Relax & Wildfire. Wildfire Pizzabar provides handmade pizzas with adventurously-delicious & classic flavours while beers & wines are always on. continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 22:30
10:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (125)
Level4 2013-11-04
Our group of 4 had just finished hiking the infamous Twin Peaks from Parkview to Stanley and we descended on Stanley all famished like ferocious beasts, ready to have a hearty meal.  Our sights were originally set on the King Ludwig Bearhall on the 2/F of the Murray House, but unfortunately it was closed for a private event that afternoon. Our default choice naturally became Wildfire as it was directly across from King Ludwig. Most of the restaurants at Murray House have both inside and outside seating and Wildfire was no exception. We decided to sit on the inside as it was cooler than the outdoor seating that day. Wildfire is known for their wood stone oven baked pizza; besides pizza, the menu also had a variety of appetizers, pastas, soup and salads to choose from. We decided to ordered a 3 appetizers, 1 pasta and 1 pizza to share among the 4 of us.  When the food came, they came pretty much all at once! I'm not sure if that's their usual practice, but it's a big oversight on their part as they should have checked with us whether we wanted appetizers to come first and then the mains later. The problem with all of the dishes coming all at once meant that some of the food got cold by the time we got to eating them. Plus, the order of the food came out in reverse as we got the pizza and pasta first before the appetizers. 1) BBQ Meat Lover ($158) - the base and crust of this pizza was more like a pita bread than doughy like the typical New York style pizza. The texture was crunchy like a cracker, and it depends on your personal preference whether you like this style of pizza or not. I personally did not enjoy it as I thought the crust was a bit dry. Instead of the typical tomato sauce base, the base was the barbeque sauce used for ribs. As it was light and tangy, the sauce was a nice complement with the sausage, pepperoni, and bacon. 2) Rigatoni Al Ragu ($148) - the rigatoni came topped with a beef stew based sauce. The texture of the pasta was alright - not al dente but not overcooked either. The ragu sauce was pretty flavorful with chunks of beef mixed in - a decent dish overall. 