2-min walk from Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (151)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
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Review (22)
Level3 2024-12-17
今日食咗美心西餅呢個新嘅冬日聖誕朱古力杯蛋糕 成個都係朱古力味嚟嘅咁佢裏面分咗唔同嘅層次有啲朱古力味同平時嗰啲朱古力味蛋糕差不多同埋佢裏面有一層呢係有朱古力味嘅啫哩 而最底層呢係有脆脆嘅朱古力碎做餅底👍🏻咁佢雖然大家都係朱古力味啦但係佢嘅口感同層次都唔同 所以呢個蛋糕食落都唔錯嘅個口咁嘅豐富食到個層次出嚟嘅 同埋整體都唔算太甜都幾抵食可以再食 而係地鐵站嘅美心攞蛋糕又好方便 美心啲蛋糕呢就出咗名性價比高 真係唔錯咁加左名牌$10=$168恒生信用卡又有九二折咁折返都係$155好抵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-06
💚蜜瓜蛋糕💚係爸爸買嘅,所以我有得食tea😙😙呢個蛋糕部分個比例其實唔少㗎,唔會話超級多cream咁。蛋糕又好 cream都好,其實好淡蜜瓜味,反而橙色嗰個就好重哈密瓜味,裡面有唔少瓜粒粒。好彩佢啲cream唔算好多,如果唔係 真係會膩死我😭😭而且唔係特別有奶香味🥲如果要自己買嘅話,應該未必有意欲買~😂😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
路過準備去接囡囡,見到美心西餅入去睇吓有冇咩蛋糕逗吓小朋友開心比我發現咗呢個{芒果杯}甜品🍧!好可愛呀!上面有幾粒芒果🥭,有啲芒果汁、沙田柚、芒果布甸🍮、蛋糕🍰!呢個配搭仲唔係楊枝甘露嘅版本?! 我估佢一定鐘意!呢個{芒果杯}甜品🍧價值$25,比錢嘅時候見到有蘋果汁🧃1L x2, $20 即係2盒大大盒只係$20 。可能因為到期日比較近,2023年7月24號,不過我相信兩個禮拜內都一定會飲曬,所以就買咗啦!返到去佢食到唔停口,話「Yummy!Yummy!」 total $45,小朋友超超開心仲錫左我一大啖呀!值得呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The staff is so friendly in this branch, coming here for several times and they are so helpful haa, and various cake categories make you easily find one to buy haaAlice In Wonderland Mixed Fruit Cream Cake is so lovely haa, also having more than 5layers, filling with mixed fruits, strawberry jam and cream, the taste is goood, guess fruit cake can’t be wrong haaa, and you can  also keep alice as a gift and i have put it on my desk haa, cutiee This year, all christmas cakes are so beautiful and cute, and they have a new series mickey minne baobao, so lovely, we picked christmas santa claus haaa, the taste is so good we love so much, having super soft texture, four layers including sponge cake, strawberry mousse cream, covering cream and strawberry jam, strawberry in between, we love smooth wipe cream haa and the strawberry tasting sweet too which we like haamenu:Always having good cakes here, and surprised having having these two lovely cakes this year yaya continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-05-22
星期五晚上約了朋友們食生日飯🥳,經過佐敦地鐵站順路買生日蛋糕🎂, 見到有新出品~芒果糯米飯蛋糕$208, 就試下呢個啦!外型好特別, 像一個巨型的芒果糯米飯, 頂層有大量新鮮芒果不過比較酸,食用花作點綴,椰汁糯米飯、椰汁糯米飯奶凍和椰漿。 份量都好多, 四個人完全食唔曬, 再加上糯米飯都幾膩, 所以多幾個人食都可以。整體外型和味道都唔錯😉, 唯獨是芒果不夠甜美, 不過可以一試。美心西餅地址: 佐敦港鐵佐敦站JOR14號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)