6-min walk from Exit E, Kwai Hing MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (58)
🤤今次一試,真係正!風味獨特嘅海鮮魚卵湯,鮮甜彈牙嘅魚卵,湯頭微辣又唔會喧寵海鮮本味,真係夠晒正。而家講吓韓國血腸湯,清新唔油膩,血腸Q彈得嚟唔腥,仲帶少少甜味,真係啱晒鐘意輕盈口味嘅食客。飯食部分啲白飯真係好得意喎,好似小朋友食完仲要黐住吖嬸咁,一啖又一啖!話說返轉頭,拎住個晒完太陽嘅熱辣部隊鍋,大過年嘅寒冷冇哂喇💨!熱氣蒸騰之下,各種食材嘅搭配就好似一場華麗嘅宴會,每啖都夠晒熱情同精彩。至於芝士粟米呢,熱辣辣、芝士牽絲,濃香跟粟米嘅甜融合,食完真係覺得人生有希望🌟!今次去食,真係一場味覺同感官嘅雙重享受,葵興朋友們,不妨試吓嚟呢間餐廳,保證你有個愉快嘅食旅!🍽️🎉👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-18
偶然間行過葵涌,朋友拉我入咗間韓國餐廳,心諗:「好嘢!嚟碟炸雞過下癮!」我地落單後幾分鐘就有食物送上。首先,醬油蟹真係非一般,啖啖肉,蟹膏香滑得嚟又濃郁,伴隨紫菜飯一齊入口,簡直係perfect match!再黎個辣炒年糕,年糕韌度啱啱好,試過嗌多兩碟咁滿意嘅口感。原味炸雞就真係撲王,外皮金黃酥脆,肉質嫩滑多汁,一啖咬落去,聲音都係咁脆,完全入咗我心水!飲品當然少不了冰涼嘅啤酒🍺,食炸雞就梗係要配啤酒,實在舒服!值得一提嘅係,呢度嘅泡菜酸香得嚟唔過火,跟埋烤肉飯一齊食,就算飽肚都仲想多夾幾筷!我絕對會再嚟,下次要試埋其他嘢!過癮,撐腸箍肚,準備收工後再嚟大吃一餐!👍🏻🥢🇰🇷 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-06
The food is fine and rarely find in the area, spacious area with sunlight (sometimes too strong with no curtain installed). However the waitress wearing glasses is rude and impolite. She tried to put us to a share table while the restaurant is absolute empty. She is unprofessional at cashier as she forgot what bill we have paid in cash; can’t deal with complaints when the food is late. No offence but the staff also got a strong body odour issue. It is very disappointing because we liked this restaurant but now we will never come again ever with such low service standard. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-22
份量不算多,試過有一次比半碗飯我👍前菜似比乞丐👍呢度一定有位👍不過就算全場得2張枱,佢都會叫你搭枱,最好4個人去,如果2人坐4人枱,佢會同你講this is for 4 people, 但唔見佢有2人枱 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友介紹下先知道葵興原來有間隱世韓國菜館,一向好鐘意食韓國菜既我當然要去試試喇!可能因為過左午飯時間,餐廳冇太多既食客,我同朋友坐去近窗既位置,感覺好舒適。望望餐牌,竟然有驚喜既發現。除左一般常見既大醬湯,辣豆腐湯,人蔘雞湯外,午餐竟然有醬油蟹餐,生牛肉伴飯餐🤩,實在係好驚喜。可惜手機點餐時發現2個餐都冇得選擇,可能要晚餐先有供應。最後我地點左平時好少見既海鮮魚卵湯以及韓國血腸湯。海鮮魚卵湯-微辣,完全唔腥,未食過魚卵既人都可以接受到;反而韓國血腸湯就比較清淡,完全沒有我在韓劇看到的美味😅另外值得一讚既係套餐所配既白飯都係韓國米,配成湯飯,口感一流😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)