Review (5)
3月31日, 每次呀菲只能食肉與菜嘅減肥日子就特別掛住呢度嘅雞脾! 星期六lunch time時間嚟到, 比之前多咗人食~ 但係仍可以輕易搵到位坐.::: 秘製烤雞全腿 Set A ::: $50而家招牌主打嘅雞全腿同house ribs都好systematic咁有兩款set比你揀~ 兩款都包含沙律同飲品, 分別在於Set A係跟薯角、Set B係跟洋蔥圈. 由於呀菲要戒澱粉, 橫掂薯角同洋蔥圈都食唔到, 就叫個平d嘅set, 照舊同店員要求走薯角, 改要多d沙律菜, 店員都體貼答應. 雞脾依舊係即叫即焗, 所以都要等一陣… 新鮮焗起嘅雞脾皮脆肉嫩, 肉質亦醃得入味, 配上胡麻醬色更加錦上添花! 沙律份量夠晒多, d菜又夠新鮮~ 好味道!::: House Ribs (Light) Set B ::: $65上次嚟見到人地食, 就決定咗下次一定要試下~ 半份嘅肋骨其實份量都唔少, 數數埋埋有7條骨咁多, 骨雖然唔係好長, 但係分隔得幾開, 中間嘅肉好多~ 肋骨用上BBQ醬去燒, 甜中帶少少酸, 好開胃! 肉地乾身但係又唔會燶, 肉味唔算濃, 但係個醬夠晒味去彌補不足, 雖說不上係上等貨, 但係呢個價錢同份量可以喺一間小店食到真係唔錯~ 洋蔥圈好新鮮, 真係食到洋蔥絲, 同埋個炸皮同洋蔥圈係分開, 唔會炸到一舊舊粉, 不過得4件少咗d.因為唔想加錢飲其他特別野又唔想飲汽水, 唯有都係叫番奶茶… 同上次一樣, 都係屬水準以下. 用茶包都幾馬虎, 話晒都西式野, 加少少裝備用english tea會唔會好d? 味道唔敢講會好, 但係會俾人一個認真d嘅印象.不過隔咗兩個零月無嚟, 呢度已經加咗價! 戥佢開心嘅係, 生意做得住先有條件加價~ 唔好嘅當然係我地會食貴咗啦! 不過加還加, 食物水準保持到我地都會繼續支持嘅! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-06-03
Last time I had the chicken, it was amazing, so this time I came back for the ribs.Same as last time I got the set, which includes a drink and a side orderFor the side order this time I had the fruit salad.The fruit salad turned out to be really good because the product shot on the menu illustrates it as fruit with salad cream when it was just pieces of fruit.If I knew that last time, I would have got the fruit, it had fresh blueberries and strawberries as well.The chicken tasted as good as last time, with lots of herbs on it (the photo doesn’t show it that well).The ribs were nicely done, it was covered in rich sauce which you can see from the photo.I think next time I will leave some space for dessert. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-04-21
好少食燒雞,貪新鮮買個combo試試。1/4隻雞,就只得雞脾。即叫即燒,很熱辣,而且皮脆肉滑,幾好食。要彈的話就是醃得未夠入味。選配Signature Sauce,味道酸酸地,減了點肥膩感。沙律也不錯,椰菜幾爽脆。至於粟米湯則是罐頭貨式,算ok啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)