Monthly (Negotiable)
Monthly (Negotiable)
Hourly (Negotiable)
Hourly (Negotiable)
Restaurant: Tamjai Yunnan Mixian (Westlands)

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

4-min walk from Exit B, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (101)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (15)
每個月總有幾日想食下譚仔。尤其今日凍凍地,想飲碗湯。鰂魚涌分店分為2層,座位比較多,星期一至五下午茶時段,都有啲人,但多數唔洗搭枱,而且地方都乾淨。下午茶有好多唔同既選擇,但我多數食雙餸+2個小食🧡🍜魚腐腩肉麻辣米線(小辣)個米粉份量幾好,對於平時嗌開小米線嘅我嚟講啱啱好。個魚腐好似轉左貨,細粒左同粉左,共有2粒腩肉都夠多,正常🐔麻辣雞翼+土匪雞翼雖然小食不可以重複選擇,但而家雞翼款式多咗,可以揀兩款雞翼,同埋呢一間分店係即整嘅,所以相對較多汁,試過之前食其他分店係整定又細隻。☕️凍檸茶係正常呢,叫左小冰,都夠凍,茶味足夠,起碼唔係煲燶或者隔夜茶,檸檬味都夠。埋單都係46蚊,完全滿足我想食少少米線,但又想加小食嘅願望,仲有4隻雞翼🧡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-23
A very disappointing experience at the Quarry Bay branch, ordered a bowl of rice noodles. For the first time, after the rice noodles were cooked, I took a few bites and found that the noodles were either soaked or cooked for too long, extremely mushy, and broke apart with a single chopstick pinch. After eating a piece of tofu and a fish ball, I approached the staff to give feedback. On the second attempt, they cooked another bowl of noodles, but it was evident that the ingredients were reduced. Not only were the rice noodles fewer in quantity, but the other ingredients were also reduced, and some were missing altogether. The soup was also significantly less, as clearly seen in the pictures. Furthermore, the soup base had turned cold. An exceptionally remarkable experience, indeed.在鰂魚湧分店一次非常失望的經歷,點了一碗米線。 第一次,米粉煮熟後,我咬了幾口,發現米粉要么泡了,要么煮得太久,極其糊狀,用筷子一捏就斷了。 吃了一塊豆腐和一個魚丸後,我就去找工作人員回饋。 第二次,他們又煮了一碗麵,但顯然配料減少了。 不但米粉的數量少了,其他的食材也減少了,有的乾脆就沒有了。 從圖片中可以清楚看到,湯也明顯少了。 而且,湯底已經涼了。 確實,這是一次非凡的經驗。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐冇食譚仔,今日見到有個新餐單叫譚譚情,大約出左一個月,主要食火鍋的,有三個系列可以選擇,1、鮮蕃茹雞件鍋2、番莤皮蛋魚肚鍋、3、重慶酸辣豬四寶鍋,晚市的,照顧鍾意食辣同埋唔食辣嘅人,仲非常之抵食!$98蚊有二人用火煱套餐,包括其中一款特色熱鍋+3款自選食材加兩款特色小食加兩份煮食+2杯熱飲!抵到離晒大譜!小食可以揀我最鐘意既四川青椒皮蛋!我哋揀咗先蕃茄雞件鍋,雞件不太多,大約五塊,但非常嫩滑,好似係肶位,配菜有蕃茄、雞件、還有白菜、豆卜、青瓜、木耳,不辣!還自選了魚肚鮮淮山、豬四寶!仲有炸魚皮!真心不錯!抵!抵!抵! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-31
有晚去完鰂魚涌圖書館,落毛毛雨好陰寒,就好想食熱辣辣嘅米線。想起附近間三哥冇咁好坐,又醒起呢頭有間譚仔,我就黎左食。呢間有兩層,我見下層大檯多數食火鍋,不過兩層都有自閉位,比我呢啲毒毒的人坐。QR落單嘅另一好處係,無啦啦會發現自己原來有優惠券可以用!又發現重慶酸辣可以叫二小辣,一直都唔知。今次叫左重慶小辣雞肉芫茜米線,熱辣辣超好味!留意到呢間譚仔姐姐同食客講野都係音量小,坐得幾舒服,而且自助拎水個位都好方便。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-01-18
甚少比劣評,明明同集團,但實在同三哥 差太遠。Lunch hour 心血來朝想食米線,又見未係好多人,就坐低食。基本上 啲樓面係預你手機落單,唔係好會理你 專心做外賣單。fine, 手機落單三餸米線 送小食,當Bonus。又有個新出嘅大腸小食,一於叫嚟試吓。小食嚟得快嘅,個米線 見隔離枱嗰啲 都未嚟 就廢事催啦。點知 隔離位 遲過我坐低嘅 佢碗米線到左 都未有我份。……舉手追… 左搞右搞又過左5分鐘 先問我「依家煮比你,好無 ?」😂 望吓鐘,我飯鐘所剩無幾 重要行番公司,咁就叫取消… 送餐阿姐問轉外賣比我好無?當然我拒絕左😂… 我明白個小食我食左,你唔想蝕比我😂 咁我同收銀妹妹(實習生妹妹,但態度幾好)提議取消個米線 ,小食收番我單價。極品嚟喇😂送餐姐姐走埋嚟 搭咀,見我哋處理左,爆左句「哎 好呀 啱吖 咁樣佢哋唔洗寫報告」。 Er… 我明你唔想你經理 出動,為佢著想 唔想佢寫報告,但你其實唔洗 喺我面前 大聲講我知 …? 我成個lunch 剩係食左個木耳同大腸… 其實比個「唔好意思」我 我會好過少少?我本身 唔算譚仔忠粉,一星期最少一餐… 但呢間… 實在 … 我都係行遠少少食三哥好了🥲🥲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)