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Review (57)
Level1 2013-07-29
星期日我們5大2小5:00pm左右去到, 女店員當時準備上香, 上香位置有2-3處包括於店內, 我們被安排於地面上香處不足半尺距離, 我們一直被”煙燻”地食.之前在我們站著等候安排座位時, 我和身邊10歲外甥相談間, 女店員突然在我們身邊舉手雙手貌似好痛苦表情, 之後走開繼而黑面, 佢的行為好奇怪, 雖然食品ok, 但我以後都唔敢再去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-06-10
A friend who is a regular here brought me to Nice Dessert.    My friend ordered a red bean shaved ice which was so refreshing!  The texture was really fine.  I ordered both the white sesame and black sesame soup and the taste was very good -- not too sweet and we were able to finish both bowls!  There were so many items on the menu, I know I will come back to try more! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
陳金:來大坑整車, 等緊師傅整嘅時候坐低食個甜品.千口甘?望多兩眼,咪即係「甜」LOL!哈哈,真搞鬼!點左個芝麻湯丸椰皇盎:我冇諗過湯丸可以配椰皇, 講唔上非常夾,但基本上兩種東西的味道沒有抵觸, 有湯丸食,椰皇又清甜, 都唔錯!見好似好多人都LIKE個心太軟,OK, 下次試試.店名:千口甘甜品屋地址:大坑施弼街4號電話:5178 0010 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-02-17
吃完大滿足的拉麵後, 感覺只有8成飽, 還有吃甜品的quota喎! 黎得大坑當然要品嚐埋甜品啦! 說到大坑的甜品, 小妹只知道「小甜谷」,「Lab Made」和「近600元彩虹蛋糕的C'est la B.....」...黎得大坑當然都有做下功課, 所以就選了較平民化和就腳的糖水店「千口甘」。7點多到達店子, 看到店內有兩位客人在看電視, 原來他們是店員和甜品師傅! 即是整間店只有我們兩位客人! 店子環境不大, 只有十多個座位! 亦有電視機供客人觀看, 相信是家庭式的經營吧! 看看餐牌, 除了大路款式: 心太軟、綿綿冰、焦糖燉蛋和焗西米布甸等..。原來這裡還有「濃情朱古力鍋」, 鍋底是選用瑞士蓮的朱古力, 還滿吸引的! 不過我們只有兩個8成飽的胃, 還是拉倒吧! 剛在前天食了個沒流心的心太軟, 實在太不甘心......所以今次又選擇了要心太軟。甘心太軟 $46 (不知這回又甘不甘心呢?!)等了15分鐘心太軟終於到了! 心太軟面層放了一小塊士多啤梨, 亦放上朱古力捲作點綴。伴著的是Dreyers vanilla雪糕。整體賣相是對的, 不知內裡又如何? 相信如這一次又是"空心", 小妹必定大受打擊! 好了, 一刀切下........流心果然十分澎湃, 這才對嘛!! 和同事不斷拍拍拍這澎湃的畫面。心太軟外圍脆脆的, 軟屬的蛋糕伴著濃郁的朱古力流心, 是合格的心太軟! 賣單$46, 有這樣的水準絕對不貴! 果真比得"甘心"啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-10-23
焗西米布甸 is one of my favourite desserts but but it is hardly to find one that fit my taste. I walked around in 大坑 yesterday night and saw this nice dessert restaurant. They post a big picture about 焗西米布甸 and this attract me to sit in there.I ordered the one with 曰本紅豆, the taste is quite good. The 焦糖 cover is crispy, the japanese bean does match with the taste of pudding. Overall, it is good. I surely will try it again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)