Opening Hours
Tue - Fri
08:00 - 19:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday Eve
08:00 - 19:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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簡約既裝修,明潔既舖面,比左個好舒服既感覺。係將軍澳海濱行過,見到有一間特色小店,就入左去睇,店舖既款式雖然唔多 但係每樣都精心製作。價錢亦都好合理,始終都係無添加既麵包,值得一試! 呢度亦都有咖啡可以買,不過已經係下午,所以我都冇試到咖啡。1.全麥方包($20)全麥方包好軟熟,我原塊買所去自己切。雖然麥香味唔太重,但包體好出色,食得出麵粉香,好天然無添加。2.芝士貝果 ($15)貝果既包體都頗煙韌,唔係好似坊間有啲扮bagel 都圓圈包,餡既比例配合幾好,有芝士粒係入面。雖然話係迷你bagel 但我覺得size 係適中👍🏽多啲支持小心,好難得有無添加手工麵包🍞
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平時中意食包黎做下午茶,今次經過見到呢間master boulangerie ,係小小既店,係donki後面都幾易搵嫁!小店既包唔算好多,但次次黎都有唔同既包揀,今次食完下次未必再買到嫁!宇治金時貝果$33Bagel係我最愛!見到店入面都有3-4款bagel選擇,今次就先上下呢個宇治金時味啦!見佢成個貝果都綠色,上面仲有啲綠茶醬,賣相好吸引!拎到番屋企食,咬落去好煙韌!回彈力超強!質感超正呀!食晒成個都唔會覺得濟添!啲宇治抹茶味好出,食落去淡淡都係抹茶香味!好掂!
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The first time I came across this bakery, everything had sold out. It was late so perfectly understandable. But I was intrigued so the next time I was in the area, I immediately went there to buy some bread.Master Boulangerie has the kitchen in the back. The front of shop is where they display a sample of their items. They sold a various Japanese style bread and bagels. Everything was labelled in English and Chinese.I bought a cranberry cream cheese bagel ($33). It was pretty big with some frosting and crumbled freeze dried fruit on one side.Inside was some cream cheese. The bagel was pretty good. A nice chewy texture with some tartness in the middle.I also bought a matcha azuki bean loaf ($30). It was really green. The azuki beans were evenly distributed. The bread was so soft with some sweetness.The bread was delicious. You didn't even need a spread on them. Would definitely be back for more.
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