3) Crispy Chicken Wings ($74) - pretty pricey for only 6 pieces. The description on the menu stated that this came in their famous house spices but I couldn't taste that at all. The wings on the whole tasted pretty mediocre - even the skin which usually taste good due to the fat was dry and bland. The wings came with a sweet and sour sauce which could not savage the dull tasting wings. Very disappointing as we were looking forward to some fatty junk food after the hike - felt like we shoud have gone to McDonald's or KFC instead for better wings at a fraction of the price.4) Mediterranean Style Lamb Meatballs ($78) - this came with a mint and cucumber yogurt sauce for dipping. The meatball was too soft and loose as it crumbled too easily for any texture in the mouth. I usually don't mind the gamey taste of lamb but this one was too overpowering for my taste. The dipping sauce didn't help either. 5) Oven-baked Garlic Bread ($48) - this garlic bread had no garlic flavor at all! The garlic bread came in the form of toasted sticks and while it was crispy, there was no butter and garlic flavor as one comes to expect from traditional garlic bread. The bread sticks came with a red pepper Romesco sauce and olive oil with balsamic vinegar as dipping sauce. The sauces were alright for eating with the sticks, but I'm just confused why this was called garlic bread in the first place. 6) Mango Go Go ($68) - the color was very light for a mango smoothie and after a sip, I realized why. I could barely taste the flavor of mango and it was not rich at all. I usually love any mango-related drinks but this was pretty disappointing.My philosophy is that I don't mind paying for good food, but I really mind overpaying for mediocre food. The food at Wildfire in general were unremarkable and overpriced for what it is. I would have been more satisfied at a fast food joint as at least I know what I am paying for. After our strenous hike, we were looking forward to a satisfying meal but unfortunately we left Wildfire even more unsatisfied as before. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-20
