Offers French crepe with many ingredients. There have many choices for both savory and sweet tastes. Fresh fruit tea is another must-try. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 21:30
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (300)
Level4 2021-09-23
主打法式煎薄餅,外皮呈四方形,材料鋪滿薄餅內咸甜口味都有不少選擇。配上清新水果茶水果味濃甜跟餐一式3款,甜品沙律主菜菠菜煙三文魚薄餅 法式煎薄餅 煙韌帶點脆口感薄薄一層上面放滿煙三文魚,沙律菜,紫薯蓉等食材食個陣切開餅皮包住食材一起食,口感又脆又有煙魚肉既咸香,味道唔錯既Caramel Latte 奶味偏濃,咖啡味輕,問題不大檸檬批 中間一層檸檬芝士,酸酸地幾清新,灑滿糖粉,脆身微脆消費$200九龍灣宏照道38號MegaBox L5 3及4號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-09-04
Went here for lunch one Saturday with the wife and 2 kids. Horrible service from the 2 local female waitresses (young). When asking politely for them not to serve hot food on the baby’s side and not place it directly in front of them (1 yo and 3 yo), they both rolled their eyes at me and did the same again the next time.... it’s one thing to do it once cause they don’t have kids and don’t realize, but it’s another to do it again. Oh plus the food was horrible (salad was bitter, garlic bread was stale, chicken in cream sauce rice looked tasteless, but tasted even worse than it looked. 0/10 never coming back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-07-29
1.酒類餐牌有超過20樣選擇,當夜只有3款售賣2.女侍應夢遊,舉手5分鐘,見到扮睇唔到3.男侍應夢遊,落單要客人重覆又重覆,叫佢覆單,黑口黑面,最後仲要落漏1個餐湯同1杯手工啤,食左一半,先上返個湯同酒4.環境一般,天花板滴水,幸好只長期滴到我手臂,隔離枱投訴,滴多5分鐘先可轉枱座位迫,坐得好辛苦5.食品一般,肉眼扒 1/5係肥膏,豬扒同樣1/4係肥膏,薯條過得去,青口麻麻不會再光顧,4人消費共1000,唔值 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-07-16
餐廳喺Megabox一個角落, 不太顯眼, 但lunch time都full house。Lunch set 選擇種類繁多, 有齊沙律、飯、意粉、魚、牛、豬、羊嘅option! 是日餐湯蕃茄湯酸甜開胃, 配上一塊微烘的牛油法包。西班牙豬梅肉扒配芥末籽汁, 烤薯菜 $118賣相唔錯, 豬梅肉扒煎香嫩滑。 可惜份量真係太少, 塊扒只有手心般大, 烤薯菜只得三塊…真係女仔食都未必飽…午市套餐可以加$35甜品一份, 但見主菜咁細份, 決定慳番唔叫…下次都係去番十幾樓另一間西餐廳用膳… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我係晚市嘅其中一位客人,今晚晚市所有樓面職員係我哋未食完嘢,距離closing仲有一小時十五分鐘(20:45) ,就已經要求客人埋單走。期間我多次表達我哋未食完嘢,都要求我哋一定要埋單。你哋當時經理態度非常無禮貌,係我表達我嘅投訴之後反問我『咁你想點』,連道歉都冇。之後俾張信用卡佢埋單,又玩嘢好耐都唔俾返張信用卡我。成餐飯嘢食唔係特別好食,服務態度又冇。就算係支持黃店,唔係代表緊可以咁樣嘅服務態度。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)