Noah Castella is well-known for its half-baked cheesecakes. The cheese paste oozing out from cake is so smooth that definitely worth a try. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (180)
Level3 2016-09-20
比一般完全成熟的蛋糕,半熟蛋糕就少了份厚實,但多了份軟糯的口感。我最喜歡亞諾的半熟芝士蛋糕,口感似芝士凍餅,但味道就比較清淡,有些cream cheese的酸味,但又有淡淡的甜味,適合一眾喜愛芝士蛋糕但又要健康的朋友。之前經過荔枝角地鐵站附近,見到一間還未開門的貓貓門面的亞諾,希望快點開門。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-09-19
Ever since i have tasted the first Noah Castella's cake a year ago, it has been the bakery to visit whenever i have the craving for chocolate cake. Even though it was not the best chocolate cake i have tasted, the size and price kept me going back.  As it was the weekend before mooncake festival, there were flock of people queuing outside those traditional bakery shop buying for mooncake. Never did i expect Noah Castella to launch mooncake too. Their products were always displayed in a transparent clear cooler, easy for customers to see without asking the staff. Without any surprise, Noah always launched new types of healthy drinks from time to time, to keep the customers coming back. Lychee with nata de coco drink - During this summer season, they have launched 3 new drinks. As this lychee drink was more appealing to me, i decided to buy one. They were generous with the ingredients, with tons of lychee and nata meat residing at the bottom. It was not overly sweet, just nice as usual. It was just the perfect remedy to cure thirst. Chocolate cake - This is my second time buying this cake. Again it did not disappoint me. It was more like a giant lava cake to me than a normal cake, except that the outside layer is spongy. In order to maximise the full potential of the cake, it can only be served after 15 minutes upon taking out from the fridge. Upon cutting, those half melt lava kept flowing out of the cake. The cake was both spongy and creamy. It was small enough for one person's serving too.   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
「諾亞」唔係第一次聽, 不過飲品真係第一次飲今日行經見到有個外形好特別既飲品~就買左黎試試日本玄米奶茶$19價錢一d都唔平, 只係比佢個外形吸引到而買造形好似一個鎢絲燈膽咁💡, 估唔到一攞上手係個玻璃黎(仲以為係膠製)飲落去, 好多日本玄米… 真係一粒粒果d米黎嫁! 不過佢地就先將佢打碎再煮熟, 口感都帶點硬身有咬口, 本人對佢個口感麻麻地至於奶茶呢~~~茶味唔重都唔算好香…. 味道好一般, 唔係一杯好既香滑奶茶🙁🙁🙁不過外形方面幾的確幾特別! 而且玻璃杯仲可以洗乾淨用黎放干花/種花🌷, 不過飲一次就夠🙈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-08-30
今日去朋友家裡搞一個生日聚會,為了慶祝,補祝,預祝各人的生日,我在深水埗附近買一些開party 的用品搞搞氣氣,然後在西九龍中心的諾亞半熟蛋糕專門店買了一個蛋糕,給大家一點驚喜。店舖擺放了多款的半熟芝士蛋糕,真令我三心兩意,無從入手。後來經過一輪自我掙扎,最後揀選了"草莓半熟芝士蛋糕",望落夠大份,應該夠7個人食,而且很多女生都喜歡草莓這種生果。 店員很細心問我的車程時間,以便放適合份量的乾冰,以保存蛋糕的溫度,真貼心對待顧客。其實店舖除了賣半熟芝士蛋糕外,還有自家製的飲品如蜂蜜薏仁水,日式白米奶茶,紫貝天葵山楂水等等,下次先買來品嘗。大家見到這個"草莓半熟芝士蛋糕"都非常歡喜及驚訝,然後唱過生日歌,便分蛋糕。其實蛋糕分開三個層次,第一層是士多啤梨生果啫喱,士多啤梨唔酸,好香甜,雖然已切開半粒,但仍然是好大粒。第二層應該係芝士蛋糕,內裡有啲似乳酪,軟心的,相信係溶心芝士蛋糕。軟綿綿又冰涼,也不會太甜。第三層係Tiramisu/慕絲的餅底,好香芝士味,軟熟又creamy。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-08-29
早前朋友生日聚會,知道佢有興趣想試諾亞既半熟蛋糕,所以我地就偷偷買左個蛋糕為佢送上生日驚喜☺️由我負責去買蛋糕,我企係到諗左好耐,店員都好好人為我介紹左幾款蛋糕,最後就揀左呢款以黃色小鴨造型既檸檬芝士蛋糕喇。不過店員表示冇生日蠟燭,所以要自己另外係出面買😟呢個蛋糕造型可愛,整體食落好清新,檸檬既味道酸酸地,可以中和芝士濟膩既感覺,不過流心效果就唔太突出喇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)