Exit B2, Prince Edward MTR Station, Exit B3, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit D, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
It is developed from an online shop to a physical store. It mainly provides natural healthy tea and tea bag. With the connection of both Chinese and Western’s ingredients and concepts, it is hope to promote a healthy F&B culture. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Accessible Environment Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (402)
近年注重身體健康,選擇飲品或食物都會多留意佢哋嘅功效,經數次個人測試發現每月某啲日子飲咗皇牌氣血茶同行氣活血黑糖茶對減低經痛有幫助,現在已習慣長期儲備幾包哩兩款茶喺櫃桶,以備不時之需❤️友人介紹寧神安睡茶對改善睡眠質素有幫助,不過我無哩方面問題,所以只係買嚟送禮用😆去補貨當日仲買咗杯水果茶即時飲用,雖然已經係少甜,但係依然都覺得有啲太甜😩有落新鮮紅肉火龍果、蘋果、橙、青檸仔、熱情果,不過味道都唔係好突出。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
通常找地方坐底Hea吓,都會諗咖啡店,但我其實唔係太喜歡飲咖啡,同埋搵位好難,次次都滿晒人。所以Moko呢間Hocha都係會去幫襯既。佢有個set係茶+蛋糕,我覺得都幾抵,無限制你點配,蛋糕都有幾款俾你揀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-07
以中式養生茶為主題嘅茶飲店,又有位坐,可以去飲杯嘢hea吓▪️蘋果美顏茶本身想試皇牌氣血茶,但暫停供應,就揀咗蘋果美顏茶,可以美容養顏,同埋健胃消積。好足料,有蘋果乾、山楂、玫瑰等。叫咗少凍少甜,山楂味幾出,酸酸哋幾開胃。不過太多料就反而令到唔夠位放茶,唔係好夠飲好茶養生📍旺角太子道西193號MOKO新世紀廣場1樓123D及123E號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-03-19
叫左一杯蜜桃茶,見佢加啲糖漿,然後直接係個膠筒度針啲茶出黎,加三片罐頭桃片,全程一分鐘就整好,我都睇到眼突咁就$36?!張圖明明係新鮮桃切粒 名不符實…….早知去便利店水買一支樽裝桃茶………以後不會襯…….中伏!!!!!同養生完全無關係!唔明點解有人會幫襯………..定都係同我一樣第一次?早知飲返天仁啦佢唯一好係有位坐 不過得好少位我就冇坐咁嘅hea店可以開係moko有冇搞錯係咪疫情租金平左 求其有人租就唔理商店名質見附近多左勁多小食攤檔搞到好似屋村啲x展商場咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-27
奶油包放假無所事事就去試下一間一直好想試嘅茶店就係喺MOKO既好茶養生 就咁睇環境嚟講真係好舒服有D位仲可以叉下電岩晒同朋友坐低休息一下飲品既MENU方面雖然唔似外面既茶店咁多選擇但乜野都係貴精不貴多而且年紀有返咁上下飲下茶而唔係奶茶類既野都幾好奶油包選擇左士多啤梨MOJITO店員提醒有一個優惠$58就有野飲連蛋糕士多啤梨MOJITO飲落好清爽重點係冇藥水味而且唔會太甜個蛋糕奶油包要左既係紅莓慕絲蛋糕食落酸酸甜甜唔會太膩感覺清新值得下次再Encore continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)