5-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
13:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
聞名不如見面,終於有機會一試小茶堂的飲品啦,果然名不虛傳,非常值得一試再試👏🏻奶蓋烤紫薯鮮奶 $34 💜芝士奶蓋鹹鹹的,好香滑,不會太濃太膩。由於點選了少糖少冰,甜度適中,而且啖啖嚐到紫薯蓉跟紫薯粒,完全是真的紫薯味道,睇得又飲得🥳芝士奶蓋黑糖珍珠鮮奶 $33 🧀珍珠大大粒又夠煙韌,黑糖味香濃,同樣地點選了少糖少冰的鮮奶都絕不會太濃太膩,配上鹹鹹地的芝士奶蓋,這個配搭真的無敵。比起紫薯那杯,這杯則更香濃😍
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🖤黑糖珍珠厚鮮奶呢間真係好唔錯 已經第二次飲啦✌🏻尖沙咀開左分店 旺角本店就唔洗排隊用明治鮮奶非奶精 飲得出嘅奶香黑糖分佈得好靚 拎上手仲暖架 珍珠係大粒個隻 煙煙韌韌 正常甜都可以接受
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小茶堂出招啦,睇黎可能黑糖珍珠鮮奶賣得唔好,成條登打士街都賣黑糖珍珠 😂 最近開埋吉龍糖,不過聽講係伏,琴日經過 0 人 🤡 先講講小茶堂今期嘅感謝祭優惠,做緊呢個 #黑糖薑汁芋圓 $8,呢個價錢點會有拒絕嘅理由,何況得幾個人排隊 😛 上到手唔算大兜,算啦咁平,點知芋圓紫薯圓完全唔掂,一咬落去爛嘅,完全冇咬口唔煙韌,仲要冇芋頭味紫薯味,睇黎係買一包包嘅現貨去整,而個仙草都唔掂,似涼粉多啲 😛😛 食到好火清下熱就岩 ❤️ 終於有抗拒嘅理由可以唔食了 ❣️❣️❣️-小茶堂旺角花園街 2-16 號好景商業中心地下 22 號舖
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I was actually in for a surprise when I went here.They had slow pressed juices and you could order drinks that were 100% sugar free.I was actually doubting if they would be sugar free as usually taro and purple sweet potato are made with powders but ordered anyway.There was a choice of purple potato or taro.Purple potato is trending now but I had the taro because it is not as sweet compared to purple potato and less shops serve taro these days so you have to go to proper Taiwanese joints.To my surprise, both were the real deal.The cold pressed OJ was sweet and thick in the sense you could taste all parts of the orange from the pulp to the orange membrane.Then the taro was exactly what I wanted, it didn't have any colouring and there were real pieces of taro so it was very satisfying as well as healthy.Will definitely be back for the Sweet purple potato milk when I am in the area.
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芝士奶蓋木瓜鮮奶🧡🥛親眼睇住店員係我面前係雪櫃拎木瓜出黎量然後放入攪拌機 好認真的製作喔分開兩份搾 一份榨汁 另一份搾到仲有一粒粒木瓜俾你咬好好飲😍 仲好好食芝士奶蓋香芋鮮奶💜一樣係仲有好多一粒粒香芋俾你咬芝士奶蓋唔會好鹹 又唔會太甜加埋純牛奶🥛真係好正啊估唔到小小一間茶堂 都幾有心思☺️
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