Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level3 2017-08-26
if you're looking for something cold and refreshing to get through the hot days, but can't get over the guilt of an ice-cream, you'll love COZY fro-yo. Cozy has 8 standard choices on their menu ($35-$48), and a create-your-own starting at $30. I always go for their standard ones, I find they're the best for value since they already come with at least 4 to 5 toppings. Today I went for their Daily Breakfast, which came with blueberries. strawberries, caramelized apple bits, cornflakes, and choco-flakes bar. the size was very decent to be honest, and so as the presentation. the yogurt was mildly sweet and sour, super refreshing and fulfilling. all the toppings are rather healthy, with crunchy cereal meeting juicy fruits, one shouldn't feel much guilt after downing the whole froyothere's limited bar settings in the shop, so feel free to enjoy the yogurt before hitting the (hot) road continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-06-17
食甜品會令我心情好啲所以無論幾飽可以既話我都會照食甜品住土瓜灣既同事介紹呢間yogurt店店面比較細同窄不過都有企位既長枱比客人響鋪頭入面食佢有啲似smile yogurt有8款已經配搭好既組合亦可以自己揀配料 又有雪糕同飲品出售身為朱古力控同抹茶控既我最後揀左呢個佢個名叫Matcha Love有抹茶厥餅白玉丸子中間有紅豆 yogurt上有抹茶粉插住嗰三支朱古力條本來應該係抹茶脆卷賣相即刻扣左分普通yogurt 唔算有咩特別 唔係好值$48但唯一優點佢算收得夜 收22:30同埋呢區真係好似無咩食yogurt既鋪頭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-02-18
I haven't seen tea soda on the menu before so when I saw Jasmine Soda I decided to try it.It was very fizzy but lacked Jasmine flavour even though there were so much Jasmine flower buds in the drink.They also had these Butterfly pea flower drinks, the weirdest one had to be the chocolate. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-02-18
腳步踏出腸粉店, 圍繞這條既熟悉卻又陌生的土瓜灣街道上走了一圈,發現有不小心店進駐、 第一眼吸著便是這間長長窄窄的YOGURT店、眼見可能剛開舖我這名外地客,應該是當日第一名顧客、yogurt 大致分為八款 ,柚子、抹茶 、麻薯、 芒果 、朱古力等, 平均以價由HK$45至HK$48元 ~在於土瓜灣區叫價中規中矩、 店內亦設有咖啡,價錢尚合理、如無記憶出錯大约HK$二十多元起跳,要知道小小之學生力量乃是小店默默生存之強大後盾,這點老闆應該深深了解 ~多心是女士們的專利, 尤其在於甜品身上、 要來一個以芒果做主角的yogurt, 新鮮入饌之芒果肉清甜味美、面層加上些少柚子肉,帶出另一份酸香、中層夾雜著三四顆小丸子, 不過有感較硬略嫌疑似較早前做上, 口感韌而非帶軟糯、如果這點缺憾也改善 ,這杯甜就會更為美好了~在恬靜平和的土瓜灣內, 享受著一個乍暖還寒日子下歎番個yogurt實有說不出之暢快。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-01-05
好似好耐冇黎食Yogurt喇! 今晚再一次行經COZY, 心郁郁又走過來食一杯了, 每一次黎到都會試上不同口味嘅乳酪雪糕, 經過一番揀選之下最後叫了Choco Yogurt 🍦Choc Choc Choc &48COZY 既Yogurt 各個賣相都相當吸引! 今日叫了朱古力乳酪, 外形同餐牌畫出來的樣子是一模一樣, 呢度嘅乳酪其實已經食過無數次味道酸酸地, 甜甜地, 非常喜愛這裏的乳酪口味!而今次叫的是巧克力造型, 除了朱古力餅Oreo餅乾之外還有朱古力粒朱古力醬, 落味道甜甜的與乳酪的微酸感覺形成強烈對比, 但比較上.....個人覺得生果配乳酪味都會比較優勝! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)