Exit C3, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit E1, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
A slice cake contained different layers of flavours.Grape with jelly on top, light sweet and green grape flavor followed with condensed milk flavor cream. Then there was a layer of sponge cake with granulate nuts. This layer I liked most. It was watermelon with a layer of water melon flavor cream, a fresh flavor of water meloncould be tasted even without eating the piece of water melon. Then, there was a repeated sponge cake with granulatenuts. Overall, I liked this cake becauseit’s light sweetness, not heavy with different flavors, i.e. green grape,condensed milk, fresh water melon flavours.
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暑假就快完,快啲約埋朋友聚一聚,一齊食蛋糕😚LIFETASTC 嚴選優質日本白桃,加入溫醇柔和嘅伯爵茶,推出日本白桃伯爵茶蛋糕(含麩質),原個四方以粉紅色為主打嘅蛋糕令各位少女都為之心動,啱晒打卡!輕盈軟熟嘅海綿蛋糕,配上清香嘅伯爵茶忌廉與清甜白桃果肉,加上夢幻清新又光澤剔透嘅粉色果凍,呢個蛋糕完美呈現夏日白桃嘅鮮美滋味,啖啖蜜桃滋味一次滿足,甜到入心❤️絕對有驚喜!白桃係由細一直好喜歡嘅水果~所以私心鐘意桃類蛋糕,除咗買嚟過節聚會,單純自己想食都非常適合😋 注意係期間限定,鐘意白桃朋友唔好錯過了~
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基於小朋友蛋糕唔係間間都好食,所以索性買款大家一定會鍾意既西瓜蛋糕。自己再加啲裝飾上去仲好過🫢第一次訂貴 公司蛋糕仲可以送貨,準時送到。多謝寫字樓幫忙處理更改送貨細節!🥰
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