It specialises in shabu shabu with all-you-can-eat style with high quality wagyu imported from Japan. You can enjoy rare parts of wagyu with the recommended ways by the restaurant to level up the experience. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon-Sun: 12:00-22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
brisket Kobe Beef
Review (20)
Level4 2013-07-02
Tried this place because all the other options were packed with people.Chose the milk broth which was tasteless, luckily they had fried rice, plain rice and Japanese curry.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Milk broth:Tasteless.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Japanese curry:Luckily this tasted quite nice but the herbs in it were quite strong.Japanese pearl rice was used for both plain rice and fried rice.The curry tasted nice with tofu and fishballs which you can cook in the hotpot.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Icecream incident:The icecream that they have is Haagen Daz which is hard to scoop out.It was quite funny because someone got stressed out scooping some Baileys icecream and it made a strand of their hair fall out because it went straight in the icecream which fell in the strawberry section!No one touched it afterwards!~  ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-04-01
有一段日子沒去了, 想跟家人吃一下火鍋, 就選了牛陣.結果真的比之前差很遠!!!以前一向吃118的套餐, 便宜抵吃的..但打開menu, 怎最便宜只是138?再看一下...118 套餐收到最後..而改為清湯原本118有日式火鍋 (就是甜豉油湯底) 現在變成138! 118的所謂清湯根本像水一樣.........牛陣賣點就是日式火鍋麻~ 竟然硬要你加錢才享有日式火鍋的味道...整個感覺就不爽了之後肉質也變差了, 十分韌芝士腸....就像大陸吃的粉紅色腸一樣...怪味...比雙匯牌還難吃..如果以差不多的價錢, 別間火鍋店 牛XX 真的好吃多了..配料種類較多亦好吃牛陣賣點只剩雪糕是haagen daz.......... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一直聽說牛陣有haägen Dazs雪糕任食, 今次經過想著不妨一試,怎料進到店內始發現這間分店只有dreyer's, 心裡的分數已經大打折扣...食物種類十分有限, 夾了兩碟已覺得沒什麼好吃...味道方面, 蕃茄湯底是用茄膏開出來而不是以鮮茄熬出來的,所以不僅不清甜, 更是搶去了其他食物的味道...最奇怪的是店內餐具連湯匙也沒有, 詢問待應拿取時他又裝作聽不到走開了...總括來說, 這一頓沒什麼服務也沒什麼食物質數可言...失望... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-05
今天同嘉豪出街, 在家附近都拿不到主意食什麼!食火鍋是最好選擇, 因為可以不用想, 最後都決定了去牛陣食火鍋, 我們都是第一次來到,門外見到是四十八元起午市火鍋, 任食一小時, 起初想order一個牛乳牛肉火鍋(每位$58)及一個牛肉火鍋(每位$48), 可是waitress同我們講一定要兩個人要order同一款火鍋, 不過都不要緊, 最後我們都是order兩個牛肉火鍋(每位$48),之後order了汽水, 不過汽水只有fanta orange及雪碧, 因為coke 及cream soda 已經售罄, waitress 話$10一罐,但最後埋單都是沒有free soft drink點好了火鍋後, 出了自助吧夾蔬菜及其他火鍋配料, 選擇都不少蔬菜方面有白菜, 翠玉瓜, 生菜, 薯仔片, 南瓜片, 甘筍片, 蕃茄, 金菇, 冬菇, 椰菜, 芽菜,粉絲.....另外還有烏冬, 墨魚蛋, 牛丸, 油麵, 腸仔, 芝士腸...選擇都真是不少, 而且還可以任食.....除了火鍋配料, 更有熟食供應有卷物, 忌廉湯, 白飯, 炒飯及自助沙律吧, 飯後更有雪糕可任食, 出面就是寫上dreyer's雪糕!!服務員讓我們坐下來後送上兩碟牛肉, 肥瘦尚算均勻, 雪花紋都好分明,蘸上麻醬及豉油真是格外美味, 蔬菜方面都好新鮮, 特別是生菜真是非常翠綠, 又爽脆, 不過烏冬就碎了一點,一滾就散, 芝士腸的芝士味薄, 整體上火鍋配料都還可以, 沙律吧方面的選擇真是好少又不吸引, 一些紫洋蔥, 青瓜絲, 花生, 泡菜及jelly 糖, 我只是取了少許泡菜及花生, 泡菜味道都好夠辣, 隨後我們取了一些卷物, 卷物sushi 都不錯, 用了芝麻碎圍邊而且有一些生菜及蟹柳, 味道好清新, 飯都不會太黏, 可是wasabi不夠勁, 炒飯我就沒有食, 知道是牛肉炒飯, 有點太乾身及配料少, 忌廉湯更是令我不想飲, 太稠糊了!!最後十五分鐘, 服務生都好nice會remind 客人, 而且都會好有效率收碟,而且幫我們加火鍋湯, 我們取了每款一球的雪糕, 可是食得出有些是牛奶公司, 有些真是dreyer's, 最慘是三個雪糕舀的水都沒有人換, 真是好嘔心, 不是好衛生, 整體上食物的水準有好有不好的地方, 環境都不錯又光猛, 雖然好多客人打邊爐, 但不會好油煙,而且有卡位的沙發位坐, 空調足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期五想等埋女朋友一齊黎食牛陣. 但係呢度要人齊先入座...開頭有位冇得坐低, 後尾等位又等左好耐....而家新出左一個148以上, 飲品任飲...但係計計下都唔係好抵.最後都係叫左128. 雙併湯底, 食最普通既牛肉~ 講真而家的牛真係冇以前岩岩開張果時咁好食....我覺得的豬肉仲好味的~ 豬肉我地要左4碟...反而牛肉只係要2碟都覺得多反面配料今次要多左...蘿白/魚蛋好味~不過食得果128蚊一位. 仲想點呀~又唔係真係收得好貴~我認為呢一間既服務態度是不錯的~ 的職員都好Friendly. 雖然佢地有時都答非所問。我地仲叫左4支jolly shandy. 都係30蚊~埋單都係300蚊鬆少少, 算係咁喇~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)