因為小妹今年生日正日要去迪士尼,所以就提早一天吃生日晚飯。本身男朋友想同我去尖沙咀酒桶餐廳食飯,但佢係confirm booking先知道要4人先可坐酒桶位,結果就臨時選了我倆從未食過的wildfire。7點打去最近的赤柱店book 8點。咁遲先book都有位,睇黎應該都無乜人。8點準時到達,同預計一樣十枱人都無。我地揀左坐outdoor,今晚天氣不錯,有d風,幾舒服。前菜Chorizo and Prawns Skewers ($70)串燒是西班牙辣肉腸同大蝦串燒伴粟米甜酸汁,首先辣肉腸不辣卻很鹹且乾,好似香港的臘腸咁....個汁酸多過甜...大蝦很爽口,總算搶回一些分數。Moroccan Spiced Lamb Salad ($90)羊肉有點老,芝士不太香,汁是yoghurt,挺特別,不過多左d,搞到salad唔夠freshPizza Salsa ($148)材料有牛油果醬,車打芝士,Mozzarella cheese,虎蝦同莎莎醬。切成8件,應該有8吋。個底有點厚同硬,味道一般。我好努力咁食左三件,男朋友就更努力的食左五件。Roasted Cod Fish with Orange Grapefruit Relish ($175)為了不是成餐都是肉,於是點了一味魚。銀鱈魚是我的最愛,因為夠香夠油。魚扒底有露荀條同薯蓉。旁邊個d橙紅色的東西,我地吃不出是什麼,只知道不好吃!!魚肉很滑,薯蓉都幾creamy,有點膩。Pavlova with Strawberries ($68)見到隔離枱兩個細細的蛋白脆餅好靚,好似好好味咁。所以就點了這個,而且仲係咁多款甜品看似最唔heavy的。一上枱,咁大件ge...原來隔離枱的是跟餐細件d。焗脆蛋白當然一入口就一層風咁被d口水溶左無左啦~~不是太甜,伴上酸酸地的熱情果汁,很好味。士多啤梨舖滿了整件蛋糕,不甜不酸。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-12
自從跟W小姐重新相認後, 不時結伴密密出動, 大抵我倆都很愛吃, 間中總要給自己享受一下, 真正的放鬆。 趁著週六天朗氣清, 計劃了很久的赤柱他條遊終於成行, 暫且將煩惱事拋開不理, 躲進大片的美好風光裡。週六的下午, 人流是想像得到的密集, 幸好仍留下一絲的恬靜, 過往幾次, 多走著悠閒的路線, 隨意在市場道或是赤柱廣場周邊遊走, 反而甚少踏足泳灘, 拖著施施然的步伐, 迎著清爽的海風, 在陽光底下大玩遊戲, 親親自然, 想像到那片情景也挺快活。一時沒為意特快班次的重要性, 直覺不會快多少, 隨意選坐普通的6號巴士, 結果兜了又兜, 更碰上塞車, 下車時已將近四時, 不得不走快兩步, 朝著美利樓進發。親嚐的機會不算多, 偏儲下一份好感, 相比其他藏身在商場的分店, 總店無疑更加開揚, 室內的空間頗大, 樓底不高, 照出柔和的燈光, 氣氛隨意, 窗邊透進自然光, 是份外的舒暢。 這天雖然有點熱, 但始終未被空調所引誘, 室外的座位劃分挺明確的, 靠兩邊排開, 有點呆板, 看來店家喜歡木系的元素, 木製的窗框和天花, 灰黑帶點懷舊味道的地板, 垂下純白的球型吊燈, 簡單自然。 可是前排剛好沒位, 要安排入內的位置, 視野稍被遮擋, 幸總算將海景和街景收在眼底, 邊欣賞自然的景致, 邊享用tea set for two($198), 手上拿著杯冰涼的飲料, 多麼的逍遙自在啊!不像傳統的英式三層架, 既沒有銀盤子, 亦沒漂亮的層板, 反以一個新鮮的形象示人, 糕點賣相精緻, 甜和咸的比例各佔一半, 同放在白色大圓碟上, 旁邊的小碗藏著三款炸物, 份量小小, 不會太佔胃納。 上方吊著一大個pizza, 直徑差不多達10吋, 活像天秤一樣, 貪玩的我愛將之左搖右擺。 難得遇見藍天, 心情好透了, W小姐很窩心送我心愛的monchhichi, 是可愛的公主模樣, 跟現場環境很相襯呢!套餐本身包含兩杯飲品, 但只限點選大路的啡茶, 心想來到這片優美之地, 迎著涼風, 志在寫意一番, 也不吝嗇多加$35換來特飲, 生啤和餐酒都不是我倆的心水, 還是mocktail更合意。衝著果味去挑, mango deluxe帶淡黃的色澤, 圖片果真只供參與, 沒想到是完全不加裝飾, 看起來像有所欠缺的呢! 果汁是主要的元素, 將芒果、菠蘿和橙汁跟梳打水混拌, 出來的效果很易入口, 冰涼消暑, 甜度適中, 芒果的味道稍跑出, 果味自然。友人看中了清爽的ginger grove, 透明杯內泛著一片嫩綠, 大大小小的薄荷葉, 混入青檸和薑啤, 沒加酒精下, 我也放心偷試一口, 釋出的氣泡豐盈, 薑味出眾, 跟檸香配合下, 醒神怡人, 比我那杯更解渴。不忍心將炸物放涼, 趁還溫熱時先嚐, 洋葱圈厚厚的一塊, 可時佔大多的都是粉漿, 香酥不再, 反有點軟腍, 幸洋葱本身夠甜, 不太辛辣, 還是被outback的酥脆版本寵壞了舌頭。魷魚圈跟洋葱圈同樣只得一件, 這樣的分配很奇怪啊! 因其他都是二人份, 表層沾過麵包糠, 營造凹凸不平感, 香脆不油, 爽口彈牙, 沒韌得像嚼口香糖, 表現已算滿意。 三款之中, 最得我倆心的可算是特色香料雞翼, 薄脆的外皮藏著嫩滑的雞肉, 沒乾鞋得可怕, 唯不太夠入味, 香料味只停留在表層。印象中在主餐牌見過煙三文魚卷的蹤影, 魚肉細滑, 帶清晰的紋路, 油脂豐盈卻不死咸, 多份迷人的煙燻香氣, 裹著混過酸忌廉的蝦肉和亞支竹, 柔滑鮮美, 值得推介啊!意式多士配水牛芝士、沙沙及巴馬火腿賣相別緻, 多士不太脆口, 像麵包多些, 以番茄粒、水牛芝士作點綴, 再舖上巴馬火腿片, 咸香四溢, 但有點兒乾掉, 然而多了芝士和番茄的潤澤, 令整件事又美起來。從來嘆high tea都不會太講究次序, 甚少會守著先咸後甜, 多是隨心而為, 吃至中段已心思思轉向甜點, 意大利芝士泡芙成花形似的, 唧花印挺突出, 軟熟的餅皮帶陣陣蛋香, 真實不感造作, 裡頭的忌廉比一般所用的吉士醬更香甜, 奶味濃厚, 滑溜如絲, 凍凍的放進口中, 還不錯。