1-min walk from Exit D, Mong Kok East MTR Station
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The restaurant provides baby seats and tablewares for kids. Children can enjoy themselves at the playing corner too.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
餐廳環境舒適,寧靜光亮,座椅安排可選擇sofa 位置或正規座椅。食物今天我選取三文魚🥑帶子焗飯。味道不錯,粉量亦足夠,7成已飽!午餐牌選擇多,也照顧到素食人士,同時也分配飲品set 和沙律/餐湯+飲品set疫情期間亦能得到很多人支持這餐廳也反映餐廳也處於高質素但價錢親民化。繼續支持💯
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我喺旺角新世紀意粉360係親子餐廳,裏面除咗有個玩具室之外,係食嘢方面都好照顧小朋友㗎,食物不會太過濃烈,不單止提供食具BB櫈,而且環境舒服又寬躺。今次我哋嚟食下午茶嘅甜品,我點左個什果雲呢拿雪糕waffle, 雜果有芒果、菠蘿、士多啤梨、藍莓及香蕉,而waffle 上邊也淋上少少朱古力醬配埋雲呢拿雪糕,waffle 內外鬆脆,真係好好味
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叫了一個唔錯的牛油果沙律 + 夠熱小食扇貝 + 有驚喜墨魚汁海鮮石頭窩飯 + 及一份味道唔太好的pizza,但我們都覺得個飯係好好味既,係一間有下次的餐廳。人唔太多,但座我們兩旁的人說話都很大聲,餐廳樓底唔高變左好多雜聲好嘈吵,如果要傾計就唔建議啦,仲有個花茶都唔錯的。但個人覺得餐廳環境係唔錯的,座位都很舒服,而店員都很細心我們一座低就遞給我們熱水,但座落餐廳的確冷氣都大,所以d餸都好快變凍。起初我們都想試埋甜品的,但由於我們買了蛋糕,所以最後都冇試,希望下次有機會再試甜品。
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I seldom visit this restaurant. Quite pricey if you don’t visit for afternoon tea. However, the membership card is the card the best. You can save a lot and upgrade your drink. The food is pretty tasty. Coffee is one of the best, very unique taste of coffee, I often drink 2 or 3 coups anytime I visit this restaurant. They may work on coffee cream. Employees often get confused with coffee cream and coffee milk.The takeaway service needs to improve, Restaurant uses coffee cups for soup, and it was messed up my dress. If it was happened in the train, it could be a big headache. Large size coffee option could be a better offer for the coffee lover.
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