Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
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Review (10)
Level3 2021-05-14
呢間餐廳我每日都會經過,已經改名,主打義大利菜。毗鄰河畔好環境,夜晚更加好氣氛。今日天氣不太熱所以選擇坐室外,和老公撐枱腳點左 Burrata Rossa 做Appertizer,份量好大,塊Mozzarella Cheese 襯埋個番茄蓉和番茄仔酸甜味中和好啱啱好。我主菜就點Tenderloin 🈶️牛味好嫩口,薯蓉和其他配菜都好好食;老公本來食Burger,但睇到隔離枱2️⃣個義大利客人各食一整個Pizza🍕,即刻改為食Pizza,話晒黎食義大利菜點可以唔食Pizza呢!太飽所以不能點Tiramisu唯有等下次。最後,老闆送每人一杯 Lemoncello餐後酒,30度酒精但非常香檸檬🍋味,一小杯已經上腦😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-04-11
We were just wandering around the area and found this Italian restaurant. We decided to give it a try. Turned out it’s a surprise. The people who served there are Italian and they are pretty nice. We ordered cocktails and magrite pizza. The taste was the same as I had in Rome. Love the authentic Italian pizza. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-08
今日來到梅窩做嘢,做完嘢啱啱lunch time, 想找一間坐得比較舒服的餐廳休息一下,喺出面望入去嘅呢間有卡位坐,決定食呢間。我及同事都揀咗沙律,飲凍咖啡,今日天氣34度,剛剛在戶外炎熱嘅天氣中暴曬,食下沙律,飲下凍咖啡,希望可以降溫,餐廳播放着休閒嘅外國音樂,先吃午飯邊聽音樂,十分享受。店員都很友善,成個餐廳都係得兩台左右,喜歡休閒慢活嘅你不彷到梅窩試試這間餐廳。雞肉沙律非常新鮮, 我要同事吃著說着, 非常減壓,熱氣全消。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
趁著長假期偕友出走離島,離開日常工作和生活時所處的繁囂市中心 平時提到離島就立馬想到長洲、愉景灣,卻沒有留意僅需不到一小時船程的梅窩 清靜而又未至偏僻荒蕪,適合喜歡待在城市,但又想覓得一分清閒的人們 除了走逛,飽餐一頓亦勢在必行,選定在港少之又少的南非菜餐廳Stoep at High Tide 街上人流著實不多,餐廳食客自然更少,沒有訂位都可以直入安坐 先來杯即點即製的Banana Smoothie 香蕉奶昔冰沙 $40細滑沁爽,香甜果味亦自然 初嘗Bobotie with Raisin Studded Yellow Rice 南非咖哩肉批伴南薑飯 $105 南非咖哩肉批有著微焦蛋奶面,加肉桂及杏仁添香味,下層腍實有度 雖說是咖哩牛肉底,但其實味道不會太鹹太濃重,倒是香料香滿突出 至於飯底則是乾濕度恰到好處,香氣陣陣,並有果乾散落,異國風味盡現 Baby Pork Ribs with Salad and Chips 香烤嫩肋排配沙律及薯條 $125算為保險之選 一碟大概有八支骨,不算厚肉,看起來烤得焦身韌實,食時不至太硬柴難嚼 肋排肉確是夠入味,肉不帶膻,而且脂少不肥膩,另有沙律及脆薯條相伴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-04-07
We were so excited to visit this restaurant, as it's the only South African style restaurant we know of in HK. Firstly, the air-conditioning was not on, and there were no fans. On a super hot and busy public holiday, we were desperate to cool down. We ordered the bobotie, the chicken burger, and the chicken satay. The burger and chips were good and a big portion. The bobotie was disappointing and I don't think the flavors were right at all. The chicken satay had a really strange flavor and we did not enjoy it at all. I will probably still go back to try some of the other dishes, but I would not recommend the bobotie or chicken satay. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)