呢度好似難難容容咁,,,但係氣氛一流,好有feel,我好鐘意,,,,D waitress好nice,,,,野飲,Ok,,,不過淡左少少,,我叫左個千層粉,,,夠熱,,,幾好食
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
當日黎e度.... jesus... 好難食牛肉批只有味精味, nachos "諗"既. 紅or 白酒無得揀, 只係街邊舖$40 既貨式.同老闆傾落先知佢地係英國人黎hk 定居, 開e間bar 只係比人睇波.之但係我無諗到d野咁難食.
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其實係一間bar, 環境唔錯, 有好多露天位, o係熱鬧o既大街邊坐o係度傾計唔錯~ 經開幾次都見d外籍人士o係依度睇波, 所以依度叫Sports Bar~兩位外籍waitress好nice, 滿面笑容~ 因為order menu上o既o野都無(pizza, fish & chips), 所以係咁say sorry~最後order o左prawn salad同smoked salmon pasta~ o個d唔係prawn, 係雪藏蝦仔, 無味o架... salad ok啦~ pasta ok咁啦, 不過都係唔鍾意青豆... 加一杯iced tea同coke, $16X埋單~都係o係度飲o野算啦~
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