6-min walk from Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
16:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
16:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
📍Lakeside (佐敦)佐敦一定係香港嘅尼泊爾菜集中地。想食正宗尼泊爾菜,廟街一帶應該都係最好嘅選擇。呢間餐廳嘅店長好熱情,而且佢哋仲有小店獨有嘅貼心。🌟Lakeside platter $148尼泊爾辣薯仔(Thicheko alu)、Tabouleh (?)、脆脆+花生、薯條、蝦片、雞翼雞鎚落單嘅時候店長有問我哋食唔食得辣,結果真係有幫我哋減辣🥹。Thicheko alu少辣好開胃,除咗薯仔之外都有唔少青瓜。Tabouleh (?) 點解會打個問號因為佢哋冇話係Tabouleh,而且諗落係冇咗小麥。但係番茜+蕃茄+洋蔥,再用檸檬汁調味又似足七成。雞翼雞鎚口味似喺大馬/印尼會食到嗰種調味唔重,有生炸感覺嘅炸雞ayam goreng。🌟Chicken sausage $70店主話係尼泊爾嘅signature dish。鹹度唔高,如果廚師腸係10分鹹,呢個就得3分左右。燒得好香好均勻,可以蘸乳酪醬同尼泊爾辣醬食。成個感覺好comfort food,真係會食得開心。🌟Chicken momo $65香港人最熟悉嘅尼泊爾菜-尼泊爾餃子🥟。薄薄嘅餃皮包住鮮甜嘅肉餡,多汁到似小籠包,但皮夠薄但唔易穿。🌟Plain lassi $35🌟Mango lassi $40
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I recently dined at Lakeside, a charming Nepali restaurant located in Jordan, and I must say, it was a delightful experience from start to finish!We started our meal with the **Buff Momo**, which were incredibly flavorful and perfectly steamed. The dipping sauce added just the right kick😋Next, we tried the **Quesadilla Chicken**. This dish was a surprising fusion that worked beautifully. The chicken was juicy, and the cheese melted perfectly, making every bite satisfying🤤For the main course, we ordered the **BBQ Platter**, which included grilled pork belly, ribs, and full chicken wings. Each item was cooked to perfection, with a smoky flavor that was simply irresistible. The variety on the platter allowed us to savor different tastes and textures, making it a standout👍🏻To complement our meal, we enjoyed refreshing **Coconut Water** and **Lime Soda**. Both drinks were the perfect way to cool down and cleanse our palates.Overall, Lakeside offers a fantastic dining experience with a unique blend of Nepali flavors and dishes. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, making it a great spot for both casual dining and special occasions. I highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking to explore delicious Nepali cuisine!
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📍🐈 Lakeside-佐敦🐈⬛📍#chowweisik鹹#chowweisik佐敦#chowweisik將軍澳食尼泊爾、印度、多國菜通常喺佐敦都好多選擇🤭同埋多數都係本地人開,感覺都正宗啲pork momo$65momo 係去尼泊爾餐廳必食嘅菜式依然入邊好Juicy 多肉汁個醬汁亦都係必須一定要加落去!!!chicken sausages $70 係香烤咗嘅腸仔同平時BBQ食嘅腸仔口感完全唔同會令到你有一刻覺得唔似食緊腸仔😂必須點埋個汁(yogurt+ spicy one)!!!😻配酒非常好😙lakeside platter $148呢個mix platter 份量超大🤪混合左唔同尼泊爾signature嘅菜式好鍾意嗰個脆米+ 燒豬腩肉match埋chips and guacamole $111呢個就同平時taco chips 好類似但個chips 會厚多少少加 avocado 🥑 so jenggg!!!一 🚏 Lakeside (佐敦)佐敦廟街165號地舖
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咁岩行完裕華國貨 泥到廟街呢頭發現咗一間新開嘅尼泊爾餐廳 ~真係食得好開心❣️❣️因為好多新體驗ahh 😆值得share一下必點!!Momo Buff ($65)呢個Momo Buff真係好正!餃子皮薄 餡料豐富 超爆多肉汁微辣+熱辣辣🌶️❤️🔥好適合做開胃小食~~Panipuri ($70)呢個小食好cute!有D似印度嘅空心的油炸球 炸脆的球內充滿濃郁的青酸汁💚驚喜嘅係內面有花生同埋乾麵條味道酸酸辣辣🌶️都幾開胃!Mexican Chips & Guacamole ($111)脆片比較脆身同埋偏硬 牛油果醬滑順🥑加埋蕃茄同埋洋蔥粒 味道清新 令人食唔停墨西哥脆片搭配呢個Mexican牛油果醬 口感一流!Tacos Chicken ($70)雞肉塔可味道濃郁🌮雞肉嫩滑 醬汁好濃郁~配料都幾新鮮的 口感層次豐富🤣🤣Soda Water ($20)清爽不膩 完美解膩🥰Mango Lassi ($40)香甜可口 好岩搭配辛辣食物🥘🌶️解解辣momo最有驚喜 🥳overall泥講價錢合理 絕對會再二訪喔
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剛開業不久🆕嘅Lakeside係一家佐敦嘅🇳🇵尼泊爾菜餐廳,有不少👨🏽🦱尼泊爾人喺度gathering🥰!尼泊爾人🇳🇵善良熱情,食物出品🥟具水準,而且價錢都幾實惠,值得一試😋!🐟Fishtail $68Lakeside嘅signature cocktails,平得嚟仲好有特色!自釀米酒配vodka同埋藍莓,香郁好飲!加埋特色魚仔杯,正!🍸Inky Pinky Ponky $68另一款signature cocktail,Gin溝橙酒,帶檸檬嘅清新同埋士多啤梨嘅甜,酒味溫和!🌭Chicken Sausages $70雞肉腸𠝹花再炸,沾滿惹味嘅醬料,係餐廳最受歡迎嘅小食!同場嘅尼泊爾人都係嗌呢碟嚟送酒!🥟Fry Momo - Buff $75炸得夠香脆,內餡係水牛肉,配搭清新嘅香草辣醬,香口又惹味,仲充滿尼泊爾色彩!🔥Lakeside Platter $148齊晒豬腩肉、蝦片、薯條、沙律、穀物!炸豬腩肉肥美可口!香辣嘅薯仔沙律同埋酸爽嘅草香沙律,配搭穀物同食都真係幾正!
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