Opening Hours
*Takeaway service will be only provided after 18:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (26)
去西貢唔知食咩,見到幾好評,結果真係喜出望外😋漢堡好大個,上嚟嘅時候都嘩咗聲食食吓幾好味,結果全部食晒牛肉漢堡好Juicy,煙肉同菠蘿燒到好香,有浸蕉香味,好正!There are quite some other choices recommend. Next time will definitely try something elseSo glad to have such a great place for burgers! Yayy continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-10-06
好味指數:👅👅👅👅👅抵食指數:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️回頭指數:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️係我食過全香港最好味嘅Burger !🍔!沒有之一! 呢一兩年疫情冇得去旅行,成日去西貢玩水上活動,已經幫襯過呢間店至少5次🍔雖然價錢有少少貴 全部burger都~$100,但真係有返啲水準👍🏻 👍🏻全部牛肉都好厚 (目測至少1.5cm) ,好juicy,有牛肉味,唔鞋👍🏻麵包煎/焗過 表面脆脆哋 芝蔴又多又香⭐️注意!只收現金! -1️⃣ 大啡菇焗蛋牛肉漢堡 $128👍🏻特色包!必試! 有賣相 打卡正 🤤👍🏻個蛋裝系大啡菇入面,一砌落去流心😍 好治癒又好好味👍🏻流心蛋 & 菇 & 牛肉 好夾2️⃣Signature Burger 招牌漢堡 $148 👍🏻招牌包 連底紙都唔同款式🤣👍🏻比起經典牛堡多咗煎蛋同埋薯餅👍🏻薯餅唔係麥xx早餐薯餅,而係薯仔切絲整成的薯餅,脆脆地, 令成個包更加有層次有口感👍🏻牛肉依舊咁厚 中間少少生 可以keep 住juicy 👍🏻芝士醬汁牛肉蛋全部都好夾3️⃣花生醬漢堡 $108👍🏻花生控肥仔必吃!👍🏻邊個諗到花生醬可以夾落burger ,但又真係幾夾幾好味俾👍🏻唔介意太膩嘅可以試吓 建議女仔同人share先好食4️⃣士多啤梨奶昔🤤好濃郁嘅士多啤梨味 👍🏻大大杯 但少貴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-08-01
自從食過一次Bully Base 嘅漢堡,一直心思思想再食,呢日俾朋友急call拎嘢入西貢,雖然啱啱先食咗lunch,不過專程入咗西貢,點都要食番個漢堡先上次食咗 ”經典牛堡”,呢次揀第二款 —— ”招牌漢堡” ”招牌漢堡” 嘅餡料比”經典牛堡” 更加豐富. 除咗有牛肉、芝士、生菜、蕃茄,仲多咗邪惡嘅薯餅😈同煎蛋”招牌漢堡”嘅包同”經典牛堡”嘅包一樣:微微煎脆,鬆軟有空氣感,包面鋪滿芝麻~牛肉同樣有口感,夠juicy,夠肉味~生菜爽脆,蕃茄新鮮而 ”招牌漢堡” 先有嘅薯餅就夠香脆,可惜有部份煎燶咗啲煎蛋嘅火喉控制得比薯餅好撇除塊薯餅有啲焦燶呢次 ”招牌漢堡” 更勝 ”經典牛堡”,因為多咗薯香同蛋香;味道,口感,層次更勝一籌p.s. 下次嚟想試佢個”污糟粒粒墨魚堡”🖤🦑🍔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-05
🍽 Burger💰 ~HK$150-200 (Lunch, 10% service charge)Summer is arriving!!🌞🌞🏄🏻‍♀️🏄🏻‍♂️ We went wakesurf in Sai Kung. It was really fun and we enjoyed the time with our friends! Afterwards, we went to try Bully Base as we saw on IG they had long fries. It looked very interesting. However, it was really disappointed that the handmade BULLY long fries was sold out on that day. We thought it was one of their signature food that available everyday😭😭😭 For the burgers, we ordered different flavours and shared among ourselves. We love the cuttlefish burger the most! It’s something we never had before and we never thought this combination would turn out to be this nice!🍔Black Truffle Scrambled Egg Cheese Burger $138🍔Signature Bully Burger $148🍔Dirty Cuttlefish Burger $158🌭Chili Dog with Meat Sauce $98 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-02-09
放假同朋友去西貢搵地方食Lunch,經過見到呢間好美式又型格嘅漢堡小店,決定要試一試😃店內放咗架電單車,牆上掛咗d好色彩嘅漢堡同野飲掛畫🖼,感覺經典懷舊,設計非常有趣😺打開餐牌見到d漢堡全部都好吸引,最後終於揀咗幾款一齊share食:🍔鮮烤菠蘿芝士煙肉牛肉漢堡 Roast Pineapple Cheese Burger ($128)個漢堡好大個😱,牛肉8成熟左右,切開入面d肉顏色偏粉紅,夠厚啖啖肉,烤過嘅菠蘿酸酸甜甜,煎到好脆嘅煙肉,半溶嘅芝士,加埋新鮮嘅蕃茄同生菜,全部味道好夾,咬落去口感非常豐富又Juicy,唔會覺得乾爭爭😺🍟自家手造嘅惡霸"長"薯條 Handmade Bully Long Fries ($88) D薯條好長好特別,比想象中脆口,好有質感,同平時食開嘅好唔同,其他地方暫時未見過😀好喜歡佢上面有大量茄汁同芥辣醬❤️而且賣相非常吸睛,打卡一流👍🏻🧋朱古力奶昔 Chocolate Milk Shake ($55)奶味比較濃,夠凍,口感好滑,厚而杰身,份量同其他野食一樣非常足夠,絕對令你夠飽有餘😸我地點嘅食物全部都好有份量,店內仲會不停播英文歌,真係好似去咗外國餐廳嘅感覺☺️如果有興趣黎食,建議一個漢堡最少兩人share,就可以試更多其他小食😊下次有機會再黎嘅話會想試下佢地嘅秘制雙蘑菇芝士牛肉漢堡,相信會相當唔錯😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)