5-min walk from Exit D1, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
It is popular for its Japanese ramen and curry rice, and also yogurt icecream. New dishes will be delivered from time to time. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
一口帶子貝 大根餃子 天婦羅炸蝦飯 日式叉燒湯炒拉麵 北海道海鮮奶湯炒墨魚麵 紅酒極上牛肋骨肉飯
Review (139)
Level1 2016-08-05
Went here for a late lunch. Shop was nicely airconditioned lots of workers around with one big table at the back occupied by friends of the shop. Order the afternoon/lunch sets. Prices were good under 40. Serving sizes were not that big. But the biggest problem was the noodles were all clumped up in the ramen and they changed out items in a set without first consulting us! The taste was average a bit salty if anything. Won't be coming back again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-20
 在家附近Island East 對面惠安園低層有間和風美食Misocool,有早餐供應,而且價錢經濟,免收加一,坐得舒適。坐下叫了早餐E($33),和風泡飯配野菜炒拉面,奉送日式炭燒咖啡。和風泡飯夠大碗,材料有魚肉塊、蟹柳、蛋花和蔥花,湯底鮮甜,味道不錯。野菜炒拉面材料簡單,祗有紅蘿蔔絲、椰菜絲和拉面,但炒得比較油多,有點膩口。至於餐茶日式炭燒咖啡,就不過不失。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-04-22
今天去了見工,一份parttime竟然也要second in,真過份,還要是去了鰂魚涌那麼遠,車費也浪費了見工後有點肚餓,於是到了附近的misocool吃個午飯其實當時已經2點了,所以人流不太多吉烈蠔是這兒的名菜,看instragram差不多人人都是吃這個味道果然不錯,新鮮的蠔配上特制醬汁,味道口感一流魚生飯更是出色,三文魚,吞拿魚都是鮮味濃郁鮮蝦也相當新鮮,不過飯粒不夠軟熟豬肉拉麵是同行朋友吃的,豬肉比較肥膩,口感還算可以拉麵味道不錯,主要是湯底夠味,麵亦夠硬身最後一定要吃yogurt,,misocool的味道是最清新,原味也是最好吃的配上朱古力粉和糖,味道也是一絕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-03-27
呢一日係附近做野,順便搵食醫,俾我發現左呢間,哈哈我地6點半已經入座,無咩人,可能太早喇!甘就叫左清酒,吉列烏冬,鰻魚,炸雞翼,咖哩雞扒飯啦清酒味道有沉穩的香氣,容易入口跟住吉列烏冬都幾好不得不失,烏冬彈牙,而吉列豬扒炸到吾油膩,脆口咖哩雞扒飯比較少汁,如果多D汁會更好因為個汁係重點,做得正之後仲叫左鰻魚,個鰻魚汁正,配咪鰻魚好味最後仲有炸雞翼,呢個真係炸得好除了雞翼拆骨,吾油膩,仲好脆!又方便又好味!賣相幾靚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-01-10
冬天就是應該打邊爐! 說著說著, 終於都轉冷了, 雖然只有10度, 但適應力弱的香港人馬上就由短袖改成羽絨, 熱褲也全面消失了(有厚重脂肪保護的人們例外)話說回來, MISOCOOL有打邊爐? 沒錯, 的確是, 我也十分驚訝, 但有圖有真相對, 實在難得, 158就有個海鮮窩2個人吃, 其實跟大家樂的價錢也差不多, 而且配菜無限添加, 值得一試不過客人不算多就是先來的是三文魚沙律, 三文魚量多脂香重, 青瓜絲夠爽口, 算是合格但較肥膩的一款前菜想不到還真的有個骨膠原的球, 像極了拉麵店的做法, 使湯底快速變濃, 材料更掛湯雖然100幾元, 但海鮮的量實在不少, 帶子, 鮮蝦, 蠔, 甚至連鮑魚也有, 實在難得而且大多的海鮮料都合格, 尤其蠔跟蝦的鮮味都不錯連鮑魚都有, 彈牙不韌有咬口, 因為有海鮮, 所以煮到最後, 湯底既濃且鮮甜, 更勝大家樂, 吉野家那些所謂火鍋, 起碼吃得非常飽另外又叫了一杯抹茶紅豆冰, 冰粒很細, 不過也滿多的, 抹茶味不濃, 不過紅豆粒還算大顆, 跟火鍋配合效果很好藍莓芝士蛋糕酸甜度的均衡控制得不錯, 但芝士比較硬身, 可能放得比較久? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)