Restaurant: | A Nice Gift (Hilton Plaza) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
10-min walk from Exit A4 , Sha Tin MTR Station
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
不知不覺 #賞茶 原來已經10週年啦🙈見到有新野—全港首創「紅茶粉粿」,緊係要試下佢啦😍今次我就試咗佢嘅 粉粿招牌奶茶,半糖少冰,岩哂唔鐘意太甜嘅我💕紅茶粉粿以紅茶心作為原材料全手工製成,口感就好似啫喱咁,滑嘟嘟又Q又彈,好有咬口,但又冇珍珠咁煙韌,我比較鐘意粉粿嘅口感😍,而且佢同奶茶/其他飲品都好夾🤭佢哋嘅slogan都好得意,每杯都係唔同嫁!除咗奶茶,佢哋仲有小食💕大家可以去試下!📍賞茶 (希爾頓中心) (沙田)沙田沙田正街3-9號希爾頓中心3樓37R號舖#香港媽媽 #Blogger #育兒分享 #吃喝玩樂 #親子樂 #日常生活 #探店 #沙田 #賞茶#魚蝦蟹親子玩樂日常日誌
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經過茶飲店又心思思買杯黎飲下🤣🤣 本身我對果茶情有獨鍾,所以今次叫左荔枝蘆薈。少冰。雖然前面無人,但係都等左大概 5 - 10 分鐘。一飲落口,係幾好味既,荔枝果香味都重既,唔錯! 而且蘆薈都算係比得多 👍🏻👍🏻 但係我叫左少冰,基本上無少過,而且超多冰!! 店入面其實有3個店員,其中兩個店員係坐係度傾計飲緊嘢既,我覺得呢啲唔係繁忙嘅時間,其實店員真係可以細心啲睇吓個客人有啲咩要求先去做呢杯嘢飲🙏🏻
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之前兩三年内都有用賞茶app買過都尚ok, 咁啱Chinese new year 見Open rice新春95折,就用app落 order3杯小時候珍珠鮮奶茶,點知質素咁差,味道從未試過咁差,似1/5嘅奶茶加水賣。少冰變正常冰,冰融咗仲無味,少糖變成水,珍珠正常d之外,成杯珍珠水一樣,真係無下次!Can’t accept
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工作後買杯茶回家,店面點單後等約5分鐘。點的是「307茶王,加珍珠,去冰,不再加糖(無糖)」評分:5/5(1)茶澀味明顯,喜歡喝濃茶的人會很喜歡。只喝純茶不加奶的話建議選微糖,或者無糖加配料。(2)珍珠有彈性,微微帶點甜味,不會太甜/死甜,搭配濃味的307茶王非常夾。(3)喝完茶剩下5粒珍珠,份量剛好。價格:$28($24 307茶王+ $4 珍珠);總結:307茶王的茶澀味道搭配珍珠的彈牙口感非常不錯,價格合理,值得回訪
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