3-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (154)
Level2 2024-10-16
呢間開業初期嗰時成日買,小朋友鍾意食。都唔知吸咗幾多張印仔卡了🤭 之後可能食得太多停咗一排 🤪 前排再買返都仲係咁好味 👍🏻值得讚。今次買mix original & Lava chocolate(食完一嚿先記得影相) Lava chocolate 朱古力香濃剛好又不失Original嘅味道。Original 就不用說了,蛋糕味香濃又鬆軟,有別於好多其他所謂嘅古早蛋糕店👏🏻 只能說用心製作,超值,好味👏🏻 加油! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
又發現一間本地特色嘅古早蛋糕,其實之前一直都會食開一間係喺荃灣嗰間叫香綿綿嘅古早蛋糕,呢間古早蛋糕都幾唔錯,紅棗蓉古早蛋糕,棗香味好濃,同埋栗子蓉古早蛋糕個栗子蓉,粒粒栗子,口感右粉又綿,原味鮮奶都好香,蛋香味好濃,夠濕潤柔軟綿綿,一手撳落去仲會彈返上嚟,濕潤得來又乾身香味好濃,一舊仲好墜手,不過呢間就貴過香綿綿嗰間,但係各有各好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I was in the area for lunch and spotted these pandan cookies at Mr.W so as a pandan fan how could I resist in not trying one.As well as pandan cookies, there were other flavours like chocolate chip, marshmallow, matcha etc. Some were plain cookies and some were filled with mochi.The pandan cookie I got was filled with mochi so it was a bonus in terms of mouthful.The pandan and coconut flavour was really pleasing but the texture of the cookie is so different to the chewy soft baked ones which I was expecting like Mrs fields.The texture of these cookies are crumbly and crunchy with a soft gooey mochi in the middle.Overall worth trying . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-07
點可以唔講吓去呢間店試嗰份焙茶朱古力麻糬曲奇?滿口嘅茶香同朱古力甜滋滋嘅滋味簡直係撲面而嚟!麻糬部分又煙韌得嚟唔會太黏牙,啖啖韌性十足,真係手不釋口呀😋!跟住,流心曲奇嘅榛子朱古力粒粒,真係食落「秋波四射」🤩,心花怒放嘅感覺!朱古力粒粒同流心榛子醬一咬落去,就似舞會中嘅皇后咁,高貴又唔俗氣,一流👑。噉講住,古早味蛋糕又點少得?開邊食都係咁綿軟,入口即化,原味同粟子紅豆味個個博得我心。而且仲可以雙拼,玩轉口味,諗起都嘩咁滋味!喂,你話我寫得太艷麗呀?咁你得閒就去食吓啦,保證你跟我一樣,為之心花怒放,色香味俱全㗎!花小錢都可以食到大享受,真係太正喇!🥳🍰🍪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-30
每次經過天后區都會想買盒原味蛋糕回家同屋企人分享!雖然這類古早味蛋糕有很多選擇,而價錢比Mr. W便宜,但我就是喜歡Mr. W的家庭式的親切感,而且蛋糕很鬆軟、不太甜、很香,回家途中都聞到香氣四溢,而且味道及鬆軟都剛好,很好吃!已經回購多次了,印仔都吸滿了!但我每次都只買原味蛋糕,下次要的起心肝試買無花果的,試試!真的不錯!得推介!利申:不是廣告!不是廣告!不是廣告! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)