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Review (9)
Level4 2011-07-30
On my last visit, I felt that this shop was in its teething stages, since then it has improved.The rude waitress is not there anymore and you are served by Star studded crew which I shall explain later.There is more items on the menu that were not previously there such as the fried chicken, burritos, quesadilla, kebabs and burgers.I ordered a lamb kebab, fried chicken, and roast chicken.The fried chicken was good because there were two versions spicy and non spicy.It was also interesting that they had a beverage called Halo Halo which is Flipino!It would be good if they also offered fries with chicken salt that is served in Australia, because one of the owners is also from Oz.I really liked the aluminium boxes that they used to serve the food, the exact same ones used in the English takeaways.On my previous visit it was the white CFC boxes.Roast chicken:This was very spicy, it was like chicken roasted and then dipped in chili oil and grilled.The texture of the chicken was so juicy, and it has definately improved since my last visit.On my last visit, the skin was ripped and falling off, this time it was intact and grease free!Interestingly on the chicken it had grill marks on it resembling the alphabet, the one on the drummette resembles an "N" and the one of the thigh resembles an "O". So when it was served together it looked like the word "NO"!Fried chicken:I was expecting just ordinary fried chicken, but it was amazing, it is a delicious version of the fried chicken served at the Green Waffle in Central.The difference is that the one here has taste!!It was loaded with spices such as caraway seeds which you could visually see, the chicken was meaty and juicy.It is close to the divine ones I had at PFC in London.Spicy fried chicken:The spicy version was also good too, same as the fried chicken, also big and juicy, both the coating was light.However this one was spicy but not as spicy as the grilled chicken, it had cumin powder on it, which really made it taste nice.Lamb Kebab:It is not the English kebab I was expecting served in pita bread, but tasted better than the Hongkie ones, there was less sauce dripping from the kebab but it was still flavourful.The lamb was thinly sliced and accompanied by sweet purple onions with spices too.Price: slightly more expensive than your average fast food joint but the drinks are fairly priced at $6 per can unlike other places where they charge you $15-$20 per can, and there is a convenience store in close range.English menu: yes, and they speak English too!Service: very friendlyYummy factor: veryMSG levels: did feel thristy afterwardsAnyway just for fun, the staff studded couple (owners) are from the filming industry, lets hope to see more of their productions.Irina Hadjieva - known as Irina Clarkson or Irina Hadzhieva-Clarkson was an art department director for various films and also an assistant direction.2009 The Fourth Kind (art department coordinator - as Irina Clarkson) 2006 The Black Dahlia (art department coordinator: Bulgaria - as Irra Clarckson) 2004 Air Strike (video) (art department coordinator - as Irina Hadjieva) 2003 Air Marshal (art department coordinator) 2003 Alien Hunter (art department coordinator - as Irina Hadjieva) 2003 In Hell (art department coordinator - as Irina Hadjieva) 2003 Disaster (art department coordinator - as Irina Hadjieva) 2003 Rats (art department coordinator) 2003 Marines (video) (art department coordinator - as Irina Hadzieva) 2003 Submarines (video) (art department coordinator) 2003 In Hell (second second assistant director - as Irina Hadzhieva-Clarkson) 2002 Derailed (third assistant director)2002 