Specialising in traditional Vietnamese cuisine, Da Lat serves up mouth-watering dishes from golden glutinous rice cakes,fermente beancurd with chicken to Da Lat fried cakes. All of which are worth trying!
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
走走逛逛, 原來地底有這個越餐, 反正沒意見, 就一試吧越式春卷六件又熱又脆, 料多, 包著新鮮生菜吃加點特製汁, 整體ok湯夠惹味, 令人開胃, 甜甜少許酸的, 亦有很多蕃茄, 不錯! 很多的檬粉, 有吃不完的感覺, 難得! 全都煮得稔的牛筋及腩, 而且很多件, 令人滿意
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Having lived in Hong Kong for 2 years with my Vietnamese wife, we have been on the constant search for good authentic Vietnamese cuisine, which I have to say up till now has been mostly a disappointment.Originally coming from Sydney where we have a large Vietnamese community and with Australia being a good source of fresh produce, I have been lucky to sample some of the best Vietnamese cuisine outside of Vietnam. I also resided in Vietnam for a couple of years and I am a regular yearly visitor so when it comes to Vietnamese cuisine, I know what's good and what is not.Now for the review of Da Lat...Intrigued by the information on the OpenRice and K11 website saying this establishment is "Specialising in traditional Vietnamese cuisine", I thought I'd head done in the afternoon and give it a try.I arrived and went straight to the menu on the wall and saw the menu was in Chinese, English and Vietnamese - a good start. Glancing through the menu I noticed many staple dishes included however many were not. No problem, I'll sit down and order.The best way to gauge a Vietnamese restaurants quality and ability is the sample the Phở Bò Tái. If a restaurant can't get the staple national dish of Vietnam right first go, it's unlikely they will get anything else right.I ordered the Phở Bò Tái and waited in anticipation for what what they bring out of the kitchen. The bowl of Phở Bò Tái promptly arrived however I couldn't smell the usual aroma that accompanies each and every bowl. The waitress comes back with a tiny dish with the smallest cut of lime I have ever seen, some chopped chilli and 4 wilted Vietnamese "Hung Que" basic leaves attached to a stem - No fresh bean sprouts or Ngo Gai (culantro) to be seen. This obviously isn't going well and I haven't even started to eat yet. I don't bother asking for more fresh herbs based on the state of what has been served to me but I call the waitress over and ask for "tuong den" and "tuong ot" condiments and they were missing from the table. The waitress comes back with "nuoc mam" in a container - this was not going well. I spoke with 4 different staff members and eventually came to the conclusion that they don't have the basic clue of what Phở is and how it should be served and consumed.Now to the taste... after the above disappointment I wasn't expecting much and I decided to dig in. The broth was flavourless hence the lack of aroma I was experiencing. It seemed to be missing key ingredients and the right balance so I decided to try the noodles. The banh pho at least was the right authentic noodle however it didn't taste fresh and appeared to be over-cooked. Presentation: 3/10Broth: 2/10Condiments: 2/10Overall I would have to say this is not only my worst Vietnamese restaurant experience so far in Hong Kong, but the worst I have experienced anywhere in the world. (Aside from Vietnam, I've experienced Vietnamese cuisine in Singapore, Bangkok, Sydney, Melbourne, Paris and Orange County in California).For those wanting to experience authentic Vietnamese cuisine or at very least, have a good meal. I highly recommend avoiding Da Lat Viet Cuisine and look for another alternative.
