提供正宗日本料理大型連鎖餐廳,食物選擇豐富包括刺身、沙律、燒物、天婦羅、石鍋飯、鍋物等。務求令顧客可以在休閒舒適的環境中品嚐最當時得令之料理,體驗日本飲食文化。 continue reading
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10% Service Charge
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極上薩摩牛壽喜燒鍋 極上石鍋黑椒薩摩牛飯 和民自慢香脆芝士炸雞 廣島縣產炸牡蠣滑蛋盒子飯 日本產原條魷魚燒
Review (45)
同朋友約出黎食飯,見到依間比較少人,就諗住試下啦。我地叫左一個牛肉火煱、和風比薩同一客花魚燒。牛肉火煱一般,牛肉唔係特別好食,亦唔係太多,其他配料一般,無乜亮點。和風比薩雖然剩係得少少豬肉同雞肉,比較cheap,但係味道尚可,只係我覺得係pizza落salad dressing好奇怪。花魚燒雖然無乜腥味,但係剩係得鹽味,無乜魚本身既香味或者鮮味,比較淡。總括黎講,食物質素同我不嬲對和民既印象差唔多,就係無乜特色同亮點,菜式雖然唔算唔好食,但係係其他鋪頭可以用更平既價錢食到更好既同一菜式,以每人120+既消費黎講,真係唔抵,絕對有其他更好既選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-29
放咗工想輕輕鬆鬆一粒鐘最好食吓野 突然想起和民/和庭 ... 有款我好喜歡的沙律有生洋葱帶出刺鼻清新口味己為6點幾去到又要等咗成半粒鐘 但原來入面仲有好多位可能無人手去準備客人唯有要係門口等 可能我又記錯咗嚟度又無個款想食的沙律唯有選了和民沙律沙律有點平凡新鮮但沒有了那款有鮮洋葱辛辣惹味 今晚亮點係這個墨魚餅賣相討好又精緻沒有厚粉皮只有薄薄焦香墨魚薄皮所以食落都係啖淡墨魚香再者非常彈口不算很油膩十級棒 ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-09-27
一天勞碌後,與家人一起到和民吃晚飯。這間和民的面積廣闊,喜歡那裡的環境,桌面夠大,空間寛敞,坐位舒適,與鄰桌客人距離過適中。考慮點什麼作為晚餐也想了好久,想吃這個又想吃那個菜單列出的菜式實在太多,選擇十分困難,最終二人點了三個菜式,還有無數的甜品、不同的菜式都想吞進肚子裡呢! 熱烘烘地吃這個八爪魚燒餅是一件幸福的事,有咬口的八爪魚燒餅,加上沙津醬與照燒汁在燒餅表面,五十多元,是值得的。牛肉與蔬菜例如芽菜、紅蘿蔔絲,以及生蛋,加上韓式辣醬,與飯混合在一起,少少的辛辣是關鍵所在,尚算合格吧!牛油果與三文魚是一對情侶,十分合襯,不知是牛油果的份量比較少,還是三文魚的覆蓋,要分開吃才得知牛油果的存在!和民和亭眼見愈開愈多,亦有不少合理價錢的菜式,希望他們的水準能保持下去! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-20
I have come here for lunch several times with coworkers as this is one of our rainy day options since we don't have to go outside to get here. The service here is just okay as they have forgotten part of our orders at one time as we were waiting for our food forever. The food here is like fast food quality Japanese food I guess. It's acceptable but not exceptional. I have tried their beef in stone pot rice. It arrived still sizzling and cooking. The beef came half raw and half cooked. The beef itself is pretty good as I can control how cooked it gets. It was juicy but not much flavor. The rice was plain so I only ate a bit of it. I have also tried their sukiyaki and it was also just average. The broth doesn't have substance as it was just sweet, and the beef was fatty while the other content like tofu and noodle were just average. It's not a place I would seek out for quality Japanese food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同個fd去左太古行街,於是黎左哩間和民食dinner。因為無book位,所以要攞籌等位,見到門口堆滿人都預左有排等,但個fd話想食就陪佢等啦,結果等左足足成粒鐘終於入得喇!好肚餓,即刻叫野食先~~「卷物拼盤」:有三款卷物(三文魚、帶子同熟蝦牛油果),食得出係手握,D飯唔會壓得太實,但D料就麻麻地新鮮啦!「海鮮石頭鍋飯」:哩個飯就唔太得,佢無汁架,所以好乾爭爭;話就話係海鮮,但其實得幾隻蝦同帆立貝,但因為無汁既原故,所以無咩味;食到最尾碗邊癡左D飯焦,但因為一開始無落汁,所以D飯焦就得個燶字,仲要苦苦地,唔掂!「牛肉鍋」:朋友推薦,個樣望落OK,但得3、4片牛肉,到喉唔到肺咁;個湯底都幾清甜,用黎烚D豆腐、菇菇都幾好味!D野食唔係話難食既,但要等成粒鐘去食就唔太值得喇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)