Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
牛腩河 魚肉卷 雲吞 馳名排骨麵
Review (36)
Level2 2010-01-13
為一間己結業嘅食店寫食評, 我都覺得自己無聊...以前一個月起碼嚟四, 五次食麵, 數年前搬屋後因為唔就腳, 就疏咗好多.極度鍾意佢嘅冬菇, 好厚身, 好滑, 好香, 好入味; 菜胆通常都好得, 除非非常唔當造, 食入口就知, 老的有渣的會部都摘晒, 一定都唔會孤寒.更懷念嘅係一肥一瘦阿姐, 好友善, 雖然唔多野講, 但係有時耐唔去, 佢地會好有心咁問候近況 (唔係"行"果隻), 好似屋企人咁, 好鬼窩心.慚愧今次竟然要上openrice 先知佢結咗業.... 唔知兩阿姐近況點呢....十幾年嚟, 金祥嘅所有鋪都去過, 包括西環兩間同埋早已結業嘅屯門, 而家只淨番西環一間, 睇嚟要快啲食多幾次... 但係始終懷念錦屏街呢間... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-09-30
本來諗住食附近間青藏麵,但係搵唔到喎,咪過來呢間試下囉。我地叫左一碗排骨雲吞麵同一碗菜膽魚卷麵。排骨不愧為招牌菜,炸得好香,又腍又唔太肥膩,個雲吞就普通啦,不過都唔錯,碗麵又有好多菜,好鬼大碗。另一碗麵都係咁鬼大碗,落足料,但魚卷梗係冇d排骨咁好味啦。呢間野個阿姐好好招呼,我地臨收工先來仲要諗鬼咁耐先落單佢都面帶笑容,以呢d街坊麵家來講真係好難得。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-08-31
黎到排骨大王,梗係要試下招牌棻式。我點了一碗排骨麵,朋友仔要了一碗魚卷麵加可樂。兩樣都好好味,排骨外層炸粉不太厚,肉身仍然保持濕潤,比例上剛剛好,份量亦好足夠,食到好滿足!不得不提,桌上放了辣醬很香口!唯一唔滿意地方,一坐底聞到一陣怪聞。惟有坐第二張睇下好唔好D! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-08-13
My husband tried their location in 西環 and said the 排骨was very good. So today I went to the location at North Point. I had the 雪菜排骨米 + iced coffee. When the noodles came, I quickly ate a piece of the spare ribs to see what all the commotion was about - it was VERY good !!!! Even though the 排骨 wasn't too thick, it was still juicy and not dried at all (cos it's deep fried) - I immediately fell in love w/ it (but I did think there was too much 雪菜, next time I will get the 菜膽排骨). Their iced coffee was good too, strong coffee aroma. I got there around 1pm and it wasn't full but still plenty of people.Will defintely be going back !!P.S. The 姐姐 (waitress) was actually polite !! (unusual for a 茶餐廳!!) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-07-22
有咁多大王, 今日又食多次大王.叫了最基本的排骨麵.咁呢度係食豬扒嘛....只係廿八蚊.湯幾淡; 但排骨味幾濃, 炸得幾脆但又唔太油; 一讚.雖之前炸起, 但係有人叫才剪開一條條的; 肉汁仍可保存~麵ok, 略淋左d. 可能我食得慢....加少許菜要一蚊, 都值既.值得一試架~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)