Run for the Money (art department coordinator - as Irina Hadjieva) 2002 Panic (art department coordinator) 2001 The Order (art department coordinator: Bulgaria - as Irina Hadjieva) Ross W. Clarkson, well known for cinematography in various films and even appeared as an actor too.2011 Conan the Barbarian (cinematographer: second unit) 2010 The Eagle Path (camera operator) 2010 Undisputed III: Redemption (camera operator) 2009 Ninja (camera operator) 2009 Direct Contact (camera operator) 2009 Push (camera operator) 2008 Shark in Venice (camera operator) 2008 Jin ping mei (camera operator) 2008 The Shepherd: Border Patrol (video) (camera operator) 2007 The Hills Have Eyes II (camera operator) 2006 The Black Dahlia (camera operator) 2006 Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (Steadicam operator, camera operator) 2006 Making of 'The Mechanik' (actor as himself)2005 The Mechanik (Steadicam operator, camera operator) 2004 Unstoppable (Steadicam operator - uncredited, additional photographer, camera operator, cinematographer: second unit) 2004 Skeleton Man (TV movie) (camera operator) 2003 Belly of the Beast (video) (camera operator) 2003 Out for a Kill (video) (cinematographer: second unit) 2003 In Hell (camera operator) 2003 Alien Hunter (Falkland Man #1 actor as Ross Clarkson)2002 Greenmail (video) (Steadicam operator, camera operator) 2002 Derailed (Steadicam operator, camera operator) 2002 Dead Heat (camera operator) 2001 The Order (Steadicam operator, camera operator) 2001 Replicant (camera operator: "a" camera / second unit, cinematographer: second unit) 1997 Full Alert (underwater cinematographer) 1995 Guardian Angels (camera operator: second unit, Hong Kong) 1995 Ma ma fan fan (underwater cinematographer) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-07-29
今日入左西貢搵男友..入到去行行行無咩做, 男友就話不如早d 食dinner...佢諗起我好幾次o係自修室出黎話想食呢間..於是今日就去左食啦聽講呢間野d 烤雞出名d..但我唔多鐘意食大量肉, 所以無諗過要..(不過男友最後要左)而我就諗左好耐要kebab 好, quesadilla 好定係burrito 好...因為kebab 食過好多次, quesadilla 都叫食過一次..只有burrito 未食過, 所以就揀左個burrito chicken 黎試下!價錢一般啦, 唔係特別平唔係特別貴.我既burrito chicken = $45男友既1/4 roast chicken+roast potato chunks+iced tea set meal = $48至於味道方面呢!我個burrito chicken 真係勁好食!可能因為自己本身鐘意辣+雞+cheese+個皮..(本身亦都好鐘意食kebab!)而男友既potato chunks 亦都好好味應該係即叫即焗...食果時熱辣辣之餘仲勁香薯仔味!佢問我地要唔要燒汁, 我地話要, 咁佢幫我地淋左d 上去.食果時發覺d 燒汁唔係平時d 燒汁係白白地色既..無平時d 燒汁咁濃味, 但反而更好味!而d 烤雞男友就話一般佢話d 雞胸好鞋, 但雞脾就ok!佢個set meal 仲有杯iced tea, 我鐘意甜但唔鐘意太甜佢杯iced tea 太甜啦, 但男友話好重奶味~ps: 比較特別既係, 佢呢度既kebab 係有pork 架@@平時有得食kebab 既地方都係islam 既, 佢地唔比食pork 所以一般既kebab 係唔會有豬肉!鐘意食pork 既朋友可以試下..不過我本身都唔鐘意食豬...所以對我黎講就無分別啦~另一樣要讚既野係, d 店員超友善!間舖起碼有3 個外國人(應該係墨西哥人@@)唯一識講廣東話既staff d 廣東話都唔係好流利..但問佢burrito 同quesadilla 有咩分別既時候..佢都好盡力咁解答我~而另一個外藉店員亦都間唔中就同d 客講2 句又好親切咁問我地d 野好唔好食, 非常抵讚有機會會再幫襯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2011-04-29
For the best beef/chicken/porkthats what it says on the poster outside this restaurant,Well for the best beef/chicken/pork id suggest not going here,bad experience im afraid,service was kinda rude and food(i had the chicken leg)was pretty bad,ill not be returning here im afraid as the quality is very low,with so many better restaurants nearby(Paisanos)this roast place really needs to improve. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-04-29
嘩...由於屋企人推介.所以同行4小兵也一起去了,.,~~~香香的味道,淡淡滋味,,,~唔知係咪因為我比較喜歡食調味料唔好咁重手個d,e個我真係覺得好好食,,而且價錢合理,唔貴..i like~~~(你知啦,,小朋友沒咁多錢,真係想要食好野但又岩價錢的好難揾到啊,,,)我絕對絕對會同身邊的人分享~唔錯,特別岩女仔啊,,~佢的椒盬味真的好唔錯架.~! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第三站是這間新開的烤物店,之前看過雜誌介紹,覺得很吸引呀 (對,我就是下面KC食家所說的其中一個慕名而來的讀者...)店子不大,主要做外賣,但也有兩三張枱給堂食不能吃太多,只點了一隻烤全翼試試。應該是即烤吧,也要等上十分鐘size很大,但一看便知肉質不是豐腴的那種,吃下來果然是乾巴巴的,很鞋身!骨比肉多,而且油淋枝,吃得沒趣...唯一可取的是香料頗惹味,帶點辣而不會死鹹不是難食,但實在太乾了,可能有醬料點一點來伴吃會更好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)