All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
06:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
06:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (29)
Level2 2024-05-27
每次去機場出發前都會食呢間船麵,我諗原因我不外乎價錢抵食同埋份量啱啱好 適合我呢啲成晚冇瞓過覺嘅人食一碗醒神 其實都唔差㗎,我覺得喺屋企樓下開嘅話我都會成日食 湯底唔算太鹹適中🍴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-27
係機場關內叫左個香茅豬扒湯金邊粉(要67蚊)。本 身諗住食少少野上飛機,都無乜要求,加上係關內 食野貴一向都知,求飽肚就算。 快餐模式運作,出餐都快。攞左餐就求其搵個位 食,點知俾左河粉我。 我又行番轉頭拎去換,已經好聲好氣話:唔好意 思,你俾錯左河粉我。 跟住有個男人死話係金邊粉。 我:唔好玩啦,明明就河粉。 男人:新鮮既金邊粉係咁。 我:唔好呃我啦,你餐牌上面寫係金邊粉,宜家俾河粉我。 男人:供應商都係叫 (河粉)依個做金邊粉,新鮮既 金邊粉係咁架。 我:你俾唔到餐牌上面既金邊粉我,違反商品說明 喎,一係你地退錢。 男人:(大大聲叫淥麵阿姐) 你煮過俾佢,佢唔要新 鮮既金邊粉,要唔新鮮個隻、炒個隻(餐牌上有炒金 邊粉)。 我:乜金邊粉有新鮮唔新鮮分別咩?新鮮既叫河 粉?唔新鮮既叫金邊粉? 男人:係得唔新鮮既金邊粉。 我見淥粉阿姐有啲為難,唯有要左佢,但男人態度 超差,明明就係河粉,硬要講成金邊粉。唔識分河 粉同金邊粉,唔好學人開泰國嘢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-05
After passing the custom, we immediately went to the canteen to cure our hunger in early morning. Even Moon Thai had the longest queue, we went for it with no doubt (even with options, I didn't feel like those).We requested three meals. Two Vietnamese sausage macaroni meal with scrambled egg and bun and one satay beef instant noodle with scrambled egg and bun. Vietnamese sausages were given in generous amount but personally found it greasy and salty, which made the soup on a salty side with a layer of oil. My macaroni was overcooked while my friend's one was just right. Scrambled egg was cooked perfectly. Soft but not runny. They served raisin bun which wasn't my favourite. I picked all raisin out. Bun was soft but served cold. Satay beef instant noodle was alright. Noodle on a soft side. Again generous amount of big satay beef slices. Coffee was a good one, better than many cha chaan ting ones.Anyway, a quick breakfast before flight. Food was ready to serve in less than 3 minutes after making the order. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-08-04
在餐廳品嚐的沙嗲牛肉麵的質素不盡如人意。這道菜的表現令我失望。牛肉的質地較為硬,而且只得少量,調味亦不夠豐富。湯底也缺乏深度和層次感。希望餐廳能夠改進這道菜的烹調技巧,使牛肉更加嫩滑,調味更加均衡。此外,增加湯底的風味豐富度將使這道菜更加出色。期待餐廳能夠在未來提供更好的食物體驗。機場還有很多選擇!這樣的質量真的對不起個價錢。另外我們以為可以透過手機下單,但是後來才發現原來系統尚未發展成熟,暫時無法使用。以致我們要大排長龍去點餐,而且整個早餐的質量真是太差了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-03
一早去機場,無乜食店選擇,諗住西式早餐穩陣啲,點知都瀨嘢。叫咗A餐火腿絲通粉+炒雙蛋+餐包 熱朱古力$64C餐沙嗲牛肉即食麵+炒雙蛋+餐包+凍咖啡$62餐包唔熱,沙嗲牛肉即食麵,顏色深但冇乜沙爹味,炒蛋就咁炒埋一舊,無味。火腿通粉又好咸,其實入得機場食,大家都預咗貴,貴唔緊要,比啲心機做好唔好?去咁多個國家,感覺香港機場內嘅食物,係最差,又貴又唔好食,其實除咗影響佢哋招牌,仲會影響香港美食大都會嘅形象。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)