Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
17:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
放假繼續遠離都市煩囂,走入南丫島享受小島寧靜。一邊吹住海風,一邊嘆杯啤酒,係我一直都嚮往嘅悠閒生活!所以今次就嚟到𝙇𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙖 𝙂𝙧𝙞𝙡𝙡,嘆住海景 品嚐正宗英國pub food!榕樹灣一落船行5分鐘左右就到~ 餐廳由外國人主理,有多款pizza同burger等西式菜式供選擇。更設有臨海露天座位!好天仲可以睇到日落~▪️Fish and chips $160炸魚超大塊!肉汁完美被鎖住,不過炸皮偏厚,食落都幾油膩下。薯條份量都唔少,飽滿微脆。▪️Buffalo wings $60/6隻雞翼肉質嫩滑,充滿肉汁,酸酸甜甜帶少少辣,都幾惹味。整體嚟講,離島餐廳價錢意外地相宜,環境相當chill!呆坐一兩個鐘完全冇問題!
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The pizza is dry, not much topping (even the cheese). No tastes. Really disappointed. Won’t go back again.The service is not too friendly.
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係榕樹灣行來行去,不停睇下食乜野,海鮮就唔太想食,一來覺得會好貴,本來去左BWC坐底左,但係啲野食真係唔夾我唸住味。經過一間門口都有啲暗,但望穿個鋪位可以見到有露天位係個鋪位既最盡頭,既然都無乜心水,搵個海景休息一下都好。一入到去,有個好熱情既鬼佬say Hi,跟住自己搵位,佢就攞menu跟住,環境真係唔錯,今日又有啲涼但又唔曬,正。Beef Burger 正爆,好juicy,又多唔同既伴菜,加埋有兩款醬汁,味道非常配合,一百蚊左右,絕對超值。Mixed Grill,原來個份量好大,有3條腸,兩件小牛扒同3條ribs,仲有一碗好有墨西哥風味既碎肉醬汁去配一大個basket既粗薯條。碎肉醬汁配粗薯條係非常好味,一定要試。雖然無試過pizza,不過見到隔離兩枱都有食,睇樣都好掂。
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We tried this restaurant after being recommended by a friend.We tried the Fish and Chips, a Santa Fe Wrap, and half a pint of Apple Cider.All of the portions were huge and they were of high quality.The Fish and Chips were cooked to perfection. They were crispy on the outside and soft of the inside. There were a huge amount of chips that we couldn't finish. For the Santa Fe Wrap, there were a lot of ingredients, and we could clearly taste each. There was a blend of avocado, chicken, sour cream, jalapeno, lettuce etc. The ingredients went together really well.Overall it was really enjoyable and filling.
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