Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
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Review (19)
Level3 2011-03-17
4:30, 無晒我鍾意O既公司治, 失望唯有食熱狗薯條+咖啡($18)熱狗都幾大隻, 個包唔夠脆, 不過不失啦薯條, 我碟份量多, 不過細條O既較多, 有D深色得滯, 有D太淺色好似未炸透, 但因為太餓, 我KO晒佢O地咖啡唔夠香濃, 比其他MX好似差D環境:有D位有電視仔, 不過無聲, 唔得服務:呢間D呀姐算幾有禮貌, 有D分店, 你問佢攞多兩包茄汁, 佢就bear下你, 好似好唔想比你咁...但我食薯條係一定要點好多好多茄汁law continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Got the Japanese noodle set which came with Jelly, green tea and fried gyozas.There was nothing interesting about the set, except for the triangle shaped gyozas, quite cool.The jelly I didnt like because the grape flavour just tasted like plastic odour. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-03-29
M & I are really hungry, so after church we go directly to the nearest place for a nice din din.M ordered the lamb rock n roll while i order the shark fin soup setLamb rock n roll- the sauce is nice, a bit spicy, just right- the lamb is ok- it's hard to eat nicely without working on it coz it might burnt the base - quote Mshark fin soup + sweet n sour pork rib- the shark fin soup with a chicken leg and some veggie in there - this is sooooooooooo good!!!!- the soup base is a bit salty but it has a strong chicken soup taste- there's a few shark fin in there, very chewy- the chicken is very soft n tender to chew on- the veggie is soft, a bit overcook though, but it's ok- the sweet n sour pork rib - only two in the pot- but because it is in a pot, it's very hot- the sauce is nice, i pu thtem all in the rice!!!- the rib is very tender n juicy, i can totally encore this!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-12-06
呢期興要「食得高 (營) 清 (淡)」, 現在不少食肆都響應政府呼籲成為「有營食肆」, 供應較少油鹽糖或多蔬果的菜式。近期來了幾次, 又睇下實在有幾有「營」先: 蔬果之選 午餐 - 南瓜湯浸有機菜+ 蕃茄雜蔬煎雞扒飯 ($29.5) + 油菜 ($6.5)如果不理健康與否的話, 是幾好味的; 整碟飯色彩豐富, 紅的紅米飯和茄醬, 配上黃的南瓜湯和綠的蔬菜, 頗引人食慾。茄醬煎雞扒 (其實是雞胸) 茄汁相當惹味, 不怎麼吃到有味精, 可是醬汁比較多油, 多吃不宜, 而且煎雞胸肉大家可以想像得到有多嫩滑了。南瓜湯浸菜倒是不錯, 白菜仔不老之餘還伴有南瓜汁的甜味, 是想不到可以這樣做法呢, 反比也是多油到痺又另要加錢的油菜好啊。蔬果之選 早餐 - 粟米蛋白麥皮 + 厚多士 + 煎蛋白 + 蕃茄 + 火腿, 熱檸茶 ($19)麥皮的奶下得有點慷慨, 吃到有些漏了, 可幸粟米粒還算多。厚多士沒附牛油, 好! 也算有少少脆和軟, 不俗。煎蛋白是扮健康之作, 當然是沒有蛋味啦, 我想有心吃煎蛋的人其實都想吃蛋黃喔。如果蛋轉成烚蛋又如何呢? 不太難吧, 好些茶餐廳都有得食喇。蕃茄和火腿也是用煎的, 沒什麼特別咁囉。同場加映「不是高清」的選擇 最近美心也學人出即飲湯,剛好早前又有 coupon 優惠,可用$30 購買「至尊靚湯」,還可請店方代為加熱,很貼心。我買了鱷魚肉螺片竹蔗雪梨煲豬月展 (原價 $38),我不懂分是不是足料了,看成分表倒是挺壯觀,鹽糖也像下的不多。入口倒是很濃,雖說是清潤系列的但也想不到這麼濃嘛。一杯足有460 ml,該夠兩碗的分量,可是我家沒有微波爐(石器時代嗎?),只好我自己喝光光。當然以價錢 vs 分量比的話,美心這新貴在連鎖湯戰中暫時勝出。 鮑汁天香雞 - 也是用 coupon,平$10, 售 $55 一隻。這個價錢,在燒臘店也未必買到半隻啦(看你在哪家買吧)。浸雞的湯頭做的好,連雞皮都是有味的。其實不點附上的鮑魚汁就這樣吃更好,那個汁太鹹了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-10-14
終於試左北海道牛乳南瓜火鍋了!其實我對佢0既湯底比較期待,因為我好鍾意牛奶同南瓜叫左四拼,加多杯奶茶($63),2個人share食,份量好少,老實講唔係好夠,如果肚餓都真係要叫多個飯。個賣相幾靚,料分兩格裝,好似便當盒咁,真係好和式,上格放肉,下格放菜,幾有心意,扺讚個鍋燒得好慢,我等到口水都流晒先有少少滾,有得睇無得食,真係幾慘,隔離枱個小朋友就猛嘈話咁耐都無得食,完全講出我的心聲所以係未有得食的時候就飲奶茶頂肚,冰鎮奶茶唔會俾D冰溝淡左奶茶味,所以幾濃,但係唔知點解奶茶隻味有D怪,感覺唔似平時飲開個種終於有得食!趁未放野入去時飲左啖湯底,牛奶味好香,唔會好似一般火鍋湯底咁咸,好好味不過D南瓜茸就唔係好出味,比牛奶味蓋過左,有D可惜。如果唔係驚打打下唔夠水,我一定會成碗成碗咁飲囉其實肉好少,各4件,我覺得豚肉好味,好滑,雞唔靚,無乜味,但係放左落D湯到就好滑,牛肉好味,不過得四片,好少;蝦滑散晒,都唔知去晒邊,淨係食到奶味,無乜蝦味素菜有:小唐菜,生菜,蓮藕,蕃薯,蕃茄,冬菇同金針菇,都係生菜滾落D湯到最好味,我覺得湯底好夠味,唔駛點麻醬都無問題鳥冬好正!好彈牙,浸落D湯到有牛奶味,好正呀,下次煮面試下用牛奶先總括黎講個火鍋OK,就係Mini左少少同慢,有違快餐店原則。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)