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Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:00
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Review (30)
Level2 2012-08-29
看到食評話呢度有好多唔同味道的雲吞, 所以來試下食個tea果然, 有十幾種口味選擇, 樣樣都想試, 好彩可以雙拼叫了帶子鮮肉雲吞和蒜香鮮肉雲吞 (本想試豆苗鮮肉但賣晒..)total 有10粒一口小雲吞 (我睇食評話有12粒既...?)蒜香鮮肉好香口, 帶子鮮肉則清清地, 再加兩條青菜, 作為下午茶點剛剛好下午時段冇乜人, 可以慢慢坐慢慢揀第時仲可以來這裡買些不同味道的雲吞回家打邊爐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-08-23
昨晚下班和YY吃的,YY同学说中午吃了金钟不知哪家burger觉得很腻所以晚上想吃清淡的于是就进了这家新开的云吞店。可能我们去的尚早里面只有一位客人,不过后来我们吃着吃着也来了两桌还有人打包生云吞带走,不过这家是生熟同价的咯~说说云吞。这家的云吞种类非常多啊~海鲜类、肉类的都有好多种,可惜没有全素的,只有XX菜鲜肉的种种咯~我们都要了双拼,我要了鲜虾云吞拼皮蛋云吞,YY同学要了带子鲜肉拼西洋菜鲜肉的。也要了豆浆和白灼生菜。 然后各自也尝了一下对方的, 总的来说味道还可以吧,不过云吞真的有点小,然后凡是带鲜肉的都稍微有点腻啦,可能油放多了吧~不过云吞皮非常爽滑,值得称赞~另外还有一点就是我觉得一碗真的有点少拉~~从价格来说不贵但是希望下次可以加多点料啦,加价也可以接受啦~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-06-07
餛飩是我最喜歡的麵食,無論是餛飩、雲吞、扁食,或是抄手,甚至Ravioli,結構上都大同小異,但形狀和内涵就可以謬以千裏,千變萬化。但始終,最愛的還是家裏的味道,很懷念薺菜鮮肉和三菇鮮肉為餡的餛飩。粵式雲吞多以蝦爲主,薺菜還未在香港見到過,菇類鮮肉超市有賣,但速凍食品味道總是不行。 前些日子發現了這家港式雲吞專門店,便找時間來嘗一嘗。店子很小,座位也就十多個,地點也比較隱蔽,好在並不難找,見到有冬菇鮮肉,立刻叫了一碗淨雲吞($19),外加一杯豆漿($6)。 形狀是典型的港式散尾(其實内地也有類似的包法,多數是鮮肉小餛飩),皮薄,個頭不算大,一碗十粒雲吞,還有三大片生菜葉。味道還算不錯,冬菇豐富,也未切得太細碎,否則反而簡淡了冬菇的味道。冬菇和肉餡的比例很好,可以同時吃到兩者的鮮味。餡雖然沒什麽湯汁,但也不干,口感okay;外皮煮得亦剛好,不糊不爛。湯底也算鮮美。這杯豆漿就不太行了,雖說也是自己磨製,但比較淡,沒什麼豆味。 雖然只是一碗不到20蚊的雲吞,但能嘗到久違的江南味道,不僅讓人倍感親切;這趟,可謂不虛此行了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I have always wanted to try Winton world because there are over twenty different types of wontons.Winton world is located in Shau Kei Wan far from the city.The street that it is located on has so many eateries and Winton World is right at the end of that road that you need to resist trying other restaurants before you reach it.The restaurant is quite small with about four tables.As this place was serving local food I did not expect there was English on the menu, but there was an English menu, and not bad translated either.There were so many types of Wontons that I have never imagined of because it is usually pork with prawns or chives/spring onions.It was interesting because they have combined clams and oysters with pork in the wonton.They even have one made with intestines and liver.Winton World was quite flexible with their orders, they let you choose two different types of Wontons in a portion and charge you the more expensive price if the two that you chose cost different.When the Wontons arrived, they were quite small and cute.The sizes of the Wontons were about 2.5cm in diameter. They were all uniform in size and uniformly wrapped.Since there were more than twenty types, I chose the ones that I thought were interesting.There were wontons with abalone but it was cheaper than the ones with clams. Judging by the price, they probably used mock abalone shreds in it.In the end I ordered: egg, tomato and pork, preserved egg and coriander, egg yolk, clams, oyster, crab and pork and Jellyfish.I do not recommend dipping the wontons in Chilli sauce because you won’t be able to taste the different elements in the Wonton, and if you order the egg and tomato one, to try that one first.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Egg, tomato and porkThis one has the lightest flavour compared to the rest I have chosen, so I ate this one first.I really liked the tomato and egg with the pork. There is a similar one served at Wang Fu, but it is the dumpling version.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Preserved egg and coriander:The preserved egg was slightly hard, and it was tasteless compared to the rest.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Egg yolk and pork:I really liked this one as well, it reminded me of the Chinese meat patties with salted egg yolk.The egg yolk was nice and salty giving the pork flavour, and the texture of the yolk was starchy. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Clams and porkI have never imagined clams with pork, but the clams they used have been salted so there was a strong brine taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Oyster and porkAgain this was similar to the clam and pork wonton, the oysters were fresh, and this had the strongest taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Jellyfish and porkI didn’t expect the Jellyfish to have significant taste, but the Jellyfish wontons were too salty, and the Jellyfish was very hard and chewy.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Crab and porkThis was the most expensive wonton, but there was real pieces of crabmeat in it. I was not sure if there was meant to be any crab roe, but the Chinese name seem to imply there are some inside.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-01-18
此店是我最常幫襯的東大街食肆之一。雲吞有好多不同款式/味道,粗略數算有>20款,其中粟米、蛋黃、蒜香等都是我最愛。此店獨沽一味只賣雲吞, 但其實做得好的話, 一種招牌貨就足夠有餘。雖然細細粒 (傳統細蓉不就是要細細粒嗎), 但$17-$2X有10粒淨雲吞算係咁,有時唔太肚餓都夠飽。肚餓時加多$5已有粉麵,而且雙拼都唔使加錢,啱哂我呢啲次次都選擇困難唔知點揀好既人。P.S. 可外賣生雲吞, 打邊爐最啱~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)