Exit C2/ H, Kowloon Tong MTR Station continue reading
Rice Paper offers delicate flavors of today's Vietnam with exquisite presentation. Infused with French flair, the interior decoration creates a romantic and relaxing ambiance. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Vietnamese Restaurant (2010)
Good For
Business Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (146)
Level4 2015-08-30
This restaurant had always been a great choice among the eateries of Festival Walk; and we had picked this for a quick dinner before a movie. The pomelo salad was zesty and whetted one's appetite, the chicken-beef-pork satay skewers were juicy but not heavy, the soft shell crab in rice paper rolls were a mite soggy but still delicious, the pineapple seafood fried rice was fresh and its taste, moisture and texture were all satisfying. At $155 per head with AE card boons, this would have put this place on our regular-frequenting list - but for the fact that I learnt of its abrupt closure a few days afterwards. This is indeed a pity; I hope the management would re-consider their decision. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
約了朋友係九龍塘聚會,首選這間越南菜。覺得價錢都幾ok.....又可以訂位!我地叫左個蝦既米子卷👍好咪道!- 拼盤普通,軟殼蟹就麻麻,好多粉- 菠蘿炒飯都ok- 青咖哩雞,配蒜蓉包一流!壓軸出場既係今晚既主角~~~梳乎厘!真係好正,唔似食風咁!必食推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-08-02
同舊同學相約黎到又一城食呢間米紙, 點解我話懷念? 因為小妹曾經係度返過part time嫁! 不過都好多年前嚕, 想再黎試試佢是否保持到水準!香茅青檸梳打- 不是我吹噓, 佢真係我飲過最好飲既lime soda! 因為佢落左一粒半既新解青檸汁, 所以味道好fresh, 酸得黎又好過癮 而我就中意加埋香茅, 味道更香更濃!XO醬雞肉炒金邊粉-味道就好香啦, 金邊粉亦炒得岩岩好, 唔會太淋, 食起來亦唔會好咸, 而且有少少椰菜夾雞住黎食都還不錯! 唯一想講既係份量實在太少了, 五個人一人分得少少。越南春卷-有別於中式/泰式春卷, 佢既皮係用米紙炸成既, 裡面有檬粉豬肉馬蹄等等, 夾埋生菜再點少少"碌淋"汁, 又脆又煙軔, 會食上癮蝦乾炒通菜- 通菜係幼身同淋身呢種, 少少辣幾惹味, 蝦乾好大隻@@ 就咁食都唔咸, 幾好味XD青咖喱雞(蒜茸包)-呢度既青咖喱相對其他顏色係最辣既而且無咩椰奶! 咖喱汁好香, 可能因為有好多配料, 雞肉都幾滑。最中意佢入面仲有薯仔, 秋葵, 泰國茄子!醬汁香鴨(半隻)-唔知點解越來越細隻, 就黎半隻變到四分一隻咁濟, 但啲鴨又砍到鬼死咁大件!! 味道方面都依然好味既, 唔好以為佢係滷水鴨味, 佢係另一隻味唔識形容, 鴨肉都幾滑~我最期待既甜品時間來了!!香蕉布丁-係咪點睇都唔似一個布丁? 但其實佢好好味, 上面係honey comb雪糕, 下面好似係煙軔版海綿蛋糕, 加埋花奶, 又凍又熱, 口感同味道都幾好!朱古力梳乎厘-我就自己轉左配椰子味雪糕! 但梳乎厘好似無以前咁靚仔了, 有啲焗失敗既感覺! 不過味道還可以, 不太甜, 點埋朱古力醬岩岩好!French Kiss-是的, 小妹生日, 可以叫佢加焟燭!聽個名係咪好有意思呢? 其實佢上面係好酸既rasberry sorbet, 兩塊餅乾入面夾住既係充滿杏仁碎既雪糕, 幾樣夾埋一齊食係好食既! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-05-23
同朋友係又一城行街行到快九點,有D餓就聽朋友介紹去左呢間越南菜,裝修幾靚坐低睇睇餐牌,本身想叫個冬陰公但又怕太辣就放棄左,不過隔離枱有叫所以聞到好香最後叫不個咖哩牛腩,通菜同菠蘿炒飯。首先講個飯,一上枱見到成條菠蘿真係嚇左嚇,不過海鮮好多有帶子,青口,魷魚,蝦!好多好豐富!然後菠蘿真係好新鮮通菜,份量好多,不過對我黎講辣左D,但都好香口。咖哩牛腩,味道普通,不過有點un如果可以燜奈小小就好。三道餸黎講,炒飯最好,飯夠乾身用料新鮮,份量夠兩個人食,十分推薦大家試下! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-06
越南菜!!!比較貴(((每樣野平均都一百但好岩食野傾計成日都排長龍叫左碗經典越南河同手卷越南河好正好夠味xddd但略嫌手卷唔夠脆緊唔中放縱自己既好選擇hahaha continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)