2-min walk from Exit A, Nam Cheong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 21:00
Fri - Sat
11:30 - 21:30
11:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (36)
Level4 2022-04-17
It was a bit hot and we were thirsty so we ducked into the mall for a quick bit of air con. This is where we found this drink shop called 戀暖の初茶. Serving various fruit tea based drinks.The menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge and it is take away only.We noticed a promotion for buy one get one free for a Lychee Lactobacillus Sparkling Tea ($35) so we decided to do that.There was a good number of people so there was a bit of a wait.  The drink was ok. A bit of carbonation that wasn't too strong.  The Yakulty flavour was strong and there was a hint of lychee. Not too much. There was some canned lychee on the bottom that was rather sweet. Overall a refreshing drink. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-01-16
昨天行經vwalk,久未嚐這家店了。現在冬天它推出了不少新款式,各種飲品款式吸引,但我還是比較喜歡喝岩鹽奶蓋芋香奶那一杯,味道好,價格合理,性價比高($24)。另外,女店員服務態度非常好,值得一讚。👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-09-19
無人嘅時候嚟影相都幾靚嘅💁‍♀️唔知點解今晚南昌嘅人口密度勁低🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️嚟咗呢間文青風嘅商場鋪買手搖飲品🤓佢有一個類別係寫明用明治鮮奶,所以一於試試。白桃麻糬鮮奶🍑$30(3分糖)睇圖個樣係再白啲,出嚟就比較粉紅。味道其實唔錯,有白桃香同埋都清新(個名無茶字但好似有少少甜綠茶味😝),但鮮奶味就比較淡(不過我見到佢落鮮奶嘅)。飲到底有奶味就比較馥郁翻啲。有少量果肉(桃)同麻糬💁‍♀️。麻糬似鮮奶麻糬嗰種比較輕身嘅感覺,差唔多淋到好啲啫喱。不過頂頭有啲果乾(🍓士多啤梨)就層次豐富咗,都唔錯,但呢個奶嘅濃度唔太值30蚊。話說今次店員態度幾好。但上次嚟到,一行埋去,店員就西住面咁話:Last order過咗啦喎。但前一分鐘先有人買完🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
小店位於V Walk,裝修光鮮清新,設有一張小梳化坐4個人,等既時候有位坐下。試左佢個”鮮果梳打茶系列”👈🏽推介⭐️同埋新出既 ”薑糖系列”,第二杯有半價!飲品唔需要刻意減糖/冰,份量控制得幾好。✨味道75分,環境78分,服務78分。.🔸青葡茉莉蘇打茶($30)⭐️推介⭐️超香青提味,仲食到青提果肉,甜度適中,仲有球狀,透白色既寒天可以咬下。.🔸西柚蘇打茶($30)⭐️又係有好多西柚肉粒,西柚味濃,有得咬寒天。.🔸薑糖牛奶QQ($30)⭐️淡淡薑味,唔洗驚好濃薑味,唔會好甜,有黑色一片片滑嘟嘟既料咬下。.🔸薑糖檸檬柚子梳打($30)呢杯最少甜味,較多汽泡,好炸,頸渴飲會好gur,有柚子肉,檸檬片係入面,相對薑味冇咁出。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-07-14
我每次經過荔枝角都會去嘅一間飲品店,一飲就愛上了,特別要推薦嘅就係佢嘅燕麥豆乳鮮奶茶,上面嗰層類似芝士係用豆乳做嘅,依個底有好多燕麥!你杯嘢飲完真係返唔到轉頭,有時飲完隔一排冇飲都會好掛住呢杯嘢飲!之前喺尖沙咀food court都有分店㗎,但係呢排去到已經喺尖沙咀搵唔到呢間飲品店,所以有陣時如果好想飲呢杯嘢飲都會山長水遠去荔枝角飲,我每次去都覺得入邊嘅員工好親切,雖然呢杯野冇得揀甜度,但係我平時係飲少甜嘅人,我都唔覺得呢杯野好甜,真係極力推薦你杯燕麥豆乳鮮奶茶 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)