酪那陣酸酸甜甜的味道,但完全談不上是Tiramisu配料方面,我們選擇了糯米磁,Oreo及芒果糯米磁太韌,Oreo沒有打碎,所以較難與乳酪一拼吃最好的是芒果,香甜清新這裡勝在自由度高,而且坐得舒適,令人無拘無束整體上,還是覺得紅芒果較為優勝
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