10-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Located in a secluded and quiet area in Sheung Wan, Cafe Deadend is a simple coffee shop. Cafe Deadend has outdoor seating where customers can enjoy their drinks, pasteries and sandwiches.
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Opening Hours
*Last order: 17:00
Tue - Sun
09:30 - 18:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
陽光,咖啡,型格而不過火的裝修,及有質素的食物,很難令人抗佢。價錢跟附近coffee shop 相若,不屬天價。㸃了French toast 及 ice americano,French toast 賣相及味道也好,唯咖啡則不算突出。假日經過一試為不錯的體驗。
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Original bagel 原味貝果 ($15)-街角有這麼一間不起眼的小店,沒有亮麗的櫥窗也沒有令人注目的門牌,黑白簡約的外牆,令它混進了周遭的民居。上週參觀博物館的同學說,若不是麵包的香氣傳出了巷里根本不會發現這裡藏著一間麵包店。慕名而來的結局卻是有點失望,bagel又冷又硬,其他包也沒有傳說中的香味四溢,也許因為不是新鮮出爐,但落差也挺大的🙁 於是留了一半回去叮熱再嚐,熱騰騰的bagel果然搶回了不少分,但第一印象始終令人失望。
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tucked away in a quite corner (hence the name) just beneath the medical science museum and away from any main roads, it's a great place to escape and chill during the weekday. the weekend is a completely different story with hipsters, brunchers and instagrammers. great vibe and chilled music inaide the cafe with wifi and two power outlets in the corner; making it easy to work in. The sister bakery next door, Po's Atelier, feeds the menu with beautifully baked breads and pastries. I really enjoy this place but the price,especially $10 extra for the soy milk and the sometimes loud staff is a bit of turn off for me.
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一直想試呢間cafe但係礙於location實在太唔方便所以遲遲都未起行。難得有一日朋友唔介意長途跋涉就決定give it a try!上網做完research見比較多人suggest由上環站出發就決定聽大家意見。中途都揾咗一段時間路所以行咗成半個鐘先到。去嘅時候認住香港醫學博物館會比較易揾。坐低叫咗個B.E.L.T.,初頭都擔心個burger咁大會食唔晒,點知bacon夠crispy隻蛋加咗啲調味,整體而言唔算heavy。最喜出望外嘅係個yogurt,味道偏甜令人食唔停口。朋友要咗三文魚house bagel,bagel較硬但三文魚味道搭夠。總括而言不失為一個girls talk打卡嘅好地方♥️
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一個悠閒的下午,姐妹淘最喜歡是找一家cafe什麼都聊一餐,友人找的到達才發現之前已到訪過本想坐坐户外,但因有點小雨粉,同時户外沒開放,約下午2時30左右到達, cafe不大,只有一邊是座位,剛好有位不用等。餐牌是很特別,像Q card 摺疊著,但忘記拍照我叫了一個"house bagel" 和一杯latte 我是蠻喜歡bagel 跟cream cheese 這個配搭; 賣相有點簡單,但紅色三文魚很搶戲第一口感bagel 有點硬,其他味道都是酸的應該是檸汁太多,帶出三文魚有點腥,蔬菜夾雜不是十分新鮮。最後我是吃淨三文魚的如現在是流行拉花,那這裡不過不失Latte不太合我的味道,入口苦味太重整體感覺不過不失👌🏻
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