檸檬蛋白撻不失為清之選, 外皮色澤偏淺, 有點濕腍, 還是喜歡混入杏仁粉的實在感, 牛油味薄弱, 表面頂著烘至焦黃的蛋白霜, 質感鬆泡且綿滑, 跟底下的檸檬餡取得平衡, 酸中帶甜, 是道怡人的清新甜選。士多啤梨法式杏仁餅一襲桃紅色的外衣, 相當嬌艷迷人, 再伴著小粒草莓, 裙邊看來不夠明顯, 餅面卻是平滑透出少許光, 入口黏濕, 沒預期的鬆身, 夾餡呈奶白色, 像是忌廉般柔滑, 莓香偏淡, 還好沒我最怕的藥水味, 這當然不能比名牌相比。Pizza口味可隨意在餐牌中挑選, 貼心得很, 一向都鍾情富肉感的辣肉腸或是巴馬火腿, 但友人似乎被清淡一點的鮮蝦帶子薄餅吸引著, 8吋的大小對胃口不大(甜品除外)的我們是剛好。批身略厚但未至於鬆厚得像麵包, 香軟卻帶柔韌, 愈嚼愈感受到麵粉的甜香, 邊位烘至微焦, 香口卻不會乾爭爭, 均勻散佈著洋葱、橄欖、雜椒、蝦肉和帶子, 各色交雜, 視覺上甚為豐富, 輕力拉開, 已見結成絲狀的水牛芝士, 充滿奶香味, 緊緊的伏在批面上, 海鮮料不帶半點雪味, 爽嫩不韌, 鮮味正好跟酸甜的茄醬結合, 不消一會已吃光一件。人大了, 漸漸對生活有所追求、享受, 一頓飯除了味道外, 情調、環境都可以是被重視的一環, 近期像是愛上了赤柱, 漫無目的地在散步, 平靜一下, 看似簡單, 卻已是最佳的氹自己歡喜方式。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-22
頭盤的沙律雜菜, 甚麼都有一點兒除醃菜之外其它都可以有親友表示過酸, 我想還可以吧, 因用的是那種沙律油而不是千島那些稠醬拼盤煙三文魚卷極為美味, 似乎中間攪碎了的也是三文魚, 外面的煙三文魚鹹淡適宜, 香濃, 齒頰留香炸雞翼亦不錯, ?雞肉, 配以少許檸檬汁, 美味昇華炸魷魚圈, 炸粉不多, 惟魷魚圈似乎略微不夠新鮮主菜pork ribs, 都很腍, 腍得像煲過湯的肉, 然後塗上濃醬, 千篇一律, 無甚特別牛扒, 有點兒韌, 韌得來有筋, 毫不美味又是這樣, 看似是大型西式食肆, 但吃扒卻不怎麼美味...另一碟冇乜配料的capellini, 雖沒甚麼配料, 但醬料配上幼幼的天使麵卻別具滋味。當大家都以為吃完, 上洗手間的時候原來真的還有甜點的!?有個很甜很甜, 外面脆脆的, 內裏極甜的餅, 又配有極酸的果醬, 這樣的甜品, 恐怕太刺激芝士蛋糕也是一貫的香而膩, 還好朱古力的較佳, 上面有脆脆的, 下面是熱軟的朱古力蛋糕, 挺特別, 而且朱古力味香濃總括, 母親節也不是太多人, 還可先訂了四個餐,店員服務亦相當有禮 (註︰以大約~$200的價錢, 荃灣outback的態度可以稱為惡劣)環境都清靜、乾淨、悠閒不過, 飲料的確是西餐廳搶錢之工具一jar汽水好像$180, 只能裝6杯左右, 其實每人也不夠一罐, 還像是斟出來那種, 不如罐裝般有氣人均$30飲一杯仔可樂, 我都係嗰句, 係西餐廳叫野飲你便輸了惟長桌還滿是怪怪的, 都像是中間隔了一個天涯一樣, 一端與另一端的人士絕無溝涌幸好母親節我還與我的家人在同一端附送一幀當日赤柱景色圖片 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-14
赤柱-------一個擁有異國風情的地方,在香港想遠離繁囂,可以到這裡吹吹海風散散步,輕鬆地渡過周末,赤柱也是不錯的選擇!對上一次與朋友來是2年多前的冬天,2年後又是我倆結伴同行,我們與這個地方也是有點緣份的吧~上次閒日到來去了美利樓的德國餐廳享受優閒午餐,是次也是到美利樓,不過到了Wildfire hightea,也是我們的late lunch!早一日Book了Indoor table,到逹時才見客人不多,只有大約4成客人,在這個環境用餐也就是最舒服的了~店員安排我們坐四人餐枱,不用抱著手袋用餐,也算體貼!我們點要Tea set for 2 ($198),在赤柱美利樓這景點只收這個價錢,也真的算便宜!套餐可自選一款pizza,我們點了鮮蝦帶子薄餅,單點價$148,可見tea set價錢也幾公道~待了10mins後送上tea set,層架分為2層,上層為pizza,下層為炸物鹹點及甜點,真的挺豐富,作為午餐也夠飽的!鮮蝦帶子薄餅:即烤的薄餅熱辣香脆,而且是薄脆底,配上蝦、帶子及三色椒等,色彩繽紛,味道也好~魷魚圈及洋蔥圈: 炸物不夠熱,味道一般,不值一提!香脆雞翼: 雞翼比較熱,而且鹹香味美,比起魷魚圈好得多了~多士配巴馬火腿: 火腿不太濃味,配上凍的多士,食味一般!煙三文魚卷: 三文魚富有魚油香,魚味濃郁,鹹點來說這款味道最佳!意大利芝士泡芙: 泡芙外皮腍腍的,應該置於室溫頗長時間,泡芙已經腍了,不是脆身的泡芙不好吃~檸檬蛋白撻: 味道超甜,亦沒有檸檬味,不好吃!法式杏仁餅配鮮士多啤梨: 對甜品已經失望,吃最後一款馬卡龍居然有驚喜,外脆內軟的馬卡龍,配合內裡的酸甜士多啤梨醬,這款馬卡龍不會太甜,相對其他甜點,這款味道最佳~餐飲:熱檸茶: 茶底濃厚,配上三片檸檬,酸酸的味道有助消膩~可樂: 友人點了可樂,另加$10,味道應該正常的,哈哈!雖然這款tea set不是每款食物也可口,但以每人百多元可於美利樓吃個優閒的tea set,個人認為價錢合理,可以一試!吃飽後,又是到處閒逛影相的時候la~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)