10-min walk from Exit B2, Ho Man Tin MTR Station continue reading
This Western-style restaurant is around 50,000 square feet. It provides an electric go-kart track and party rooms, which is a nice place for family gathering and parties booking. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
焗德國脆皮豬手 紅酒燴牛肋肉意大利飯 燒烤美國豬肋排配脆炸薯角
Review (18)
Level1 2024-10-24
收錢人嘅服務態度極差,我係見過最差的收銀! 我比多咗一蚊,竟然比人話黐線 咁都有嘅!佢先係黐線!說話態度囂張!沒有禮貌!每次去食都受人氣!叫飲品嘅時候仲衰!做事完全冇效率!沙律入面有螞蟻!食兩次都係咁!有時候張枱面都有!D嘢食預制得太早!上都嚟都凍曬!雞扒凍!餃子又凍!咁嘅質素嘅食物,都好意思咁鬼細貴!離譜! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
玩飽電動高卡車同飄移車之後,又可以喺呢度食飽飽😌好方便😍餐廳嘅食物都有好多唔同嘅選擇,有唔同選擇嘅Pizza🍕沙律🥗飯類🍚意粉🍝,仲有唔同嘅主食同埋兒童餐😊我個人認為覺得德國脆皮豬手就最好味🤤😋份量足夠,熱辣辣皮脆肉嫩,鹹鹹香香,食落口好惹味🙂😊正!脆雞皮脆肉嫩,仲好Juice又多肉汁,配埋醬汁都真係幾好味😋停唔到口!職員態度好友善,會再幫襯!好適合同一班朋友來放鬆玩一晚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-22
We booked the entire place for a party recently. Located within the expansive 18 Challenge Karting facility in Hong Kong, the restaurant offers a welcome respite after an exhilarating go-karting experience. Providing a diverse menu that caters to various palates, the restaurant at 18 Challenge Karting is a convenient and satisfying option for visitors.🏎️The restaurant's atmosphere is casual and inviting, making it an ideal place to unwind and refuel after an adrenaline-fueled race. The staff is attentive and friendly, ensuring a pleasant dining experience for patrons. Whether you're part of a large group or a smaller gathering, the restaurant can accommodate different party sizes comfortably.👾One notable highlight of the restaurant is its pizza, which comes highly recommended. The pizzas are freshly prepared and cooked to perfection, offering a delicious combination of flavors and toppings. They serve as a satisfying option for those seeking a quick and flavorful meal.🍕Beyond the food, the restaurant also offers additional entertainment options for guests to enjoy. Visitors can engage in friendly competition by challenging friends to games of basketball or darts, or by trying out the racing arcade games available. This variety of activities adds an extra layer of fun and excitement to the overall experience at 18 Challenge Karting.🏀Furthermore, the restaurant's customizable packages make it a suitable venue for special occasions such as birthday parties or corporate team-building activities. The dedicated team at 18 Challenge Karting ensures that these events are organized seamlessly, providing a memorable experience for all attendees.🪖In conclusion, the restaurant at 18 Challenge Karting complements the thrilling go-karting experience offered at the facility. With a diverse menu, attentive staff, and additional entertainment options, it serves as a convenient and enjoyable place to relax, refuel, and continue the fun after an adrenaline-pumping race. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-19
何文田呢間餐廳集合左兩條賽道、電競場、籃球機、飛鏢機等玩樂設施玩到肚餓可叫野食 小食主菜炸物意大利飯應有盡有蘑菇忌廉長通粉味道很好👍🏻賣相吸引味道都好食電動卡丁車一節8分鐘賽道有12個彎位聽好安全措施講解後就正式出發啦全程都有專業人員監控發生碰撞後會即時暫停安全得黎 玩得放心屏幕會顯示番自己的戰績 記得影相留念🤭飄移車一節6分鐘大人細路都玩得同卡丁車一樣都要做足安全措施🪖戴齊頭盔在場的職員會簡單講解點操作玩的過程仲會聽到Mario攞金幣的聲音⛑️玩得好過癮 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
成日聽人講去何文田玩車,今次終於到我玩🥳!估唔到呢度餐廳食物高質又唔貴🥘!18 Challenge專登請咗佢大廚嚟整,好食過出面好多餐廳👩🏻‍🍳!我哋食咗黑松露意粉🍝、三文魚pizza🍕、雞扒🐥、雞翼🐣!🐥 普羅旺斯蒜香烤雞扒 ($168)雞扒大大件啖啖肉🤪 仲有唔少蔬菜🥬🍝 松露野菌扁意大利飯 ($88)意粉黑松露味超香,夠creamy,又好大份😍🍕 煙三文魚牛油果醬薄餅 ($98)pizza薄脆底,仲有多三文魚🍣正呀!🐣 蜜糖炸雞翼 (忘了價錢) 必食蜜糖炸雞翼!好香甜,脆口程度啱啱好😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)