Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:00 - 22:00
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
Level4 2017-04-17
興奮地落船,我想像是踏上香港的漁人碼頭。轉右20步,便吃到西式焗海鮮。我選四月底來,是因夏季未到,更重要是在農曆三月廿三日(19/4/2017)天后誕前,觀賞漁民宗教文化(明年要五月初)。此店位於碼頭和漁民聚居西灣地區之間,在排隊(平均10分鐘)時,多隊花炮會巡遊隊擦身而過,有天后像遊街,舞麒麟,爭妍鬥麗的旗幟會服。對比元朗,西貢大廟,大埔,青衣天后誕,這裏可就近接觸。店員已焗好生蠔和帶子,因人龍長,去貨快,我接著時仍是熱的。芝士味不濃郁,椰菜很多,蠔仔細細,頗有鮮味,因不咸,我覺得是在水平之上。以前是賣約25元,現在對手競爭大,口碑轉為一般反應,故減低價格。焗帶子較大粒,是價廉物美的。還有其他焗海鮮,如平日可點選。亦有香脆薯片賣。建議可沿海邊行去長洲公園,租單車漫遊西堤道。盡頭有天后廟,天后亭,盡覧西南海景。上張保仔路有燒烤爐場。回程可搭小船仔回長洲碼頭。此路線較冷門,可避開人群。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-01-26
When my aunt went to Cheung Chau the last time, she showed us a picture of a waffle that looked like the poopy that was on a cartoon we loved as kids.  I knew I wanted to get the waffle even if it was just for pictures, so I looked up the address of Dodo Food ahead of time, and yet, we got so lost looking for the snack stall!  OpenRice pinned the snack stall at the wrong location on the map!  Once you exit the ferry pier, you actually have to turn right instead of turning left!Once we got to the snack stall, I ordered the poopy waffle with a custard filling.  The two options for the filling were custard and red bean.  We saw that they were also selling baked cheesy oysters, and they were $50 for 2, so my brother and I decided to get the oysters as well.Caca Custard Waffle ($10): That's not the official name of the waffle, but I think it sounds a tad better than poopy waffle.  This waffle was just good for pictures.  The batter tasted ok; not too sweet, but not too eggy either.  There was a minimal amount of custard filling though! Baked Cheesy Oyster ($50 for 2): This oyster was a nice surprise though!  It tasted really good, and there was a good amount of oyster flesh!  The cheese didn't overpower the oyster, and the oyster had a light salinity from its saltwater content!  This was very scrumptious!For Dodo Food, I'd say order the cheesy oyster if you love oysters like me, and just take a picture of the funny looking waffles! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-08-31
呢間算長洲其中一間近年好出名既店主打芝士焗蠔 20幾蚊隻見佢禁HIT梗係試下仲驚死吾夠一人要2隻由於多客人買 所以店主KEEP住焗拎個時係好熱手好新鮮面層有濃厚芝士 而焗左既芝士特別正但芝士比仲多過蠔肉蠔殼大但蠔肉細 好似青口仔禁細細一粒蠔質素吾高 只有芝士焗而惹味禁計落廿幾蚊都有點貴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-08-07
反正芝士焗乜乜我都鐘意 N年前我好鐘意食尼間野,但佢成日唔開,今次屎忽痕又想食!加價了,不過宜加買一隻送野飲。野飲係酸酸甜甜既糖水😣佢叫果汁,但我覺得佢既味道勁糖水,唔好飲!叫左隻焗蠔,入面有粒粒洋蔥、黑椒同芝士。嘩,乜差左咁多😪D黑椒既辣味搶晒味,好似剩係食到黑椒味,冇乜芝士味 ,成隻野都冇乜味,中伏😢仲有覺得奇怪既係以前佢一隻殼係得一隻蠔,宜加佢一隻蠔殼入面有兩隻細蠔。點解會咁?Um........ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-05-02
原本跟著open rice 的map來回在出碼頭往右邊方向搵咗好多次都搵唔到,諗住無緣食到....估唔到因為臨走前決定去另一邊逛下就搵到多多!(想搵嘅朋友仔記得係出碼頭嘅右手邊方向先啱)由於已經臨近收舖,原本$50/2隻芝士蠔/帶子,割價買2隻送1隻!諗住咁抵佢話俾2隻蠔同1隻帶子都好啦,但熊貓朋友話其實想食帶子多啲,就問可唔可以倒轉要2隻帶子。呢個時候老闆霸氣地話「俾多隻帶子佢!我送嘅!食唔晒都係晒架喇!」真係非常感動!又霸氣又好人,真係好有小店風味!而且食落真係好足料勁飽肚又熱辣辣!老闆話好食就叫朋友黎啦!所以真係要即刻上黎留個食評呀!多謝晒!好滿足~(如果早去未賣晒芒果汁,買$50/2隻仲有芒果汁送!) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)