A sushi restaurant with conveyor belt from Japan, serves nearly 100 traditional sushi and innovative sushi. At the same time, Hong Kong-limited sushi has also been added to meet the tastes of Hongkongers. The price is reasonable.
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Opening Hours
10:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
夜晚唔知食乜嘢好,因為收工時間比較早,見到壽司郎係唔需要排隊就可以入去食啦。所以,我諗都冇諗到就衝咗入去食。一入到去撳部平板電腦,就見到佢原來已經係出咗八月餐單啊,八月餐單最大嘅特色就係有一隻新嘅顏色碟,就係白色顏色碟,只係價值港幣$10 ,的確幾抵食,但係選擇就唔多。講返食物先,今次叫咗兩款三文魚,一款係紅碟港幣$12 ,另一款係銀色碟港幣$17 ,的確係貴啲嗰款三文魚係好食啲魚肉亦都厚身啲。另外仲有叫咗吞拿魚都好好味。
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很久沒到壽司郞,下午時分,到了黃埔的「壽司郞」,拿取籌號後,只等了約二十分鐘,就可進入。餐廳使用平板電腦點餐: 軟煮鮑魚入口軟嫩、彈牙。特盛紅楚蟹海苔包海苔的脆脆,紅楚蟹的鮮甜,加上中間香甜的壽司米飯,層次豐富。水煮松葉蟹腳蟹肉鮮嫩,入口即化。海螺雙味二種不同食法,各有特色。蝦三味一次過品嚐三款蝦,正!貝三味(北寄貝、赤貝、海螺)略嫌赤貝有點腥味。南瓜天婦羅如可脆一點會更好。叫埋雪糕做甜品,滿足晒!
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我相信大家一定會將壽司郎同攞飛等位聯想一齊。但今日既我十分之幸運,能夠一去到攞飛,即刻有位入去,而且我當下係超級肚餓,所以我真係好幸運,亦都好感恩,想食即刻有得食既感覺。燒鱈魚子配忌廉芝士軍艦螢光魷魚沖漬軍艦鯖魚押壽司坐低叫左十幾樣食物,其實好快上枱,而且環境清潔價錢又實惠好難唔幫襯。希望將來嘅日子都係一去到就有得食,咁就好啦。而且記住食完之後可以吸印仔,將來可以換到少少禮物。氹吓我兩個女 ,都不知幾開心。
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i feel like the hype of sushiro is fading and i’m glad that it also means a shorter queue and wait time.visited the whampoa branch at 4pm on a saturday and we only waited for 5 mins! ordered a lot and it was $200pp. not super cheap but v reasonable. similar price and quality as genki i’d say. sushiro has better desserts but genki has a membership system which always makes the bill cheaper as a person that doesn’t eat sashimi, i rly like their desserts (i can have 3 at a time!) and hope that they’ll come out with more cooked food
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