This Mexican restaurant and bar is located at Tai Po. There is outdoor dining area, and it is pet-friendly. You can bring your pets there and enjoy a relaxing moment. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
1.Orange Salad 2. Grill Shrimp Poutine 3.Pull Pork Taco 4.Chicken Nachoes 3.Beef Quesidella
Review (67)
在一個下雨天光顧,食物及價錢合理,經理讓我們drinks 買一送一,飲品賣相好看,打卡一流,味道也幾好飲印度炒飯特別好食,很有驚喜,從未食過這種味道!離開時傾盆大雨,經理主動買一把大傘給我的丈夫,讓他去攞車不會全身濕透,把雨傘還給他是他還衝出來接應,令人暖心,真的非常感謝他 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-31
多年來一直來這裡,優質的食物和服務! 超級悠閒、舒適的氛圍,提供露天座位和室內座位。 漢堡、墨西哥捲餅、義大利麵和饃饃是最受歡迎的。 各種西式、亞洲和德州菜餚。 菜色品質穩定,品質一流! 市中心以外最好的招牌雞尾酒,應要求定制的雞尾酒,滿載的酒吧...Been coming here for years excellent food and service! Super laid-back, comfortable atmosphere, open air and in door seating available.Burgers, Chimichanga, pasta, and momos are favourites. Variety of western, Asian and texmex dishes. Consistent, high quality dishes!Best signature cocktails outside downtown, custom cocktails on request, fully loaded bar... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-10-04
通常入大尾督,都是幫襯泰國菜館,不過今次是在晚上去大美督,覺得吃西餐會比較有情調,見到這間ENT餐廳,門口裝修得很有特色,地方乾淨舒適,就入去試一試。打開餐牌,食物種類繁多,除了一般西餐食品之外,更有墨西哥菜、意大利菜、泰國菜等等,非常有特色,最驚喜的,就是價錢非常便宜,每份大多都只是一百元左右,在這個旅遊旺區,難得!我們兩個人,叫了一個海鮮pizza,和一份墨西哥豬肉Taco,及開了一支紅酒。前菜豬肉墨西哥Taco, 相信豬肉是混合了一些火腿,有淡淡的鹹香味,我把鍱上用作裝飾的紫椰菜加到夾餅中,除了鹹香,更帶一點甘,作為紅酒的小食,一流。主菜的pizza,海鮮份量十足,啖啖都係海鮮,更配上我喜歡的黑和青橄欖,色香味俱全。看到其他食客的食物,都非常有水準,全部都做到色香味俱全。除了食品質素滿意之外,服務更是一流,老闆不時便走過來為我們倒紅酒;看到我的餐紙巾污糟了,便給我換上新的,非常貼心。埋單嘅時候,和老闆閑談了幾句,原來整間餐廳已經開業差不多十年,由最初的裝修,牆紙、地板、餐牌、菜式,以及眼見的一切一切都是由這對尼泊爾夫婦一手一腳打理,真的不簡單。ENT, 是Eat and Talk的意思。餐廳設有戶外和室內兩部份,不論戶外戶內,裝修都非常漂亮,座椅舒服,值得推介。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-03
-間大埔少有高質西餐廳😍,環境空間-流,坐位附近設有大型風機,天氣熱都坐得舒服!當日係慶生晚餐,餐廳又可以order寫名嘅cheese 🍰😋,仲有生日歌播放添🥳!食物味道好食唔在講,份量亦好充足👍🏿,服務態度非常貼心、友善親切,絕對係-間性價比高嘅高質高享受餐廳😊最緊要係Pet friendly🐶🐶👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿所以真心值得推介🌟👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿環境一流👍🏻舒服👍🏻推介👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We would love to recommend Ent Restaurant & Bar to not only Mexican food lovers but foodies in general who love Western cuisine. My friend ordered a beef burger dish and beetroot risotto with roast duck as afternoon tea sets. Wow, the beetroot risotto was one of the absolute best risotto I've ever had in Hong Kong, simply full of surprises with presentation and flavours. Service was excellent and I think the Ent team should really be proud of themselves, and we need more quality like that in Hong Kong continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)