All Branches (3)
It mainly serves teppanyaki in Taiwan night market flavour with fresh ingredients and seafood. The dishes have a wonderful smell and pair with homemade black pepper sauce will level up the taste. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 21:30
Fri - Sat
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
西冷牛扒 豬肉片 魷魚 鮮蠔
Review (37)
之前裝修無得食等佢開返即刻嚟dinner坦白講抵食大份勁飽味道又唔差,3個人都係500幾蚊埋到單👉🏼美國安格斯肉眼牛扒海鮮二人套餐($328)啱啱喺鐵板上面燒好嘅牛扒Juicy又唔un,熟成度掌握得非常好只要點少少海鹽或黑椒牛嘅肉味即刻出晒嚟另外龍脷魚扒小元貝蝦仁同安格斯牛扒係同一個餐嚟架即係一個餐有齊牛,魚,元貝,蝦,仲有白飯,湯同埋鐵板炒油麥菜,仲包飲品呢個餐只係300幾已經飽到呢龍脷魚扒好香又嫩,小元貝同蝦仁個汁較得比較濃但食完又唔會口渴油麥菜比鐵板炒完又唔會好油成個餐超下飯👉🏼鐵板羊柳配紅蝦($148)羊柳唔羶,不過有少少un,但接受到紅蝦就不過不失味道唔算鮮,但肉質尚可服務:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻環境:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻食物:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻📍圓鐵板燒大角咀海庭道18號奧海城2期1樓大食代內✨️套餐選擇幾多款嘅,不過環境因為food court關係,有啲嘈同有啲開揚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-13
今次已經第二次來這間餐廳食飯,環境舒服坐得不錯,第一次來的時候不記得影食物相,我一家三口坐在吧檯上看著廚師鐵板燒炒菜煎和牛同幾隻大蝦和香姑,看著都非常美味😋😋 有湯有燉蛋有飲品有套餐!我今日同老公坐普通枱食兩款不同肉,再次點食和牛同肉眼扒、有鮑魚、有扇貝、有油麥菜、有芽菜、菜脯煎蛋、同有煎豆腐全部非常好食🤩🤩! 兩款牛扒中間蒜頭炒得非常好食😋好爽口😋 餐廳咖啡非常香同好飲不會有苦澀味😍😍我問了用什麼牌子啡啡豆,完來係他們師傅將咖啡豆炒完再磨!我第一次知道原來可以這樣🤩! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-08
Yet to have a chance to try. Booked a table on Sunday evening. Changed the booking from 7:30pm to 7:45pm.When we arrived at 7:38pm, the waitress said she gave our table which was originally booked at 7:30pm to some walk-in customers. We were waiting for another 20mins… no sign of any available seats, and the waitress was totally ignoring us, so we left. Shouldn’t a booking in the system meant anything? Knowing the walk-in customers wouldn’t be able to finish a tappanyaki meal in 10 mins, why not ask the walk-in customers to wait for a few mins before ensuring the 7:45pm booking won’t show up?? It’s just messy. And when I asked the waitress, she replied in ‘complete confidence’ that she’s too busy to think of these because it was a very busy Sunday ! Totally unprofessional ! Maybe too much to ask for from a food court restaurant !?? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
餐廳劃分兩個區域,其中一邊坐鐵板前面。今次被安排坐喺鐵板前面,可以睇住師傅煮嘢食,但係油煙都幾大,幾熱🥵我哋叫咗兩份一人餐(黑椒雞扒,牛肩扒),每個餐都有例湯,蒸蛋,炒菜,白飯,飲品。美中不足嘅係白飯不能轉炒飯,建議餐廳考慮加入炒飯的選擇,讓客人有更多彈性。😔例湯:紫菜蛋花湯冇乜味,感覺用滾水煲,沒有任何調味,失望。😔茶碗蒸:淡而無味,懷疑沒有用高湯或鰹魚粉。鳴門卷味道好假,玉米筍味道也不討好,感覺這個茶碗蒸的成本很低,沒有誠意。👍🏻炒菜:油麥菜炒得唔老,簡單用蒜蓉炒,清清地已經好惹味👍🏻雞扒 :雞皮煎到有少少起焦,好香口,黑椒冇搶到雞扒味。🆗牛肩扒 :叫咗五成熟,質地係似五成熟琳琳地,冇乜血水,做得幾好,唯獨冇乜牛味。蒜子都好食。一人餐份量十足,對食量大嘅人嚟講係一個唔錯嘅選擇。綜合味道和環境而言,只能說是中規中矩,對得起這個價錢🆗👌🏻午飯時間都keep住有人流,最好預先訂座。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-20
今次叫咗個beef more 全牛餐!廚師對於食材好有信心,在烹調時只用了牛油煎到5成熟,然後用少量鹽及黑椒讓我們自行調味。🔅美國安格斯T骨扒 🔅美國牛仔骨🔅美國牛肩扒果然用料上乘,食落去好香好有牛香牛味👍🏻👍🏻 鐵板黑椒汁牛肉片廚師話呢款汁係特別烹調,仔仔好鐘意呢個味道,食咗唔少👍🏻鐵板炒時蔬呢個幾特別,因為好少會用新鮮沙律菜來炒,味道剛好😋跟餐係白飯,但仔仔就決定+$58 和牛炒飯(廚師好細心幫我地分3碗),都炒得好香口唔會太咸,仔仔食完啲牛扒🥩都仲可以食到1大碗炒飯🤩🤩跟餐仲有汽水🥤/礦泉水很豐富的牛魔餐🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)