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一向少吃越南菜,越南菜也不是自己特別喜愛的菜式,所以很久沒有吃過了。這一夜,來到 K11 吃晚飯,見到這間「大叻越式料理」,想到很久不曾在越菜館子吃過東西了,便決定入內試試吃一頓久違了的越南餐。這店子環境甚為開揚,開放式的店舖可以坐在店子外圍的客人無遮無擋地看到 K11 商場內的店舖與遊人,而這夜的我,正是坐在外圍的一張二人桌上。雖說這一餐我吃的是越南菜,但其實這次所吃的一個「越式風情二人套餐」,嚴格來說只有小吃的「越南春卷」稱得上是越南菜,其餘的菜式以至飲品,都與正宗的越南菜有點距離。不過這又有什麼所謂呢,最重要的都是好吃吧了,那管它是否正宗的越南菜呢!這「越式風情二人套餐」的小吃有四款可揀,在四款小吃中,我們揀了「越南春卷」。這以生菜包裹著吃的春卷,炸得香脆,也甚為香口,感覺不錯。主菜揀的是「咖喱牛腩煲」,這辣度適中的「咖喱牛腩煲」的牛筋腩和薯仔都煲得甚為軟腍,特別那些薯仔,更是入口即化,不過牛筋腩份量就不是太多,而且瘦的部分偏多,肥的部分較少,未能讓人吃出帶著脂膏的牛腩的美味。「蒜蓉包」水準普通,雖然夠熱,但包身烘得較硬,而且蒜蓉也下得不夠多,使味道打了一點折扣。因為不想吃跟餐的普通油菜,加了數塊錢叫來的「蝦醬炒通菜」,份量則頗多,而且鑊氣也夠,吃來頗為惹味。餐飲的「鹹檸梳打」與「青檸梳打」,味道不過不失,可以啦!最後的甜品,雖然只是毫無誠意的涼粉一碗,總算聊勝於無。總括這一餐,說是非常滿意是算不上的,不過以這價錢,在尖沙咀區的大型商場內,吃的還要是晚餐,也收貨了。
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週末和老公及兒子去了深圳的「大飽口福」吃自助午餐,之後到附近的商場胡亂逛了好一陣子,到黃昏時份一家人回港,來了尖沙咀這人氣地標 K11。由於各人食力尚未恢復元氣,胃納有限,決定在場內找點輕食。筆者本屬意去型格的拉麵店 misocool , 但老公竟說:「不是家附近也有一間嗎? 怎麼不找間未試過的呢?」 見不遠處有間越式料理「大叻」,看起來骨子企理,而且又不用排隊等位,提議到這裡一試。坐下後細看四周環境,白色木牆、白色水晶燈、風景掛畫、米白絲絨高背卡座,裝潢既有越南小店風味,也帶著絲絲法國風情。好,先看看餐牌,款式選擇也不算少,由越南小吃、撈檬、湯粉以至小菜都有,不過中午的自助餐還沒全消化掉,所以只在特飲欄中挑了杯涼粉紅豆冰。至於父子兩人就分別點了咖喱牛腩河及香茅豬頸肉河。候餐其間,再細意翻閱一吓那本湖水綠色的菜牌,原來在最後一頁有介紹大叻 (Đà Lạt) 這個地方。據知大叻是越南南部城市,位於胡志明市東北三百公里處,建於海拔一千五百多米的高原上,周圍是一望無際的松林,風景自然美觀,是個少有的高原度假勝地,加上氣候清新怡人,市內又有幾家不錯的越南餐館,難怪店主選用「大叻」作店子名稱喇。說回正題,先上的咖喱牛腩河粉 ($48),以一個闊口大碗盛載,不過原來內裡份量不多,幸好大家也不太餓。先吃一口河粉,據說是越南來的貨源,口感軟滑不膩,有咬勁,可惜入口沒多少米香。又喝一口湯,味道偏淡,也沒多少咖喱辛辣味,幸好牛腩肉質肥瘦適中,吃來尚算軟腍不韌,整體味道平均卻沒甚麼特色可言。老公向來愛吃豬頸肉,貪其口感香軟兼帶份獨有的油香,至於這裡的香茅豬頸肉河粉 ($43),薄切的豬頸肉,燒得乾身不焦,可惜香脆度不高,而且肉汁也不多,幸好肉質不韌,配上點點香茅味,整體還算可以。不過最敗筆的還是那個不知所謂的湯底,淡而無味,全沒越南風味可言。至於我點的涼粉紅豆冰 ($26) 以高身的杯子配上塊頭極大的冰粒,而且紅豆少,涼粉多,猶幸紅豆大粒軟綿,涼粉爽滑有彈性,喝來味道甜美,口感不俗。總的來說,這裡食物唔算有特色,不過如果趕時間唔想等位,這兒是個不錯選擇。
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