5-min walk from Exit B3, Sung Wong Toi Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Live Music
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (46)
九龍城係眾所周知嘅小泰國,多泰國餐廳之餘,越南菜,優質咖啡店,居酒屋,各種連鎖食肆,仲有呢一間默默耕耘嘅印度菜。今日下午一時半再幫襯,暫未有食客,餐廳哥仔熱情好客,今日試吓Butter Chicken,加$15有杯芒果乳酸飲品。餐廳環境舒適優美,配合情調音樂,滋味美食。希望佢哋繼續捱得住。要多啲人幫襯呀。提咗意見俾老闆,餐牌除咗英文,唔可以淨係用簡體中文,佢話佢個friend教錯咗佢,將會轉返繁體中文。 杯嘢飲有啲粉末,要再改良,哥仔都一一記低晒,接納意見。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Went there today after being recommended by my friend. A little walk from the MTR station as it’s shadowed by many restaurants at the start of the street but the food and the ambiance of the restaurant is worth the extra walk. Ordered a MUSHROOM SOUP and a KACHUMBER SALAD followed by 2 pieces of SAMOSA and a MURG MALAI TIKKA as starters. Mushroom soup creamy and delicious. Kachumber salad full of herbs to give us the feel of what’s more to come! Samosas were full of potato fillings its core is soft while its base is hard and crispy. The best was by far the murg malai tikka, creamy chicken mixed with bunch of herbs and a cream on top. The main course was a classic Chicken Tikka Masala with garlic naan! Spicy chicken tikka masala with different spices and fried onions and green bell peppers all mixed together each bite carried its own flavour. Don’t even have to explain how delicious the garlic naan was paired with the curry. The owner offered us a piece of Gulab jamun at the end of our meal and a nice thank you to us for taking the time to try their food. The drinks we had were mango lassi and a fresh lime soda. The service was very good and having the conversation with the owner felt very inviting. Will definitely pay this place another visit continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-12
在九龍城最多泰國菜館和雜貨店的城南道,竟然有一家印度餐廳而我們去的一晚,雖然人客不多,但全是印度人,大概反映了味道夠正宗。一點完菜,侍應就放下餐前小吃(不另收費😁) 是每人一片香香的胡椒薄脆,點些印度薄荷汁,清一清口腔,迎接之後的刺激Pani Puri 印度脆球餅:空心的脆脆球狀外殼裝著咖喱薯仔粒,外型很可愛。食前灑些羅望子/薄荷/辣椒的特製調味水,微辣咖喱加上一點酸和薄荷的冰涼,是一個開胃的小食Tandoori Chicken 印度天多尼烤雞 (半隻共4件):燒紅的鐵板吱吱作響,香噴噴的烤雞冒着煙端上來,出場氣勢十足。雞件外層的鮮紅色是來自印度天多尼香料的天然色素。雞肉醃得入味,而且烤得很香但肉質依然嫩滑多汁,沾醬是剛才點薄脆的薄荷汁,清新香氣令味道更有層次Saag 印度菠菜咖喱:主要材料只有免治菠菜/洋葱/蒜蓉,但是用特式印度咖喱香料去煮,味道就變得濃郁又豐富,用來配印度薄餅最好Garlic naan 蒜蓉烤餅:鬆軟又煙靱的薄餅,只有一點蒜蓉襯托麵粉香,味道比較清淡但吸汁力強,最適合伴咖喱吃Onion Kulcha 洋蔥烤餅:餅皮夾著香草洋蔥餡煎香,口感比較濕潤,加上洋蔥的香味和爽脆,跟天多尼燒雞好合襯Mango Lassi 芒果奶昔: 食印度菜指定飲品,香甜的芒果加上乳酪有效解辣,質地夠厚夠稠,芒果味又夠濃,吃完飯當是楊枝甘露般的甜品也可以P.S. 菜式可選辣度,我們揀最溫和的level 1, 最強勁是level 3P.P.S 份量也是十分強勁,明明十分肚餓,最後食不完打包半份菠菜咖喱和半份洋蔥薄餅做第二天的早餐,埋單連加一才三百幾元 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-20
好耐之前都嚟過呢一間印度菜….今日重臨九龍城特登走返嚟食而且最重要呢度仲有好多唔同種類嘅素菜選擇佢哋特別會有一版喺素菜嘅餐牌今日都有啲特價午餐我就叫咗一個咖喱魚塊薄餅…當然你可以選擇要飯的佢哋仲會有兩款素湯添我特別叫咗一個素食嘅油炸咖喱角…不過口味濃咗少少,唔係太啱我但係裏面都有好多蔬菜和醬汁最欣賞佢哋嘅咖喱唔係太辣呢個咖喱魚嘅份量都唔錯而我建議大家可以試吓呢度嘅薄餅…因為喺出邊比較難試到呢一款熱辣辣又鬆脆嘅口味一碟有四塊我唔夠喉,再次encore🤩🤩🤩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
走進九龍城這家印度餐廳,一陣陣香料的香氣撲鼻而來。先來份蔬菜咖喱角,酥脆之中帶點辣,內藏彩色蔬菜,一點點辣椒碎,唔錯!點來的牛油咖喱雞,每件雞肉都包裹住厚厚嘅香料咖喱,入口嫩滑,新鮮烤餅,香酥可口,撈上咖喱汁,簡直係絕配。跟住嚟份印度蝦香飯,味道係正!洋蔥、腰果同香料炒得金黃香脆,滿滿嘅蝦仔,吸晒啲香料汁,每一啖飯都有驚喜。最後甜點玖瑰蜜炸奶球,外層酥脆,內裡牛奶味濃郁,配杯茶,簡直係完美尾聲🥭🧀。整體黎講,這家印度餐廳嘅每道菜都好有層次,香氣四溢,真係攞到「香」字當道。係你喜歡新鮮出爐,有咖喱、有香料嗰種啖啖肉嘅美食嘅話,咁呢度真係唔容錯過喇!進食過程中,大飽口福,唔一會兒就食得好滿足。下次又要嚟呢啲正宗印度菜嚟開開胃!👌🍴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)